Where is this new information coming from?

Motor Daddy

Valued Senior Member
I've been noticing numerous new breakthroughs in the science news lately. This new way of looking at things has suddenly appeared in a wide variety of areas in physics and science in general. Who is responsible for this breakthrough concept?

Just one of many articles lately:


In an optical quantum network, information is carried between points by photons -- the basic unit of light. There is a huge potential for this type of network in the field of quantum computing and could enable computers that are millions of times faster at solving certain problems than what we are used to today.

This new device, which combines a single nitrogen-vacancy centre in diamond with an optical resonator and an optical waveguide, could potentially become the memory or the processing element of such a network.
This is a field of Physics named "quantum optics". Last year Nobel Prize was awarded for this.

Link you posted said:
He notes that this is just the latest in a run of Nobel prizes for quantum optics. Bloch thinks that this is down to the myriad techniques, such as those of Wineland and Haroche, that are allowing researchers to isolate, study and manipulate increasingly complex quantum systems. “I think we’ve really seen atomic physics revolutionized,” he says.

...and where is this new found information coming from? Why wasn't this known long ago? What is different now?
...and where is this new found information coming from? Why wasn't this known long ago? What is different now?

This is simply the natural progression of scientific knowledge. You are nuancing that “where is all this new information coming from?”, as if, there is an outside source to the information, or there is some source that is transmitting information to our knowledge. The human capacity for learning, observing, finding creative solutions for things, is nothing outside the normal human experience we call life. This would be historically proven.
This is simply the natural progression of scientific knowledge. You are nuancing that “where is all this new information coming from?”, as if, there is an outside source to the information, or there is some source that is transmitting information to our knowledge. The human capacity for learning, observing, finding creative solutions for things, is nothing outside the normal human experience we call life. This would be historically proven.

Scott, your last name is spelled wrong. LOL ;)

I'm not implying that some supernatural existence is feeding us, if that's what you think I mean.
Scott, your last name is spelled wrong. LOL ;)

I'm not implying that some supernatural existence is feeding us, if that's what you think I mean.

It sounded as though this was something you were entertaining.... You must have a friend named MEYERS , bah! That's the wrong spelling thank You very much, :)
I've been noticing numerous new breakthroughs in the science news lately. This new way of looking at things has suddenly appeared in a wide variety of areas in physics and science in general. Who is responsible for this breakthrough concept?

Just one of many articles lately:


Where? Are you totally unaware that there are hundreds of research labs spread all over the world that are *constantly* adding to and improving our technical knowledge??? I find your question bewildering for ANY adult!
Where? Are you totally unaware that there are hundreds of research labs spread all over the world that are *constantly* adding to and improving our technical knowledge??? I find your question bewildering for ANY adult!

I actually would not consider this out of the ordinary (at least in the U.S.). There are a significant number of adults whom are unfamiliar with the mechanics of discovery and learning (which is a failure of our educational system as opposed to individuals).
I actually would not consider this out of the ordinary (at least in the U.S.). There are a significant number of adults whom are unfamiliar with the mechanics of discovery and learning (which is a failure of our educational system as opposed to individuals).

Nope, sorry - I'm not buying it. There are *dozens* of magazines that are always reporting on the latest developments, the Internet AND even the common TV medium (not much detail, of course, but they certainly do report it frequently).
Nope, sorry - I'm not buying it. There are *dozens* of magazines that are always reporting on the latest developments, the Internet AND even the common TV medium (not much detail, of course, but they certainly do report it frequently).

The only way I could possibly demonstrate this phenomenon is to suggest going on a road trip throughout the U.S. and listen to what "average joe" is really saying or not saying.
...and where is this new found information coming from? Why wasn't this known long ago? What is different now?
The opening piece of the article talks about how someone has finally built a 'proof of concept' device. Someone did the theory at some point in the past and now someone has demonstrated it can be put into practice. This is important because simply having a good theoretical grasp of physics principles doesn't mean you can easily make us of them. For example, there are many algorithms known which could run on a quantum computer and many ways of building quantum computers put forward but presently technological challenges like maintaining entanglement get in the way. It's all well and good saying "Entangled particles can be used like this...." but if no one can make and maintain entangled systems for any reasonable length of time the concept isn't going to go much further in terms of practical use.