Where did the water go?


We're setting you adrift idiot
Registered Senior Member
This has been puzzling me for some time. When the Earth was flooded and Noah built his ark, billions of tons of water were poored onto the planet in just 40 days. So when the Earth dried up, where exactly did all this water go? Better yet, where did it come from in the first place?
What happened according to "scientific" creationist nutbars is that the water beneath the earth(fountains of deep), for some reason decided to pay us a visit. And also it rained a bit.

Apparently the mountains then rose out of the sea and the flood waters became today's oceans. That is about as much as I could glean from the rabid semi-retarded creationist morons I've tried to debate the issue with. Yes, I'm bitter, I've recently failed to convince a creationist that unicorns didn't exist.
Actually many scientists believe a portion of I think the Red Sea (not sure) was once dry land..... They've found homes and everything underwater. But if you mean the whole world flooding its simple - it did not really happen.
A REAL nutcase once told me that Earth was a gas giant before the flood and thats where all the water came from. (of course he never explained where the water went, or how people breathed the air then)
A rational explanation...

I read somewere, or saw a show about this, it explains about tetonic plate movements beneath the earth.

Now suppose that there was a tetonic plate movement, around 2500 years ago, part of the earth got covered in water, the tetonic plate movement caused it to rain for said 40 days, while Noah sailed accross the sea, to another region of the world.

The Noah story is not an original from the bible, it also shows up in older books written by other civilizations.

I will when I have time look in to this!.
Well, if you ask me, there was probably some sort of major flood some thousands of years ago that this story is based on, but I doubt it was worldwide. Just a myth that got mixed up with fact after having been told over and over for thousands of years.

And unicorns exist. Haven't you seen The Last Unicorn? That movie was yiffy.
I'm pretty sur ethis has been covered in several threads, quite a while ago. Maybe before some of you started using sciforums.

Ice ages go in cycles. We have big ice ages every now and then, a loooong cycle. And little ice ages now and then, on a short cycle. I think many people believe now that a few thousand years ago after a little ice age we had some serious flooding and such.
I thought unicorns ate virgins. That's why you had to tie a virgin to a tree in order to lure one out, right? Anyways, the actual mythology is much more fun than the Disney-created versions. :)
Nah, you tie the virgin to a tree for dragons and jabberwocks. Unicorns can only be ridden by virgins. Why? Because the people who dream up this crap have very dirty minds.
Originally posted by Xelios
So when the Earth dried up, where exactly did all this water go? Better yet, where did it come from in the first place?

I have it in a really, really big bucket in my basement. I'm sorry about the flood. I tripped over it when I was going to get my quiver of lightning bolts. It was an accident. Honest.

Actually, considering that most major pre-historic and early-historic civilizations were centered in river valleys it's not very surprising that many of these civilizations had myths and stories about floods. Strangely enough, Biblicists will use the ubiquity of the flood myth as proof that it must have happened, even though the wide-spread occurrence would suggest that even if it happened more people than just Noah and his family survived, assisted by quite a few deities and superheroes.

And no, it's not particularly original; here's a site with a bunch of them:

The reason vegins are the only ones who can TOUCH (not just ride) a unicorn (in legends) is NOT because of a sick joke

Its (now i might get this a little wrong because its a while since i read it) because they were spirts that were enslaved by an evil wizard

One day they disided to ignore his call and so he killed all the females and made they exstreamly secitive to the strong emotions (lust, not love) that go with sex

He then used them as vergin dectecters

The touch of someone not "pure" causes them pain

THAT is the legend
From Bulfinch's Mythology:


Pliny, the Roman naturalist, out of whose account of the unicorn
most of the modern unicorns have been described and figured,
records it as "a very ferocious beast, similar in the rest of its
body to a horse, with the head of a deer, the feet of an
elephant, the tail of a boar, a deep bellowing voice, and a
single black horn, two cubits in length, standing out in the
middle of its forehead." He adds that "it cannot be taken
alive;" and some such excuse may have been necessary in those
days for not producing the living animal upon the arena of the

The unicorn seems to have been a sad puzzle to the hunters, who
hardly knew how to come at so valuable a piece of game. Some
described the horn as moveable at the will of the animal, a kind
of small sword in short, with which ho hunter who was not
exceedingly cunning in fence could have a chance. Others
maintained that all the animal's strength lay in its horn, and
that when hard pressed in pursuit, it would throw itself from the
pinnacle of the highest rocks horn foremost, so as to pitch upon
it, and then quietly march off not a whit the worse for its fall.

But it seems they found out how to circumvent the poor unicorn at
last. They discovered that it was a great lover of purity and
innocence, so they took the field with a young VIRGIN, who was
placed in the unsuspecting admirer's way. When the unicorn spied her, he approached with all reverence, couched beside her, and laying his head in her lap, fell asleep. The treacherous virgin
then gave a signal, and the hunters made in and captured the
simple beast.

Modern zoologists, disgusted as they well may be with such fables as these, disbelieve generally the existence of the unicorn. Yet there are animals bearing on their heads a bony protuberance more or less like a horn, which may have given rise to the story. The rhinoceros horn, as it is called, is such a protuberance, though it does not exceed a few inches in height, and is far from agreeing with the descriptions of the horn of the unicorn. The nearest approach to a horn in the middle of the forehead is exhibited in the bony protuberance on the forehead of the giraffe; but this also is short and blunt, and is not the only
horn of the animal, but a third horn standing in front of the two
others. In fine, though it would be presumptuous to deny the
existence of a one-horned quadruped other than the rhinoceros, it may be safely stated that the insertion of a long and solid horn
in the living forehead of a horse-like or deer-like animal, is as
near an impossibility as any thing can be.