Where philosophy and the occult entwine


Registered Senior Member
Philosophy is necessarily associated with the occult. It has been a longstanding supposition that fully internalising certain philosophies can interact with the hidden strata of the cosmos, and thereby produce non-discernably casual effects.

It's often said that when you get your shit into gear, fate itself intervenes to keep you aloft and propel you to awesomeness.

This can be as simple as the way you hold yourself. If you earnestly act like a god, I personally assert that people start to treat you as such.

And on a sidenote, writing essays is so much more fun and fruitful when you are intoxicated.

And to all disbelievers I present the infalliable chewbacca defense.

Share stories and extrapolate.
dontlike this idea of ' i am a god'. itis dangerous, and cause of people looking down on an 'other' deemed as lesser

pretending yer a god is self-aggrandizement. itis phony, and see-thruable
It doesn't entirely have to mean 'God' in the patriarchal term you're usually addressing to, duendy. If one interprets God to be reason, and one is reasonable, wouldn't one be a God then? Or, if one interprets God to be love, and one is loving, wouldn't one be a God then? IMO, it's all about interpretation and intention. :)
illuminatingtherapy said:
It doesn't entirely have to mean 'God' in the patriarchal term you're usually addressing to, duendy. If one interprets God to be reason, and one is reasonable, wouldn't one be a God then? Or, if one interprets God to be love, and one is loving, wouldn't one be a God then? IMO, it's all about interpretation and intention. :)
listen to this , see what you think:
"...When the religious man, instead of becoming in ecstasy, and sacramental communion one with Bacchos, descends to te chilly level of intellectualism and asserts that there is an objective reality external to himself called Bacchos, then comes a parting of the ways. Still wider is the breach if he asserts that tis objective reality is one with the mystery of life, and also with man's last projection, his ideal of good."

(Susan Harrison, quoted in Shamanism and the Drug Propaganda: Patriarchy and the Drug War, by Dan Russell, page 197)
Azael said:
Philosophy is necessarily associated with the occult. It has been a longstanding supposition that fully internalising certain philosophies can interact with the hidden strata of the cosmos, and thereby produce non-discernably casual effects.

What's hidden strata of the cosmos?

Azael said:
It's often said that when you get your shit into gear, fate itself intervenes to keep you aloft and propel you to awesomeness.

Never heard that saying; however, I see what you mean. Good performance leads to good rewards.

Azael said:
This can be as simple as the way you hold yourself. If you earnestly act like a god, I personally assert that people start to treat you as such.

The existence of the SciForums member 'WitnessJudgeAndJury' utterly contradicts that assertion.

Azael said:
And on a sidenote, writing essays is so much more fun and fruitful when you are intoxicated.

Intoxication makes just about anything fun and possibly fruitful.

Azael said:
And to all disbelievers I present the infalliable chewbacca defense.

Never heard of it. What is that?