When UFOs buzzed the White House

John L.

Registered Member
One of the most intriguing, and still unexplained UFO cases occurred in Washington, D.C., and I have always wondered why it is rarely mentioned when bringing up the more credible UFO incidents.

On July 19, 1952, both Washington National Airport and Andrews Air Force Base started getting a lot of returns on their radar screens, while at the same time lights in the sky were visible to the human eye. Andrews Air Force base was notified and two fighter jets were scrambled to intercept, but the objects disappeared by the time the F-94s arrived.

Soon after returning to base, however, the objects reappeared, so the jets were scrambled again. This time, the pilots could see the UFOs, but when they tried to approach them, the objects would disappear both from the sight of the pilots and from the several ground radar stations that were tracking them. After a fruitless search they returned again to the base, and all was quiet for a few days.

One week later, on July 26, it happened all over again. Radar and visual sightings of the UFOs caused the F-94s to once more try to intercept. But as before, although they could initially see the lights, whenever they tried to approach they would vanish. Once again, as soon as the jets returned home, the UFOs were back.

The Air Force tried to explain it away as temperature inversions, but the radar operators on duty that night insist they know the difference between an inversion echo and a real object. One who was on duty that night said, <i>"Inversion blips are always recognized by experts, we are familiar with what weather conditions, flying birds, and [other] such things can cause on radar. Temperature inversions on radar are typically weak returns and move at a slow ground speed. These blips were distinctly clear, reported as a very good return, solid and often traveled at unbelievable speeds."</i> Even Project Bluebook rejected the inversion theory, classifying the case as “unknown”.

Here is the <b><a href=http://www.think-aboutit.com/ufo/ufos_flew_directly_over_washingt.htm>Washington Post newspaper article</a></b> that followed the incidents.

Since this was all witnessed by hundreds of people, I wonder why it has been left to rot on the vine, so to speak. It is certainly one of the most credible UFO cases on file, IMHO.
Good Observation/Example

Let us look at the Roswell incident and the UFOs over Washington D.C. First of all, there was supposedly a UFO crash and supposedly a cover up and supposedly maybe one or two witnesses and very little to no evidence at Roswell.

Now let us look at the Washington D.C. sightings, many pilots saw the saucers and many men looking at radar saw them on their radar screens.

The difference??? Roswell, being the one with the LEAST evidence of occurrence has the MOST publicity. And Washington, with the MOST evidence of occurrence had the LEAST publicity. The Trick??? Well, it would sound to me that someone(s) is trying to "cloud the minds of the people" from seeing the truth by showing them stupid shows, magazines and otherwise, about the "Roswell Incident" (which I believe never happened) If anything the Washington sightings should have been the ones published and shown on every TV screen in america.

It would look as though the media is in on something, why give the most credible sighting the least publicity!?!?? Perhaps because it actually happened they don't want the people to know about it? Perhaps.

What Im getting at here is that with such little evidence and few "witnesses" for the "Roswell Incident" they could warp, change, and alter the story all they wanted. (they being the major media companies)

Im sick of people being the type of mindless cog that would say"If its on TV or such'n'such a magazine(i.e. tabloid), it HAS to be real!!!!" That is not to discredit the media in full, but on subjects like this I have little to no trust.
Originally posted by John L.
One of the most intriguing, and still unexplained UFO cases occurred in Washington, D.C., and I have always wondered why it is rarely mentioned when bringing up the more credible UFO incidents.
Since this was all witnessed by hundreds of people, I wonder why it has been left to rot on the vine, so to speak. It is certainly one of the most credible UFO cases on file, IMHO.
I agree.

Roswell has the promise of alien bodies and material from the craft still hidden away somewhere. This White House incident lacks any rumors of anything behind what is already known.
After the appearances of these objects over the White House nothing more happened: people may have gotten revved up for an immanent landing on the White House lawn, and when this didn't happen, a kind of relief, for some, or disappointment, for others, probably set in.
I would attribute the "rotting on the vine" to the psychlogical fact that people want to put fear or disappointment out of their mind.

For a similar effect, take cattle mutilations. It kind of amazed me for a while that this subject wasn't on the news every night: "Still no breakthrough in the ongoing investigation into the senseless killing of cattle" or stories to that effect. The trouble with it, is that it is just too weird for the average newswatcher: it simply generates discomfort to hear about it when it can't be positively explained in reasonable terms. The stories get on the news once in a while, but I think the average viewer ends up pushing it to the back of the closet. No one disputes they happen, but in the same way the generl public probably accepted that the White House incident happened, it is not information that the average person has any idea where to file in their mind.
Re: Good Observation/Example

Originally posted by manmadeflyingsaucer
Let us look at the Roswell incident and the UFOs over Washington D.C. First of all, there was supposedly a UFO crash and supposedly a cover up and supposedly maybe one or two witnesses and very little to no evidence at Roswell.

One or two witnesses??? :bugeye:

try 200-300 witnesses. It's very obvious you know very little about the Roswell case.

about the "Roswell Incident" (which I believe never happened.

What never happened?

The Army didn't issue a press release stating they had recovered a flying disc?

The debri wasn't flown to Forth Worth Texas by orders from General Roger Ramey?

What are you saying didn't happen?
Im saying...

Im saying there probably wasn't a crash and any "witnesses" were paid off, thus supporting the bullshit about aliens piloting these craft instead of our own secret government. It is my belief that Nikola Tesla invented the electro-propulsive-man-made-flying-saucer without ANY alien contact whatsoever. Of course knowing the public mind you will conform to the alien story and accept most anything that is written about Roswell and issued by our "ever credible" military.
Something happened at Roswell

And it was something big, or else the Army wouldn't have threatened so many of the witnesses. I can't see them threatening someone's life merely because they witnessed a secret aircraft of some sort.

I am fortunate enough to have met and talked with two of the witnesses that are still alive today. Both handled the material from the crash. One of them was Jesse Marcel, Jr., and I spent some quality time discussing what he remembered from that night back when he was a pre-teenager. I suppose he could have been lying, but I don't believe he was. I think he believed what he was telling me, and with all of the other testimony from a wide variety of other people, I am convinced that something truly extraordinary was found on that ranch.

Lets count the various Air Force "explanations".

!. It was a crashed "flying disc". (Probably the only time they were truthful, imho)

2. It was a weather balloon.

3. It was a top-secret Project Mogul to detect Soviet nuclear tests.

Don't be too surprised if they don't come up with yet another "explanation" before it is all over. The Project Mogul story, along with their claims that the witness testimony of the small alien bodies were merely crash dummies from <i>six years after Roswell</i>, is so full of holes that a more believable story is probably already in the works.
Re: Something happened at Roswell

Originally posted by John L.
I can't see them threatening someone's life merely because they witnessed a secret aircraft of some sort.
You don't know much about government projects do you? They've "threatened people's lives" for smaller secrets the aircraft. It's about people having the power to intimidate, and using it.

Well, maybe something DID happen, all I'm saying is I don't believe there were any ETs involved.
The Washington incident is indeed interesting, but does it advance our knowledge in any way, or help us draw any useful conclusions about UFOs? I think not.

It's a puzzling couple of events, sure. But what can we take away from it? The only evidence seems to be the recollections of some people in seeing lights and/or radar returns. There is no other physical evidence that the incidents ever took place.

We need to ask:

* Could the witnesses have been mistaken in their assessments of what they observed?
* Are conventional explanations possible? (e.g. unusual weather conditions?)

Let's say the answers to these questions turn out to be "no" and "no". Where does that leave us? Certainly, still very far from the conclusion that the events observed represent encounters with alien spaceships. All we have is an ongoing mystery, which we can only put in the "unexplained" basket until and unless more evidence comes along.

Bottom line: this provides no evidence in support of extraterrestrial intelligence or visitation.

I'm sure we all agree on that. Right?
Very good

James R
I agree with you fully, since there is no real evidence we can only have fun grovelling at the mystery of it all.

I dont believe ETs have ever been to earth, that is not to say that I KNOW they have not.
Originally posted by James R
We need to ask:

* Could the witnesses have been mistaken in their assessments of what they observed?
* Are conventional explanations possible? (e.g. unusual weather conditions?)

Let's say the answers to these questions turn out to be "no" and "no". Where does that leave us? Certainly, still very far from the conclusion that the events observed represent encounters with alien spaceships. All we have is an ongoing mystery, which we can only put in the "unexplained" basket until and unless more evidence comes along.

Bottom line: this provides no evidence in support of extraterrestrial intelligence or visitation.

Very well written James.

I agree with you that the Washington sightings of 1952 leave us with no chance at gaining any additional evidence, or proof unless there was additional evidence that was not released. However, I think what the proponents of this phenomena are stating is, it cannot be swept under the rug as if it never occured. It is what it is. An incident with collaborating evidence from both hundreds of eyewitness, along with multiple radar stations. This is evidence. When you add this to the tens of thousands of other pieces of evidence, it starts to build a case.
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Originally posted by James R
The Washington incident is indeed interesting, but does it advance our knowledge in any way, or help us draw any useful conclusions about UFOs? I think not.

It's a puzzling couple of events, sure. But what can we take away from it? The only evidence seems to be the recollections of some people in seeing lights and/or radar returns. There is no other physical evidence that the incidents ever took place.

My thinking is that if the evidence that still exists could be scrutinized with the same degree of attention to detail that has recently been given to the Kennedy Assassination more interesting conclusions could be drawn. We might be able to say definite things about how these objects behaved and back it up with facts, computor animation, etc, such that we could confidently make a statement like: "These lights have the property such that when seen from the ground doing such and such they can simultaneously be seen from a jet doing such and such."

In this way things might build up to the point where it could definitively be said that they were physically solid objects, ruling out optical explanations, or it might be definitively said they could not have been both solid and also demonstrated certain characteristics. These are examples, only, I can't say what a radar or optical physicist might want to explore from this story.
* Could the witnesses have been mistaken in their assessments of what they observed?
If by assessment you mean interpretation, they couldn't possibly be right exept by accident, since there is no known thing to interpret it as.
* Are conventional explanations possible? (e.g. unusual weather conditions?)
"Unusual weather conditions" are certainly possible, but very probably not the inversion layer explanation offered. Probably something much more rare.
Bottom line: this provides no evidence in support of extraterrestrial intelligence or visitation.

I'm sure we all agree on that. Right?
I agree.
well, i couldn't identify it, it wasn't a Boeing 747. they didn't speak English, what i am i just going to make up a name?
ok i have been in hopping 090
Well it's not unidentified. It's a damn plane.

Me: Where were you?
You: On a plane.

There... now it's an IFO. ;)

Just like if you were on an alien craft, it's would no longer be a UFO. Who cars what model number the aliens assigned it? It's an alien craft.
i dont think you understand, yeah big green spiders flew it, and they had bugs that looked like dogs. it is a conspiracy. i escaped from area 51