Where can i find extratertrial pictures?

Originally posted by AleinAllei
does ne1 know of neplaces where i can find pictures of aleins,and ufos !!!???? pleses respond

try searching at www.google.com , I don't know any good site with quality pictures (if there is such a thing)
Originally posted by AleinAllei
does ne1 know of neplaces where i can find pictures of aleins,and ufos !!!???? pleses respond

If you are looking for photos that "claim" to be of these, they abound on the web. The second most common topic next to sex.

If you are looking for "actual" photos of "actual" aliens and their craft... well, good luck. If there are any, they are lost in a sea of false claims and spurious evidence.

The best you'll be able to do is look at pictures of objects or anomolies that have yet to be identified, but probably have plausible, earthly explanations that we will never know. This is simply because there isn't enough data to accompany the images.
This is a link to NASA's website. I don't know what the object is
to the right of Columbia's tail. I saw the image soon after Columbia's
tragic loss, but haven't seen an explaination as to what the object
is, nothing was supposed to be close to Columbia and the scale
doesn't seem right for it to be the moon. The high res image is
necessary to see it.
Originally posted by 2inquisitive
but haven't seen an explaination as to what the object
is, nothing was supposed to be close to Columbia and the scale
doesn't seem right for it to be the moon. The high res image is
necessary to see it.

It looks like it might be a reflection of the Earth...... perhaps a bit of moisture crystalized on the viewport or a smudge or scratch on it.... anyway, here's the photo after adjusting the levels a bit and blowing up that area.

SkinWalker, your image must not have uploaded correctly in your
post. The the object is farther to the right of Columbia's tail in NASA's
image. I thought about a smudge on the camera's lense, but it did
not seem likely to me. The image from Columbia's camera preceding
this one did not show anything, and the image right after the one
I linked to DOES have something still showing, but in a different location, down at the bottom of the tail. Also, remember that Columbia was orbiting upside down and tail first, to offer the most
protection from cosmic radiation and micrometorites. That means
the object was in front of Columbia's direction of travel, not trailing
behind. The moon was the only thing I could think of, but the scale
and the brightness of the object don't seem right to me, but I could
be wrong of course. If it was a 1/4 moon in the image, the angles
don't seem to right given that the earth was in full daylight. I have
not seen this image discussed on any UFO sites, though there may
be some. I will give a link to NASA's index of images, the one I posted
was the last image of group 23. You can view the ones before and
after that one also.