Where, or where, has my Jesus gone?....

Medicine Woman,

You believe that the Bible is false but all of these websites by people you don't know are authentic? Most of this nonsense has been debunked by historical researchers such as Sir Norman Anderon, James Patrick Holding and Ronald Nash.

Osiris is the only one of these gods for whom any original Egyptian texts can be found where it mentions a resurrection and it has almost nothing in common with the story of Jesus. These details were added many hundreds of years later by Christ-myth conspirators. Did you know that the patches of blood on the Shroud of Turin have been DNA tested and compared with blood on a cloth that came from Jesus' tombs and was kept in a monastery in Spain for 1400 years (complete with 2,000 years of records) and found to be a match? The weave has been authenticated as originating most likely in the first century and wounds to the hands, feet, side and pinpricks form the crown of thorns are clearly visible. New tests also revealed no traces of paint. This has all happened since 2000, after the carbon dating fiasco. The incorrect date now appears to have been caused by micro-organisms left on the shroud after being handled so many times. I just love the History Channel, don't you?

I suppose you're still propagating the "fake shroud" theory as well.