When the Samurai realizes...

Solve et Coagula

When the Samurai realizes that he cannot win the battle on the physical plane, he changes to a higher plane, the spiritual realm of thoughts and feelings, inside and outside... in the Name of Love, Wisdom and Truth...

Best wishes from Switzerland

...the moment the Samurai wins in the spiritual realm of thoughts and feelings in the Name of Love, Wisdom and Truth, he wins on the physical plane too...

Best wishes from Switzerland

When the samurai, after having killed his family so as not to have any distractions or ways to leverage him, realizes he cannot win the battle on the physical plane, will simply plunge in with suicidal fury and be killed.
when the samurai realizes this thread is stupid, he will not post here.
From the movie "Hero":

King of Qin: I have just come to a realization! This scroll by Broken Sword contains no secrets of his swordsmanship. What this reveals is his highest ideal.

In the first state, man and sword become one and each other. Here, even a blade of grass can be used as a lethal weapon.

In the next stage, the sword resides not in the hand but in the heart. Even without a weapon, the warrior can slay his enemy from a hundred paces.

But the ultimate ideal is when the sword disappears altogether. The warrior embraces all around him.

The desire to kill no longer exists. Only peace remains.
superluminal said:
When the samurai, after having killed his family so as not to have any distractions or ways to leverage him, realizes he cannot win the battle on the physical plane, will simply plunge in with suicidal fury and be killed.

kind of a personal attack on the samurai isnt it :).

even if you was only joking i just wanted to point out a few thinks about the samurai warriors,

they didnt kill there family they honor there family much, they lived as if they were dead the bushido way,

they did not ever kill themselves if they thought they would lose a fight, a samurai would fight any amount of enemy by himself untill he was completely dead from this world, he would only use the tanto blade to kill himself if he were captured and was about to be tortured and may reveal samurai secrets or locations of warlords of high people, it was for honour. they would not kill themselves in the face of defeat, they would fight untill they were slain,

samurai and ninja alike are usually wrongly spoke about and made fun of, and i respect the samurai, they were different from you but they deserve respect, i think.
