Where are Moses original tablets..What's in the bible?


I have a question for all christians.

Where are all the information in the old testament coming from? From the time of Genesis. Was this information recorded on the Tablets given to Moses. If so, where are these tablets, for it'll take thousands of large tablets to document the information in the old testament as it's shown on our modern bibles. Whatever happen to the tablets and how do you confirm that your current old testament is an accurate account of what really happened.
There were Ten Comanments, yes.............
Mose brought them out of Egypt....(the spiritual type today of Egypt, and Sodom) The denominational Church quagmire, today.

Joshua took the in to the promised land, to fight the Giants there and displace it's inhabitants........Josuha was given many little books, slipped in betwwen the pages of the Ten Comandments, and commanded by Moses, to read from these books to the people ...the blessings and the curseings.

This types today the Joshua..Jesus Christ the son of man, is leading His peole to the promised land, and He gives them the revelation of the laws written on the tables of their hearts to guide them.
I researched and asked all over, and I'm not aware of a 10 commandment original tablets stored in Egypt or anyother country.

If the old testament was only 10 commandment, then who wrote Genesis...which prophet? And where are those original tablets for Genesis?
Genesis is one of the five books of the Pentateuch(the five books of Moses). It was written in Hebrew and possibly based on the earliest Hebrew manuscripts that are known as the Cairo Codex and the Leningrad Codex of the Prophets.

Another early Hebrew manuscript is the Nash papyrus. They are four fragments that when pieced together provide 24 lines of the Ten Commandments.
Well, according to many Jewish, Christians, and muslim accounts. Moses has destroyed completely the tablets when he was disapointed upon his return and found the jews worshipping the calfs. At that time, god set his wrath on people and let them wander for 40 years aimelessly, 40 years in god time could imply a forever. Moses told the jews then that you're only salvation is to repent and live rightously during your wander in earth.

As far the books of Moses. Moses never intended to write anything or is known to have written anything. Those books are accounts by people that knew of the Moses story or heard from someone who heard it from another the wisdom of Moses and story of prophets. The books or stories must have been told over thousands of years as they describe events that happened thousands of years apart. No doubt the stories were written by historians or aids to kings.