Whether there is or whether there isn't...


Valued Senior Member
...a higher power, what does it matter??? Seriously? We are here for such a short time in the grand scheme of things. Does it really matter if there is a god? Haven't we got better things to do with our time like cure diseases, end wars, and end hunger for everyone, despite the existance (or non-existance) of a higher power?

If you believe god exists and he created everything, then he created cancer. Stop praying, Mr Cancer Patient, let his will be done.

If you believe god doesn't exist, then get your ass to work on finding a cure!
...a higher power, what does it matter??? Seriously? We are here for such a short time in the grand scheme of things. Does it really matter if there is a god? Haven't we got better things to do with our time like cure diseases, end wars, and end hunger for everyone, despite the existance (or non-existance) of a higher power?

If you believe god exists and he created everything, then he created cancer. Stop praying, Mr Cancer Patient, let his will be done.

If you believe god doesn't exist, then get your ass to work on finding a cure!

i watched a documentary not long ago that suggested there was a cure for cancer, but there's too much money to be made from making people sick and treating their symptoms. the name of it is "the beautiful truth".

which is a great example of the effect that greed has on our lives. you can apply that to war and hunger as well.

i've heard many, many people argue that greed is good, and i think that's where a belief in god and in scripture makes a big difference.

People are free to believe in whatever they like, and that's fine with me. But beliefs have real world consequences. Trying to use ancient mythology to deny basic humans rights, such as the rights of gays to marry, is but one of the myriad examples of how dogmatic nonsense affects those who want nothing to do with it.
i watched a documentary not long ago that suggested there was a cure for cancer, but there's too much money to be made from making people sick and treating their symptoms. the name of it is "the beautiful truth".
Funnily enough the pill that cures cancer is also the one that lets your car run on water, keeps UFOs away and solves all your financial problems at the same time as making you irresistible to the appropriate sex.
Damn those profiteering bastards, damn them! :rolleyes:
a higher power doesn't have anything to do with dogmatic nonsense either.
Funnily enough the pill that cures cancer is also the one that lets your car run on water, keeps UFOs away and solves all your financial problems at the same time as making you irresistible to the appropriate sex.
Damn those profiteering bastards, damn them! :rolleyes:

it's not a pill (how typical). if you want to, you can watch the documentary.
I see there really is a need for the sarcasm symbol.

No thanks, I prefer my fiction to be more believable.

it's not fiction, you're just exhibiting the classic symptoms of denial. it actually documents scientific testing and proof. that's the whole point of the documentary.

the point of the treatment, to summarize, has to do with an appreciation for nature and our bodies, and a lifestyle and diet that is not supported by our commerce and medical community.

it's amazing to me that we are moronic enough to think that we can constantly inundate our bodies with manmade chemicals, that are in our food, water, air, and ironically enough, our medical treatments (all of which are a source of profit for some organization or practitioner), without our bodies protesting in this way.
it's not fiction

you're just exhibiting the classic symptoms of denial.
No I'm not!!

it actually documents scientific testing and proof. that's the whole point of the documentary.
Yes, the same way that documentaries :rolleyes: provide the proof of UFOs, ghosts and other non-existent fantasies.

the point of the treatment, to summarize, has to do with an appreciation for nature and our bodies
Yup, New Age bollocks.

it's amazing to me that we are moronic enough to think that we can constantly inundate our bodies with manmade chemicals, that are in our food, water, air, and ironically enough, our medical treatments (all of which are a source of profit for some organization or practitioner), without our bodies protesting in this way.
It's equally amazing to think that people don't consider disease etc. to also be part of nature.
...a higher power, what does it matter??? Seriously? We are here for such a short time in the grand scheme of things. Does it really matter if there is a god? Haven't we got better things to do with our time like cure diseases, end wars, and end hunger for everyone, despite the existance (or non-existance) of a higher power?

If you believe god exists and he created everything, then he created cancer. Stop praying, Mr Cancer Patient, let his will be done.

If you believe god doesn't exist, then get your ass to work on finding a cure!
Which of these are you doing?
Let's take this one step further.
Posited: there's a cure for cancer.
Also posited: this cure is suppressed (for whatever reason) by people with lots of money.
Also posited: there's a documentary available, with scientific testing and proof, no less*.

Question: if the suppressors are so rich and powerful that they can prevent stop people learning about/ using this cure, is it not also likely, and feasible, that they'd suppress the "evidence", suppress the dissemination of this "knowledge"?

* As if the general public (TV viewing? You didn't say whether it's a TV documentary or just some internet crank) would be able to recognise and evaluate scientific "testing and proof" anyway (look at the rise of cranks in the health business: homoeopathy, "Dr." Gillian McKieth, etc).
You don't think the "documentary" makers had an agenda?
You don't think they put the best possible spin on whatever "evidence" they had (if it wasn't entirely fabricated, that is)?
Let's take this one step further.
Posited: there's a cure for cancer.
Also posited: this cure is suppressed (for whatever reason) by people with lots of money.
Also posited: there's a documentary available, with scientific testing and proof, no less*.

Question: if the suppressors are so rich and powerful that they can prevent stop people learning about/ using this cure, is it not also likely, and feasible, that they'd suppress the "evidence", suppress the dissemination of this "knowledge"?

* As if the general public (TV viewing? You didn't say whether it's a TV documentary or just some internet crank) would be able to recognise and evaluate scientific "testing and proof" anyway (look at the rise of cranks in the health business: homoeopathy, "Dr." Gillian McKieth, etc).
You don't think the "documentary" makers had an agenda?
You don't think they put the best possible spin on whatever "evidence" they had (if it wasn't entirely fabricated, that is)?

As a personal aside.

Family member. Told a certain cancer would never go away, would always grow, period. Alternative treatment used, exactly as above, with scientific support. It would be illegal for any doctor in my country to supervise the treatment - I know, they all backed off, even the alternative ones.

Cancer now nearly gone. Doctors in country very confused. Had to dole out large travel expenses regularly to get this treatment. While in office met many other with same experiences of improved cancers - and a good deal of them having arrived there as last resort, so including level 4 and highly metastisized shit.

If it cannot be patented, the industry will try to crush it, despite whatever evidence.

And it is very, very expensive to set up the kinds of research needed. Which is part of how pharmaceutical companies keep a lock on these things. The other way they keep a lock on it is by keeping doctors scared AND ludicrously skeptical.

A friend who works in a clinic told her colleagues, doctors and nurses about my family member's recovery and they all, as a group, told her the cancer had not improved. This despite her saying that she herself had seen the MRI.

What you say should make sense, but I am telling you it is not the case.
Stupidity caught on celluloid: The Beautiful Truth

This is the kind of dumb shit a person will believe when they have been trained to accept things without valid evidence.

That's some highly concentrated stupid right there. It's as though they think the truth can be arrived at by believing the opposite of whatever mainstream practitioners think is true. And there will be people who avoid actual medical treatment in favor of such nonsense, and doom themselves to die prematurely of treatable conditions. Another example of how believing in nonsense can have real world consequences.
People are free to believe in whatever they like, and that's fine with me. But beliefs have real world consequences. Trying to use ancient mythology to deny basic humans rights, such as the rights of gays to marry, is but one of the myriad examples of how dogmatic nonsense affects those who want nothing to do with it.

But isn't it odd that ancient religious beliefs is the very thing that led directly to the formation of basic human rights in the first place?

Now what do you have to say about those "ancient mythologies" and/or religious beliefs?

Baron Max
it is not fiction, and it is not a coincidence that the rate of cancer diagnoses (which is referred to as an epidemic) has increased proportionately to the amount of toxins we spew into our environment and ingest.

it is not fiction that the fda and the pharmaceutical companies and doctors are in bed together.

and we're not talking about an agenda of a holistic health practitioner, we're talking about preventing disease in the first place. you want to talk about an agenda? what kind of doctor would ever want or hope for disease prevention that didn't require a trip to their office and a large subsequent fee? seriously, they would have to be out of their mind.

i'm not saying that organic food growers don't serve a market; they do. but that market is comprised of people who would gladly, in the short term, pay a little more for their food, than pay with their lives later.
As a personal aside.

Family member. Told a certain cancer would never go away, would always grow, period. Alternative treatment used, exactly as above, with scientific support. It would be illegal for any doctor in my country to supervise the treatment - I know, they all backed off, even the alternative ones.

Cancer now nearly gone. Doctors in country very confused. Had to dole out large travel expenses regularly to get this treatment. While in office met many other with same experiences of improved cancers - and a good deal of them having arrived there as last resort, so including level 4 and highly metastisized shit.

If it cannot be patented, the industry will try to crush it, despite whatever evidence.

And it is very, very expensive to set up the kinds of research needed. Which is part of how pharmaceutical companies keep a lock on these things. The other way they keep a lock on it is by keeping doctors scared AND ludicrously skeptical.

A friend who works in a clinic told her colleagues, doctors and nurses about my family member's recovery and they all, as a group, told her the cancer had not improved. This despite her saying that she herself had seen the MRI.

What you say should make sense, but I am telling you it is not the case.

well here's some evidence. now listen to the crickets.

as a side note, there actually is a patent on a product called NCD, which is a zeolite. the patent states that it kills cancer cells. the problem is that it's not patented by a pharmaceutical company, and it's relatively (extremely) inexpensive, so doctors won't use it. if they were to, word would get out, and the thing is...you don't need a doctor to prescribe it or obtain it for you.