where does news media get there information?


Valued Senior Member
only reason i ask "as title says" is the people whining and biching about the women and children killed by the drone bombings i have had 6 friends come back from afghanistan, most had to do the bombing cleanups and from what they say and news media says are 2 completely different things
Most news stations are part of the propagander wings of the political parties. The main media outlets do their best propagander for the democratic party.

For example, when republicans were in office these new agencies were told to have a war death counter. But once the democrats gained power they were told to get rid of the death counter.

What is fun to watch is when a new term is introduced by the propagander ministry in Washington. Every news stations within the propagander wing will try to make use of that term. A collage of audio is funny to listen too.

It would be useful to have an independent news agency who goal was to be the watch dog for the propagander news stations, pointing out affiliations so people are not conned into thinking this is unbiased news.
News Agencies tend to offer money for stories if of course they have any substance, which is the main reason why stories pop-up. Of course it's up to the editors of whatever medium to pick which story they believe is of interest to the people that view their particular media.

Having a story saying "Drone used, no non-combatants injured or killed", isn't an exciting headline, I mean that's like having a blog where you state you drove to work (You got there and nothing special happened).

So usually such stories are ignored, on the rare occasion however they are embellished, this can either be down to trying to increase the figures in regards to who views their news or down to a third-party interaction for propaganda means.

For the most part News is more about entertainment than actually keeping people informed and this is often not observed by those that believe everything they see on the news. (Luckily they haven't corrupted weather reports yet, otherwise there'd be lots of fake reports about various freak weather conditions)
only reason i ask "as title says" is the people whining and biching about the women and children killed by the drone bombings i have had 6 friends come back from afghanistan, most had to do the bombing cleanups and from what they say and news media says are 2 completely different things
And I should trust the statements of your friends over those of the news media why exactly?
And I should trust the statements of your friends over those of the news media why exactly?

because history is written by the winners at any cost . It is funny how it happens cause a good story is better if you keep the fabrications in them . Reporters don't necessarily look for the truth . Some of it is just pure laziness to dig out the truth so they tell the lies like it is true . I don't think a lot of it is intentional . They just take the first story and then do there interpretation of it , put there personal spin on it so they can hopefully sell it for more money , or to make them selves look like better reporters . The thing is the people that really know about the story and all the little idiosyncrasies get mad as hell or laugh there asses off about the lack of intelligence of complicated subjects . See we have this habit of not trusting the experts cause we think there going to cheat us so we will believe some fuck nut that has not a clue .( insert your favorite scape goat , mine is SpideyGoat is good example of this . So are most progressives . They think they no more about business than people that know about business . They get to live with our failed economy as a whole because of it , but the thing is they blame the business people that know in the first place . It is a lot like zealous religious fanatics and there closed loop loop of proving God . I been waiting for this day from the moment I could talk cause even as a child I knew the snake swallowing its own tail had to run out of body to swallow . That day is here and it is time to pay the Fidler. O.K. I am ranting
They get there information off the wire . Routers and who ever puts news on the wire . Some comes from local news paper reporters and the likes . Lots of people put out on the wire . Radio stations have like ticket taker that rolls out stories and then they pick and choose the stories by there bias personalty . Keep in mind T.V. and Radio personalities want to raise in fame as to make them selves more valuable so they can make the money . Everybody wants more money . Not very many people act out of truly wanting a better world cause if a better world gets in the way of there own satisfactions in life fuck it let the world burn attitude becomes the first choice . WE all want to take care of our families so why would it not be the case . I guess that is why single young people are so hell bent on changing things as a whole . Exuberance of youth . Being fee willed and single allows you to take more risk . Blow back will occure cause of the displaced taking care of there families. You can't blame em for most have fought a hard life to get to the point they can make enough to support there family. Now change rips this from them to the point they find them selves on unemployment and welfare rolls . O.K. I ranted long enough and got way off subject . You ever try to tell a reporter not to print something cause it was a lie ? I have a couple times . Even in the face of facts staring in there faces they print the original story . One motivating factor is public expectations of the story . The reporter lives up to the expectations of the public and truth flys out the window with the flying pig .

Why should you believe Me . Don't if you don't want to cause I could give a craps ass what you believe . Animals with there heads in the sand taste just as good as ones with there heads sticking up . It is not true what they say about animals with fear in them as they die . It does not ruin the meat . That is a wives tale. Running deer taste just the same as ones sleeping
This Stryder all said in his post quite well . Mines more embellished so mine should get more money than his . Sticks out tongue at Stryder
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All you have done is to tell me why I should not trust reporters. I already knew that. You haven't given me a blind bit of reason as to why I should trust sifreak's friends.
All you have done is to tell me why I should not trust reporters. I already knew that. You haven't given me a blind bit of reason as to why I should trust sifreak's friends.

Perhaps it is better to trust no one, not even yourself, because we are all prone to interpreting data from our own frame of reference, that being matters which we have personal experience of, either directly experienced or an understanding in theory.

Rather leaves one standing on a thin base of support, while attempting to watch in all directions. :bugeye:
To get news directly, the media would have to have reporters in the field. As you can imagine, it's very dangerous in country at war, so few people want to go. That being the case, getting news from official military sources is often a poor substitute. Additionally, the news departments of the networks have been greatly reduced, since they are no longer under a legal obligation to provide a certain percentage of their programming as a public service. The news departments now have to make money (ratings) alongside the regular shows, so there is less money to send reporters overseas than in the past.
To get news directly, the media would have to have reporters in the field. As you can imagine, it's very dangerous in country at war, so few people want to go. That being the case, getting news from official military sources is often a poor substitute. Additionally, the news departments of the networks have been greatly reduced, since they are no longer under a legal obligation to provide a certain percentage of their programming as a public service. The news departments now have to make money (ratings) alongside the regular shows, so there is less money to send reporters overseas than in the past.

You raise some good points here. spidergoat. Only correspondents on location can give an accurate account of events and even then, it is only their own perspective and the event may be too large to gain a complete overview of quickly as in a country engulfed by warfare.

Our CBC News has such correspondents on location and we are fortunate to have a team with many years of field experience to aid us with our interpretation of events unfolding around the globe, as compared to more repressive regimes which limit the access of their citizens to all communication mediums. I'm not suggesting that they always get things right, yet on average and by independent verification, I feel we are given more facts than fabrications in Canada.
All you have done is to tell me why I should not trust reporters. I already knew that. You haven't given me a blind bit of reason as to why I should trust sifreak's friends.

couple things here
1. when did i say for you to trust them
2. who are you to question the integrity, credibility of people overe there fighting so you dong get a bomb in your ass
3. again maybe because unlike the news and reporters who are safe behind there nice shiny desk. the people im talking to were out there getting shot at daily in one of the harshest environments. that were in the middle of what the media is reporting on..

and generally speaking if everyone you know that was somewhere first hand in different locations says the same thing that trumps "to me anyways" the media every time who is getting all of there information hearsay
if you choose to im sorry but you need your head checked

why should you trust what the media is saying?
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where does news media get there information?

Most from:

All you have done is to tell me why I should not trust reporters. I already knew that. You haven't given me a blind bit of reason as to why I should trust sifreak's friends.

well if they had there boots on the ground they are experts and worthy of listening to in my book . I trust my close friends way more than a lazy reporter looking to sensationalize . I give all service people that respect . I think it is the least I can do since they go fight my battles for me . How do you treat people that protect you . Give em the big one finger like what was don't to the Vietnam vets when they came back from Vietnam?
Mostly from press releases. It's a lot easier to just cut-and-paste from a press release than to actually go be a reporter...
Wait. Wait.

You mean that the mainstream media actually reports news. Well this is certainly a startling development, I'm not exactly sure I believe it. I mean, I remember(in an indirect way) when news outlets just told you what happened, not what you need to think about it. I sort of wish for a return to that time, maybe people would start getting smarter if they actually had to put thought into how to interpret the news.
umm because they were over there actually pulling the bodies out of the huts we bombed.
One small selection of individuals say they were involved and say such and such happened and then relayed it to you who put your spin on what you understood you had heard and then posted it.

Relaible? Give me a break!
One small selection of individuals say they were involved and say such and such happened and then relayed it to you who put your spin on what you understood you had heard and then posted it.

Relaible? Give me a break!

i have heard it from many people actually the few i stated here where the ones i personally knew, and im sure that if you knew the person or persons are credible you take there first hand experience over heresay, to be honest its quite pathetic that everyone here is calling our us soldiers full of shit and defending the media, if that what this forum and people in general have fallen to i have lost a little faith in this country
well if they had there boots on the ground they are experts and worthy of listening to in my book . I trust my close friends way more than a lazy reporter looking to sensationalize . I give all service people that respect . I think it is the least I can do since they go fight my battles for me . How do you treat people that protect you . Give em the big one finger like what was don't to the Vietnam vets when they came back from Vietnam?

I couldnt agree more