Where is the truth!?


SN0W_F0X Founder
Registered Senior Member
I see problems with the two most common theroies on how the universe began. ill make a simple list.

big Bang- its problem is physics. matter cant be created or destroyed and just the fact from nothing nothing comes.

creationism- it's problem is physics aswell. Plus, using the same logic as a creationist wouldnt an all-powerful, all complex creator also need a creator?

i wonder if we will ever come up with a satisfactory explination for the creation of the universe? (also if i missed any thing please fill me in:)
The big bang theory doesn't entail the creation of any matter or energy. It was compressed to almost a single point, but it was all there.
The current big bang theory makes no attempt to explain where all the matter and energy came from. It just explains what happened to the universe from the time after the first 10<sup>-43</sup> s or so.

So, there is no physics problem in the big bang theory itself.

There remains the issue of where the matter and energy came from. A number of possible answers have been proposed by physicists, but since they are largely untestable they are more about philosophy than science, at present.
spiritual_spy said:
big Bang- its problem is physics. matter cant be created or destroyed and just the fact from nothing nothing comes.

In any theory or observation there is no evidence that a phenomenoa called 'nothing' really exists. The inflated universe we're leaving in clearly did inflate as per cosmological evidence. Don't know where all the matter/energy came from. It might have always been there as baumgarten suggested. It might have been generated by some unknown means. As James said, nobody know.

spiritual_spy said:
creationism- it's problem is physics aswell. Plus, using the same logic as a creationist wouldnt an all-powerful, all complex creator also need a creator?

It's not a problem in physics nor any science because evidence of a 'creator' doesn't exist.

spiritual_spy said:
i wonder if we will ever come up with a satisfactory explination for the creation of the universe? (also if i missed any thing please fill me in:)

The word 'creation' might not be the best to use in the question as it might already imply that a 'creator' (a life form) has to exist. A better question might be "I wonder if we'll ever understand how reality works". I'll speculate we might get pretty close some day.
big Bang- its problem is physics. matter cant be created or destroyed and just the fact from nothing nothing comes.
The Big Bang is the physicist's explanation of the origin of the universe. Physical laws as we know them now did not apply, since the structure of the early universe was very different than it is now, for instance there was nothing that could be called matter, since it was like a million, trillion, trillion degrees.
meh, it seems alot more supported and certainly has flaws. The interesting thing is most if not all those links make false claims. On example is that dark matter hasn't been observed to exist. Cosmologists found an entire galaxy of dark matter by detecting radio emissions of some component in the galaxy and calculating it's total mass by the speed of it's rotation. The total mass was large and the 'other' mass doesn't emit any kind of signal whatsoever.

Again, just an example.
Creationism = Imperfect
big bang = supposedly good enough but it obviously isnt PROVEN (but I do support it)

someone told me that scientists said the big bang theory doesnt add up mathmatically... but dont ask me who the hell told me that and i dont remember anything they told me to back it up... Im just bringin it up incase anyone else knows...
The Big Bang is only a description of what appears to have happened. It is the truth. How exactly it happened is cause for debate.

I see problems with the two most common theroies on how the universe began.

big Bang- its problem is physics. matter cant be created or destroyed and just the fact from nothing nothing comes.
If the problem with the Big Bang theory were that simple and that glaringly obvious, do you think any scientist with dignity and credibility would've passed it off as a theory?

I'm not necessarily saying it's a flawless theory; it could very well be utterly false. I'm just saying that if there is a flaw in a theory so simple that an average Joe could see it &ndash; and they're actually right about it &ndash; then you can bet scientists also see it; thus it fails to be a theory.


Sorry, but you're wrong on this part already. Creationism is not a theory. I think you're confusing the scientific definition of the word "theory" with the layman's definition. Creationism may be considered a theory in common parlance, but it's just as false as saying that a tomato is a vegetable.