Where are all the good women?

Robert Theodore Bundy

Registered Member
It looks like they have all turned into a bunch of little whores. Virtually every woman I have ever known in my life was a whore. I actually feel sorry for women because of the way they treat themselves. They have no self-respect and they don't respect the good men of this country. They are a bad influence on our little boys. They don't care about raising kids and when they do have kids they usually grow up without fathers and they end up in jail. Women are the ones causing all the problems here but they find a way to blame it on men. Women are like deceiving vipers and they need to be dealt with harshly. I don't want women posing naked in magazines. It's corrupting our children. I don't want female teachers because they always end up sleeping with their male students. A 42 year-old female teacher was just convicted of sleeping with her 7th grade student. I know a lot of mothers who beat their sons and every woman in my family is sexist and sometimes I just feel like bashing their faces in with a crowbar.
Women don't even know how to raise their children. That is why there are so many criminals. My mom didn't do squat to raise me. I had to steal food from the mall when I got hungy becuase that lazy ass whore couldnt even hold down a job. She sat around the house all day drinking beer and watching soap operas while my brothers and I ran around the house naked. She sneaks out every night at 12 and I suspect she going to have sex with someone. I try to help but all I hear is women complaining. One time I saved a 3yr. baby who was drowning because his parents weren't watching and I took him to his mother and she didn't even care. She didn't say thank you or anything. I've donated money to breast cancer research for women and I've been nice to women my whole life and have always tried to help them but I get no respect in return. Women don't look at men as human beings with feelings and emotions. They just see a penis and that's it. They just use men and make theme do all the work. Women have their little tricks. They just want to use men for their money because women are guided by their money drive. All they ever do is complain.

Women are an insult to my intelligence and manhood and they are a discrace to the humanrace.

Sometimes I wish I was gay.
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Sounds like you've had a few bad experiences, Bob. You must live in a white trash town or something because I have no idea what you're talking about. There are just as many assholes for men as there are assholes for women. You're either looking too hard or not enough. I'm not gay, but what's stopping you?

Plus that male vagina thing is a joke. It's also really, really disgusting. I'm not a racist or sexist or anything but...a male vagina? Something like that could take off but I just think it's so gross.

Anyhoo you sound like you're around the same age as me. You've got to start looking at the bright side of life, maybe you should move up to maine.
I live in a nice, small town middle class family. Most of the girls out here are whores. I'm not talking about women who get paid for sex but they sleep around a lot so we call them whores. Go to any small town in America and you will know what I'm talking about.

And the male vagina a joke? Look it up.
As far as I know that doesn't REALLY happen around here. Whores, sluts, whatever, are unavoidable. I see a few now and then, but I don't THINK that the majority of women are whores. You must've met some women who weren't sluts, who were nice and kind and smart?
Nope. They are all mean, agressive and controlling and most of them like fightning and they don't care about raising kids. It's in a small town in the south. There maybe like 2 or 3 girls in this town who are good but the rest suck. They just can't wait to get the guys pants off.

Men get no respect these days!
I've never been to the south but I hear it sux ass :)

The North is much better. Not nearly as much white trash. Here's my impression of your 'average' texan:

Ahuck, weyell we all own gunz in this smayall lil town
I liyake to go huntin' all the time, shoot me a few squirrels
I liyake to kiyell innocent lil animayals. I also liyake to shoot people. One time I shot me a lil black boy, but hee got awaay. I wanna find that black boy, they don't belong here in texas.
the type of southern states your talking about are the ones touching the gulf of mexico. i have no problem with spanish ppl but alot of the girls at my school take spanish just so they can be cool and they go around the halls yelling at each other in it and it gets really,really,really annoying sometimes. just about the only states i think i would like to live in are alaska,nevada,arizona,colorado,washington,and oregon but the rest i can barely remember the names of them and theyre just well...to full of ppl. the ppl up here in alaska seem to be generally nice then other places (includeing most girls).
I can't help but think that maybe he's just trying to show us how many women think of men. and how unfair that is. trying to open it all up at how pathetic it is to say you, just give up on men. or that all guys are corrupt jeckles. seriously, i dont understand it when other girls say that either. but this really just shows how stupid it all is.
You live in the pimple on the ass of the world. Just because women suck there doesn't mean they are bad everywhere. I am only 15 and never had a girlfriend but I wish that I could find someone that I could relate with. It sucks when you have had 3 brothers that all have had girlfriends in high school and you want to have one too but it doesn't look good. Anyway take a vacation. You can find someone. And always look for the inner beauty too. Just because they aren't drop dead gorgeous , doesn't mean they are ugly.
the "explain yourself" thread in this forum adds a whole new spin on this rant from teddy LOL
Sounds like you had some really bad experiences, Theodore. I´m sorry about that. But it would be a pity if you would go through life with that depressing attitude.
There are many good women out there, and maybe your experiences with your mother has blurred your vision to only see things from the dark side.
It´s always harder for those who had a rough childhood to see things from a brighter side, but it´s possible if you try. Without women there would be no humanity, but there´s nothing wrong with being gay either.



I have to agree w/ bebelina....sounds like you've had a hard life and quite a few bad experiences. But just because the women you know are...i don't know what.... doesn't mean they all are. Maybe you should get to know some new people. I'm a female and the thought has never crossed my mind to beat a kid or to sleep around. (maybe that's cuz I'm 15.....hm...but it's the thought that counts right?)
There are a lot of men who do self-centered things too. A whole bunch of my friends live in single parent house-holds where their dad never visits or even pays support. There are also lots of cases of men abusing their kids and even sleeping with their daughters. How sick is that??
I don't think you can sterotype and say all women are bad and all men are good. There are good and bad people of both sexes.

A devoted atheist and freethinker, I have no patience with bigotry and ignorance, whether it's related to politics, religion, sex, whatever. I think this thread from good ol' Robt Theo Bundy is too ridiculous to waste time on and I'm surprised to encounter such garbage in a so-called scientific forum. I offer only one comment before disappearing (no great loss)...

Theo's basic premise - a macho male superiority thing - is totally false. Women have as much right as men to seek and enjoy sexual gratification. What really attracts a woman to a boy or man is not his penis - cheez, there are all kinds of better products on the market. Of course, there are women who seem interested only in sex, but they're vastly outnumbered by testosterone-driven males and yet men have the audacity to describe the former as "whores". Gimme a break! A mature man or woman is seeking much more than sex in his/her partner. In my limited knowledge, women are looking for self-confidence, security, honesty and courage in their male friends. Unfortunately, most men are found to be sadly inadequate in these areas. Period.

Enough said. Happy New Year and goodbye.

John C.
Just out of curiosity how are you defining whore? In my mind at least that's a pretty vague concept.