Where was Jesus between 12 and 30 years of age?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: First, one must beg the question, "What did Jesus actually look like?" Then, secondly, since no one has ever known of the physical appearance of Jesus, how can one determine where Jesus was between the ages of 12 to 30 years before starting his ministry?

I welcome all replies to these questions.

Wait. Mesopotamia.

He was fighting terrorists in Mesopotamia.

It's true. There wasn't even an Iraq then.
Well some say he was in India as the Saint Issa...
more specifically, Jaganatha Puri - there are pujari records from the time (apparently)

This is also corroborated by the Bavishya Purana, but there are some Q's over the scriptural integrity of that scripture (by dint of differences in sanskrit style and a lack of finding a copy of the Bavishya Purana before christian and moghul times in india, some suggest that the scripture, which deals specifically with the nature of future events, was corrupted by foreign interests aimed at homogenizing hinduism so it could fall under the line of an outside culture)
"It is written that Horus stayed with his mother until the age of 12. Between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Horus. Ironically Jesus stayed with his mother until 12 years of age and between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the book of Acts. At age thirty, Horus was baptized by Anup. At age thirty, Jesus was baptized by John.

The story of Jesus being baptized and beginning his ministry at age 30 is a retelling of the identical tale of Horus, representing the Sun moving into a new constellation at 30 degrees. Age 30 is a reference to 30 days, which is one month - the time it takes the Sun to move to the next house of the Zodiac."
I like how the bible completely lacks any information about Jesus' life during those years. *cough...cough...shady...cough cough*
"It is written that Horus stayed with his mother until the age of 12. Between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Horus. Ironically Jesus stayed with his mother until 12 years of age and between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the book of Acts. At age thirty, Horus was baptized by Anup. At age thirty, Jesus was baptized by John.

The story of Jesus being baptized and beginning his ministry at age 30 is a retelling of the identical tale of Horus, representing the Sun moving into a new constellation at 30 degrees. Age 30 is a reference to 30 days, which is one month - the time it takes the Sun to move to the next house of the Zodiac."

M*W: WOW! I'm impressed!!!
"It is written that Horus stayed with his mother until the age of 12. Between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Horus. Ironically Jesus stayed with his mother until 12 years of age and between the ages of twelve to thirty there is no record of the life of Jesus in the Gospels (Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John) and the book of Acts. At age thirty, Horus was baptized by Anup. At age thirty, Jesus was baptized by John.

The story of Jesus being baptized and beginning his ministry at age 30 is a retelling of the identical tale of Horus, representing the Sun moving into a new constellation at 30 degrees. Age 30 is a reference to 30 days, which is one month - the time it takes the Sun to move to the next house of the Zodiac."
People like Yorda and Medicine Woman and others find vague similarities between two clearly different things. There are many similarities between Horus and Jesus, but the differences greatly outweigh the similarities. You can also find many similarities between Hitler and Horus, I guess Hitler was a myth copied from Horus...right?

Go read the actual Egyptian scriptures about Horus and you'll find almost nothing similar about the stories...for instance there is one story about how Horus got bitten by a scorpion and died but was then restored to life by Isis

Its no surprise that scholars do not see much that would indicate that Jesus was a myth copied from Horus...they see it as simple vague similarities....
Hey guys, been away for awhile but feels great to be back. Glad you are still here and still interested in astrotheology MW.
Not sure it's relevent to the conversation but VitalOne brings up an interesting point even though it may be unintentional - Horus being biten by the scorpion. Was it Horus or Osiris that was biten? They seem to be one just as Jesus and his Father are.
Osiris relates to the constellation the Greeks called Orion who was supposedly stung on the ankle by the scorpion and died from his wound. Because of this, Scorpio was placed at the opposite side of the heavens so the two would never meet again. This account has similarities to the New Testament story of Jesus bringing Lazarus (el Azurus or el Osiris) back from the dead. Raising the dead is a recurrent theme.
Sorry about the disjointed post that has tangled my own reasoning. Hopefully you may find worth in it.
M*W: First, one must beg the question, "What did Jesus actually look like?" Then, secondly, since no one has ever known of the physical appearance of Jesus, how can one determine where Jesus was between the ages of 12 to 30 years before starting his ministry?

I welcome all replies to these questions.


i thought you didnt believe jesus even existed, so why dont you cut to the chase and just say what you really think, "religion is bs and im trying to prove god does not exist".

he was smoking weed with the first carnation of buddha and lost track of time.

Hey guys, been away for awhile but feels great to be back. Glad you are still here and still interested in astrotheology MW.
Not sure it's relevent to the conversation but VitalOne brings up an interesting point even though it may be unintentional - Horus being biten by the scorpion. Was it Horus or Osiris that was biten? They seem to be one just as Jesus and his Father are.
Osiris relates to the constellation the Greeks called Orion who was supposedly stung on the ankle by the scorpion and died from his wound. Because of this, Scorpio was placed at the opposite side of the heavens so the two would never meet again. This account has similarities to the New Testament story of Jesus bringing Lazarus (el Azurus or el Osiris) back from the dead. Raising the dead is a recurrent theme.
Sorry about the disjointed post that has tangled my own reasoning. Hopefully you may find worth in it.
Ideas about raising the dead can be found in cultures all around the world....as can stories of scorpion bites.....you all are finding vague similarities and making false connections....

For instance, raising the dead is a siddhi power in India that is very common for ascetics to have.....
Hey guys, been away for awhile but feels great to be back. Glad you are still here and still interested in astrotheology MW.
Not sure it's relevent to the conversation but VitalOne brings up an interesting point even though it may be unintentional - Horus being biten by the scorpion. Was it Horus or Osiris that was biten? They seem to be one just as Jesus and his Father are.
Osiris relates to the constellation the Greeks called Orion who was supposedly stung on the ankle by the scorpion and died from his wound. Because of this, Scorpio was placed at the opposite side of the heavens so the two would never meet again. This account has similarities to the New Testament story of Jesus bringing Lazarus (el Azurus or el Osiris) back from the dead. Raising the dead is a recurrent theme.
Sorry about the disjointed post that has tangled my own reasoning. Hopefully you may find worth in it.

M*W: Hey, it's good to have you back! I just finished answering VO's post, and as luck would have it, the storm we're having right now caused my computer to crash! When I get through cussing at it, I'll try to recompose my answer to VO which addresses his belief of the few vague similarities between Jesus and Horus. I probably won't be through cussing my computer until sometime tomorrow afternoon!
i thought you didnt believe jesus even existed, so why dont you cut to the chase and just say what you really think, "religion is bs and im trying to prove god does not exist".

he was smoking weed with the first carnation of buddha and lost track of time.

M*W: I believe I have already cut to the chase where Jesus is concerned. I don't believe he existed. There is no proof of his existence, but beyond that, the myth surrounding him is an oft-repeated one in ancient fictional literature.

I'll go one farther. I don't believe there is a god, there is no salvation, there is no true religion only man-made myths.

There was no crucifixion, no tomb, no resurrection, no apostles, only ancient sun worship.

Christianity is nothing but ancient sun worship.

There is no heaven and no hell. There is no paradise, no limbo, no purgatory.

Have I missed anything? You name it, I don't believe it.
M*W: I believe I have already cut to the chase where Jesus is concerned. I don't believe he existed. There is no proof of his existence, but beyond that, the myth surrounding him is an oft-repeated one in ancient fictional literature.

I'll go one farther. I don't believe there is a god, there is no salvation, there is no true religion only man-made myths.

There was no crucifixion, no tomb, no resurrection, no apostles, only ancient sun worship.

Christianity is nothing but ancient sun worship.

There is no heaven and no hell. There is no paradise, no limbo, no purgatory.

Have I missed anything? You name it, I don't believe it.

yeah i know, so whats your goal with all of these jesus threads? to convert all believers into atheists? you already know he didnt exist so whats with the false questions,

i have nothing against you its just it seems a bit devious from a certain viewpoint,

If the value of (a) is (b), and (b) is (c), (c) should equal (a). Horus is the sun, the sun is Jesus, therefore Jesus is Horus? This little mathamatical analogy might explain my thinking on the whole Horus/Jesus comparison. Both are manifestations of the sun and never existed outside of myth. It is the shared qualities of the sun which indirectly link the two Gods.
It's strange how two people can see this information and arrive at two totally different conclusions. While some see the nonexistance of Jesus as evidence there is no God I see it in the opposite light. To me it brings the powerful message that there is a God and he was not confined to one person in the whole of history but he resides within and without each of us. Just as the sun's travel in the sky is an allegory for the story of Jesus, it is also applicable to us lowly creatures. We too are born in the morning and die in the evening only to be reincarnated the following day. This micro/macrocosm duality of the solar myth is saying that we are the gods, not seperate from the One but yet experiencing the physical as individuals. With our matter literally made of stardust we eventually die and return to the source just as the sun rises from the earth and ascends into heaven.
To get back to the back to the original topic - Jesus at his peak has long golden hair and beard, youthful features; his beauty is almost blinding and just standing in his presence gives you energy. He wears a robe so white that even looking at it is difficult. Tell me what a personification of the sun would look like.
I think you're right Yorda about Jesus' missing years. The 12 thirty degree sections that make up the 360 degrees or days (roughly) of the year provide for a plausable explanation of the divide in Jesus' youth and adulthood.
And MW, I applaud your "lack of faith" as it says you have the ability to reason for yourself and not believe the lies you are told by those in positions of power. This is a far better virtue than blind faith.
if (b) is (c) and (d) is (f) and (g) is (p) and (q) is (t) then what is my mother in law?

we are so logical because we only believe what we have tested, lets act snooty and applaud our brain size, stroke my ego for me please.

hate to brake it to people but we will never have the facts and evidence of the actual creation of the universe and how it all begun, so all you can do is guess and have faith, sorry to bear bad news but its true,

mighty science holds allt he answers,
