Where is Heaven?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: I've always believed there is a place for the afterlife. Where is it? Can we recognize it? Who will make it to this place? Will we finally find peace there?
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've always believed there is a place for the afterlife. Where is it? Can we recognize it? Who will make it to this place? Will we finally find peace there?

Well, you can always try the proverbial backseat of your cadillac ...
hmm, in islam on the day of judgement everyone will be on a new 'earth' that no one has ever stepped on befor. and the sun will be closer to this 'earth'. the heaven is not in som ekind of Skyies. and the hell is in some kind of, place in this 'earth' and under it.

so i think it also depends on your religion and faith.
I believe that wherever we spend the afterlife is beyond our perception.

Who gets to spend their afterlife in Heaven? I really don't know. Do you believe in a Hell? My guess is that the creator of these places would be the decision maker.

It depends mainly on your own beliefs and faith.
the concept of heaven is as an opposite to the concept of hell. one is all-good and tother all-bad. so you can see that this is a dualistic thang

pagans had though the belief in a RESTING place inbetwixt life and death...Summerland, the Land of Faerie, etc, where one wold be till being reborn on earth

the abrahamic religions tend to split 'good' from 'bad' and have no openness for spiral continuum, ie., cylic Nature, so they devize PERManent 'heavens' and 'hells'. for example, Islam has the garden where the 'MSLE' goes and is 'looked after' by 70 virgins etc etc.....and for christians being a bit....( a BIT?) more puritanical enviasges a sexless heaven. and both have everlasting hells fo unlbelievers

THe best place is right here, which is the depthless realm of good AND bad
Didn't Jesus say "The kingdom of God cometh not by observation; it is within you." - Luke 17:20

Is he trying to say it's not physical or something?
VitalOne said:
Didn't Jesus say "The kingdom of God cometh not by observation; it is within you." - Luke 17:20

Is he trying to say it's not physical or something?

There is a certain Mystical Truth of Spirituality sourcing from within; however, Luke as a Paulist had a certain agenda going, to de-mystify Christianity. You see, the Paulists were outside the Pall of the Holy Spirit and experienced no Supernatural Miracles or Consolations. This was noticed by those familiar with the Blessings of Grace which fell upon the Congregations of the Real Apostles, and they complained bitterly. To quiet this Criticism, Paul and his cohorts redefined the Holy Spirit to demystify it and redraw in in ordinary terms.

Also, there was the Agenda of Sacrifice and Salvation. The Paulists had to emphasize that Christ did not come to be a Messiah, A Promised One, a King of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth. That would have signified that Paul had made a huge mistake when he voted to have Christ Murdered when he cast that terrible vote in the Sanhedron. So the Paulists rewrote Jewish Prophecy to claim that Christ had not come to be King of Kings but to be a Lamb led to the Slaughter.

You can notice that while Luke, the colleague of Paul, included everything else about the Birth of Christ, he consciously edited out of his Gospell the Facts of the Three Kings of the East who had come with Prophecies that Christ had been born to be King of Kings. Such a Truth would have been embarrassing to the Paulists who were happier to have Christ Dead than for Christ to be King.
Heaven doesn't exist yet and won't exist until we build it. But to do that we must grow significantly before we can create such an environment. Like most things in reality anything worthwhile requires a lot of hard work.

Hoping that you will achieve this desire by dying has to be the most idiotic idea ever conceived.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: I've always believed there is a place for the afterlife. Where is it? Can we recognize it? Who will make it to this place?

Will we finally find peace there?
even if there was Heaven where people could live forever,me thinks such life would eventualy become so unbearably BORING that it would be more like Hell.

most theists obviously dont realize it,but just imagine that once you've done absolutely EVERYTHING there is to do,in this Heaven,
100s and then 10000 times and 100000000 times over again ,how exciting would it be to do it over and over and over...
...and over ...
and this would go on forever...ETERNITY that means fucking FOREVER......and EVER ...NO END!!! :eek: :bugeye:

what would be the point of such existence??????
