which came first, the cow or the chicken?


In withdrawal.
Valued Senior Member
actually who came first, the egg or the chicken?

hint: it proves that god doesn't need a god..

no, it proves god has to not have a god.
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actually who came first, the egg or the chicken?

The egg is used by many creatures and came long, long before the chicken. However, sexual reproduction, which uses eggs, was a later development by creatures who could reproduce by other means, spores, budding or fission for example. So the creature came before the egg.

None of which has the least to do with your imaginary god.
The egg is used by many creatures and came long, long before the chicken. However, sexual reproduction, which uses eggs, was a later development by creatures who could reproduce by other means, spores, budding or fission for example. So the creature came before the egg.

None of which has the least to do with your imaginary god.

But if you look at genetics the first true chicken (whatever the hell that is) was once an egg.
Now part of the egg is actually made by the mother and the rest is baby.

So really we need very specific definitions for what constitutes a chicken and for what is an egg in this context.
I'm assuming the OP meant chicken egg, by the way.
oh man i shouldn't have asked such a hard question..

lets see if someone a bit smarter comes along and answers such a simple, clear, straight forward, A or B question...
oh man i shouldn't have asked such a hard question..

lets see if someone a bit smarter comes along and answers such a simple, clear, straight forward, A or B question...

There is no answer until you precisely define 'chicken' and 'egg'. Unless you meant eggs in general, then the answer is an easy one.
Neither came first. There was no "first" chicken or "first" egg. Evolution doesn't work that way.
ok, we'll have it your way.

which came first, the egg or the egg layer?
The very first chicken had an ancestor that wasn't a chicken but laid a chicken egg.

Crunchy, i am just curious as to what you think cause that to occur.

No one word answers pease.

Yes. No animal gives birth to anything but it's own species.
Not true. The mule is an exception.

A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. Horses and donkeys are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes. Of the two F1 hybrids between these two species, a mule is easier to obtain than a hinny (the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey). All male mules and most female mules are infertile.

See wiki for full article.
Crunchy, i am just curious as to what you think cause that to occur.

No one word answers pease.

Genetic variance, mutation, error, viral modification, etc... Anything that can result in DNA and / or RNA changes.
There are quite a few that can. Lions mating with tigers (and producing Ligers) would be an example.

By and far that only happens in very close species and even then the offspring are often sterile or have other issues.

Nor is the chicken a hybrid.
The egg. What we call a chicken hatched from an egg. The very first chicken had an ancestor that wasn't a chicken but laid a chicken egg.

can we take this as the atheist stand and proceed from it?

if not, then state your objection, modification or whatever. if you don't like the OP question, then see if you can answer the one in my previous post.

No, it proves a chicken and its egg needed a dinosaur (egg laying ancestor)

ok, we'll have it your way.

which came first, the egg or the egg layer?


Not true. The mule is an exception.

A mule is the offspring of a male donkey and a female horse. Horses and donkeys are different species, with different numbers of chromosomes. Of the two F1 hybrids between these two species, a mule is easier to obtain than a hinny (the offspring of a male horse and a female donkey). All male mules and most female mules are infertile.

See wiki for full article.
wow, i knew about the mule and everything, we took it in biology, mendelian and non-mendelian reproduction i guess, but i didn't know it goes THAT far, so, can he have a lion screwing an eagle to get a hippogrif for harry to ride on?

on a spreadsheet chicken comes first, because we often list alphabetically