Where in the bible Does the Bible say it is the word of God?


a realist
Valued Senior Member
The Bible, The Koran, The Book of Mormon, and other books are supposedly the word of God. Many other works are supposedly inspired by God, gods, god-like aliens from the Pleiades, etc. Why should I accept your favorite, and not one of the others?

If God has personally told you that the Bible is His word, why should this out-weigh his personal communication to me saying that it isn't?
scorpius said:
The Bible, The Koran, The Book of Mormon, and other books are supposedly the word of God. Many other works are supposedly inspired by God, gods, god-like aliens from the Pleiades, etc. Why should I accept your favorite, and not one of the others?

In the new testament of the Bible, the word of Jesus is directly quoted. Jesus often refers to what God said, His direct quotes, in the old testament as understanding for those who question him and guidance for His people. As far as why you should favore him over the Koran or other books written is completely an option of free will. "Seek the truth, and ye shall find it" is the only guidance I can give to someone of no faith in God or Jesus our saviour. I could not make you believe in my faith any more than God wanted to MAKE mankind believe and follow him, rather, His light and Love for mankind is what we must choose for ourselves.

If God has personally told you that the Bible is His word, why should this out-weigh his personal communication to me saying that it isn't?

In this sentance that you wrote, you say "his personal communication to me saying that it isn't?" Are you saying that you believe he has told you other wise?

He does not say that the book was written by him, just as I do not say that my words are written by me. When he speaks to his people in the old testament, it is understood by those writing his word that it is God who has spoken.
For people that say they follow the Bible and only the Bible they sure have a lot of beliefs that are not in the Bible. The good book never says it is the final and only word of God. It does not say it is infallible. It does not contain the word "trinity". It never states that God is omnipotent, in fact it says very little about God Himself. It says nothing about using symbols such as crosses and fish. Where is the word "rapture" in the Bible? The Bible says a lot about Hell but very little about Heaven. If you go by the Bible and only the Bible as the only true word of God then why are some scriptures stressed and others flat out ignored. If it is all the word of God then every word should be equally important. If you belief the Bible is the only word of God then you should have absolutely know religious beliefs that are not specifically mentioned in the Bible.
If God has personally told you that the Bible is His word, why should this out-weigh his personal communication to me saying that it isn't?
Define what you mean by word of God. For most Christians, the Bible is the word of God, not because God directly spoke every word, but because God speaks through every word. But there's no certainty for an individual to hear God within this work.
Okinrus: "For most Christians, the Bible is the word of God, not because God directly spoke every word, but because God speaks through every word."

Could you try to clear up what you mean by that just a little, I am slight confused?

Brutus1964 said:
For people that say they follow the Bible and only the Bible they sure have a lot of beliefs that are not in the Bible. The good book never says it is the final and only word of God.
God did not limit himself to the Bible, like some genie in a bottle. And if its authors were limited to words or beliefs that were "in the Bible", it would never have been written, would it?

No, what we have in the Bible is how God made himself known throughout history, to show who He is and what faith should look like. It is because of this that we take it seriously. It was not dictated by God, it is not the frozen words of God, but the result of a living relationship between Himself and his creation. It is a relationship that He built and kept certain by picking certain people to remember his commandments and covenants, to record his promises and to voice his judgements. Scripture did not come first, God's actions came first. He repeatedly commanded people to hold fast to the truth, and to remember what He did for them, and to look at the future by that light. First experientially, then by all forms of transmission, which eventually found its way onto what we call today "books". And the Bible contains these books -- it is an inheritance of knowledge.

It does not say it is infallible. It does not contain the word "trinity". It never states that God is omnipotent, in fact it says very little about God Himself. It says nothing about using symbols such as crosses and fish. Where is the word "rapture" in the Bible? The Bible says a lot about Hell but very little about Heaven.
In the Bible we have examples of how people sinned against Him, what sin looks like, how people left the path He chose for them and how some kept it. But the path itself is consistent: God would be faithful to those who trusted in Him -- not because they were worthy, but because His promises were rock-solid and trustworthy. It is God who is infallible, and it is His infallibility the Bible testifies of. The Bible contains everything his people had ever known of God, and only He could make this known. God allowed fallible people to experience His love, and to express their faith as best they could. It was this faith that He would credit as righteousness, i.e. as sufficient.

Therefore we often see God's nature is reflected in what He is called: El Shaddai -- God Almighty. This is much more meaningful than using the word "omnipotent" (which is an Hellenic expression anyway). The Bible's focus is not on the Bible, it is on God, and the people within express their living relationship with God in various ways. So we do not learn "from the Bible", we learn by observing their relationships in practice. Through them, we come to know God outside the pages of the Bible. This is what is meant by "God speaks through every word".

PS. Most fanciful theories about a "rapture" are not Biblical, but it basically refers to the second coming of Christ, which is quite Biblical. As for heaven and hell -- the kingdom of God/kingdom of heaven is the central message of the whole New Testament. All references to hell are within that context, and the fact that Christ came so that "whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life" really says about everything.
If you go by the Bible and only the Bible as the only true word of God then why are some scriptures stressed and others flat out ignored. If it is all the word of God then every word should be equally important. If you belief the Bible is the only word of God then you should have absolutely know religious beliefs that are not specifically mentioned in the Bible.
Because the Bible was not written on one level, it is not to be understood on a single level. There is a development in knowledge and understanding within the Bible, as God lead the development over centuries of a faith that would please Him and a people that would know Him. Nothing is lightly ignored or lightly applied, because it is dependent on the constant working of God's spirit within his purpose. But as some promises are confirmed, others become more important. As some things come true, others come into effect. "When perfection comes, the imperfect disappears."

A commandment about how to carry the ark of the covenant will not carry the same weight as the commandment to love your parents, for instance. But it is clear that the same principle govern both commandments: God's holiness. The laws are derived from "be holy, because I am holy". A law can be a manifestation of a truth, but can never replace it. It has no power of its own, it derives its power from a higher authority.

God taught Israel what the world should know, so that they would be the light to the nations. What they learnt and preserved while being faithful to God, was what Jesus confirmed, and what we believe. That is why we do not expect God to ever go back on his promises, leave us to our own efforts. And that is why we trust that what God affirmed in the past, will remains true, because God remains true. He has never abandoned anyone He has chosen, and nothing can pull them out of his hands. The Bible contains our evidence for that.
John 21:25
Jesus did many other things as well. If every one of them were written down, I suppose that even the whole world would not have room for the books that would be written.

Ecclesiastes 12:11-13
The words of the wise are like goads, their collected sayings like firmly embedded nails — given by one Shepherd. Be warned, my son, of anything in addition to them. Of making many books there is no end, and much study wearies the body.

Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter: Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man.​
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I don't known about The Bible or The Koran or anything, but I know Bhagavad-Gita As It Is to be God's word. Bhagavad-Gita itself translates into "the Song of God." So there you have it.