Where do churches get the money to make new churches


Registered Member
I don't get how there are so many churches everywhere. I know there are plenty of people who attend them, but where the hell do they get their money to be built in the first place from. There are so damn many of them, and they all had to have had someone pay to build them in the first place. Where is all this money coming from?
oxypunk101 said:
I don't get how there are so many churches everywhere. I know there are plenty of people who attend them, but where the hell do they get their money to be built in the first place from. There are so damn many of them, and they all had to have had someone pay to build them in the first place. Where is all this money coming from?

M*W: They get their funds from fools who like to part with their money believing they are serving a god somewhere.
picking on easy prey is cowardly.

that being said, if you find yourself poor, hungry or addicted you may one day need help when everyone else tells you to go f**k yourself.
"Religion and money makes a priesthood of the greedy
Money and religion makes whore of a nun."
Vasilidante said:
picking on easy prey is cowardly.

that being said, if you find yourself poor, hungry or addicted you may one day need help when everyone else tells you to go f**k yourself.

M*W: A recovering addict who relies on faith-based therapy is only trading one addiction for another. Twelve-step programs don't cure addictions, they just replace drugs with religion.
the smaller churches are fairly ineffective revenue raisers, but the large, old churches make heaps.

but a fair amount of their income comes from people leaving all their money to the church in their will, in an effort to buy their way into heaven.

and then we cant ignore hillsong, which owns companies such as gloria jeans (boycott)

and yeah, if you're addicted to drugs, go to rehab, not a church
but a fair amount of their income comes from people leaving all their money to the church in their will, in an effort to buy their way into heaven.

There is truth in this statement. Many people do just this for the reason you reveal. It is a waste of time of course. Trying to buy eternity with God is probably the most insulting thing one can do to Jesus.

The evil of seeking to pay for the gifts of God is well stated in the following scriptures.

Acts 8
17 Then they laid hands on them, and they received the Holy Spirit.
18 And when Simon saw that through the laying on of the apostles’ hands the Holy Spirit was given, he offered them money, 19 saying, “Give me this power also, that anyone on whom I lay hands may receive the Holy Spirit.”
20 But Peter said to him, “Your money perish with you, because you thought that the gift of God could be purchased with money! 21 You have neither part nor portion in this matter, for your heart is not right in the sight of God. 22 Repent therefore of this your wickedness, and pray God if perhaps the thought of your heart may be forgiven you. 23 For I see that you are poisoned by bitterness and bound by iniquity.”
24 Then Simon answered and said, “Pray to the Lord for me, that none of the things which you have spoken may come upon me.”

Offering to pay for a gift is an insult indeed.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
How angry some of you atheists are!

What harm do church buildings (what you call 'churches') do to you?

The real churches are of course not the buildings but the people within. Of course some of them do not live up to the standards of God. In fact none of them do. To do so they would need to be perfect. They are not. None of us is. This was the whole point Jesus made. You can't make yourself good enough. You can't follow the ten commandments for instance totally - no one can. Jesus made it quite clear that God takes you as you are, warts and all. All Christians are on a journey (and sadly some seem to go very slowly I agree) but this does not negate the basic truth as spoken by Jesus.

You cannot buy your way into the Kingdom or earn it. It's a free gift from God to anyone who asks. If you get a gift like that do you not think that you would want to ensure that resources are available for a place to worship the One who gave it you. And remember much money given to church organisations does go for charitable and social work.

Some of you may scoff but I have seen people released from physical pain, cured of disease and released from drug addiction by the power of God. I have seen lives transformed not once but many many times. This is my personal experience. In my church we have reformed criminals including a woman who murdered her husband and all sorts of people who have 'cocked-up' as we all have.

If you really are so sure of yourself say this openly, 'God I don't believe you exist but if you do, make yourself known to me and if you do I shall believe in you and pledge my life to you'. Ask for something (not money!) healing for instance if you are ill. I have known as many non-believers healed as believers (explain that away as self delusion!). Go on give it a try. What have you got to lose? After all it's all only superstitious nonsense - isn't it?!
oxypunk101 said:
Where is all this money coming from?

A very good friend of mine who I once helped get out of a religious cult told me that at one time he and a bunch of other recruits were told to pray for money so they could buy foodstuffs. After an hour or so of praying he said there was a mysterious knock on the front door. Someone went to answer and lo and behold there was a billfold of cash, enough to go grocery shopping.

The Lord sure works in mysterious ways. I guess if you need a church built then you just increase the demand at prayer time.
"The real churches are of course not the buildings but the people within. Of course some of them do not live up to the standards of God. In fact none of them do. To do so they would need to be perfect. They are not. None of us is. This was the whole point Jesus made. You can't make yourself good enough."

* Oh, boy. Nope, we are not worthy. :rolleyes:
In the UK, charities religious or secular are exempt from tax and in fact more than that if you give £1 to any registered charity (note not just religious - in fact most charities are not) and you are a taxpayer the government donates 28 pence from the state, so there is quite a heavy subsidy to all sorts of charities (as I believe there should be). The rules for being registered as a charity are though very strict and there is a body called the Charity Commissioners who oversee them. If you are found to have committed any financial impropriety you are liable to a heavy fine personally or imprisonment as well as the charity having its status permanenetly removed.

'They literally "PAY" for their sins' and your other comments 'Stretched' show that you really haven't got it. Unless you really believe you are perfect (I doubt that you do) you are in the same boat as the rest of us. If you want to cast off all your baggage from anything in the past and start a new full life, you need only ask - no money, no guilt trips, no strings, no condemnation. It really is as simple as that! Christiainity is not about stopping people from ding things, doing boring services and being miserable. It is about living a full life, being extremely happy and joyful, laughing and thanking and worshipping He who did this in a suitable manner (which can involve modern music, dancing whatever!).

We really are not all a bunch of middle class besuited right wing non scientific judgmental bigots. We really are not!
"If you want to cast off all your baggage from anything in the past and start a new full life, you need only ask - no money, no guilt trips, no strings, no condemnation. It really is as simple as that!"

* I am sure you believe your intentions are good friend, and I thank you for that, but please don’t assume you and your religion is some kind of miracle cure, or that I or anyone else needs it to be OK.
dordon said:
We really are not all a bunch of middle class besuited right wing non scientific judgmental bigots. We really are not!
but you all are morally inept.
but a fair amount of their income comes from people leaving all their money to the church in their will, in an effort to buy their way into heaven.

There is truth in this statement. Many people do just this for the reason you reveal. It is a waste of time of course. Trying to buy eternity with God is probably the most insulting thing one can do to Jesus.

There is a specific biblical reason to get rid of your money. Here it is:

"it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man to get into heaven".

In actuality, Gordon, Alain and Adstar, these people are not buying their way in to heaven, but "selling" their way into heaven. Rich christians must realise they're fucked - and so when it comes to death they need to be poor ass fuckers with hardly a rag to clothe them - so sayeth god. If you guys earn a decent living you'll probably end up doing the exact same thing..

"Wait! We can't get into heaven if we're rich.. get rid of the money!!"

You're not "buying" anything, you're giving everything you have away - because god told you to.
I would just like to say I think in general churches do a lot of good. I honestly think many of the principals are worthy ones to live by even if I do not believe in God or the church. I was just curious because they are everywhere, and I don't get how they are everywhere.
People that graduate from divinity school attain the ability to poop pure gold nuggets. Amatures may find solid gold tablets in various desert environments.
Back in the day the church made money by selling "pardons" for your sins. So basically, you can just bribe jesus and youll go to heaven.