When talking to the police, always be truthful


As a mother, I am telling you
Valued Senior Member
DECEMBER 31--Following his arrest earlier today for drunk driving, Charles Barkley told Arizona cops that he ran a stop sign because he was in a hurry to pick up a girl who had "given him a 'blow job' one week earlier," which the former NBA star described as "the best one he had ever had in his life."

(The Smoking Gun)

I think this is a good enough reason for speeding....

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LOL, I don't know of many men who would disagree with you Syz.
I'm trying to think of a female equivalent. Free gourmet chocolate than makes you lose weight?
....I think this is a good enough reason for speeding....

think the pigs are gonna see it that way?
truthiness is always contingent on the cop(s) aka their make and model
do a quick profile and go from there
if in doubt defer to your lawyer
Never lie to cops. It puts you in their power.

Unless you're facing prison for what you did, of course.

Then lie, lie, lie unashamed and in the full glory of invention most desperate and varied. You only have to get away with one of them.
Of course I posted it with tongue in cheek. In his case being famous and on TV this incident might just end his commentator carrier. If he is an Average Joe, yes, he could make any stupid comment, but watch out if you are a celebrity.

Remember Mel Gibson's drunk remark???
Never lie to the police, hire a lawyer or get one for free if you can't afford one, and let them lie for you!;)
M*W: If you get pulled over for something, you are not under oath. It's only under oath when you should speak the truth. Now, if they haul your ass to jail, and get you to make a sworn statement (under oath), that's a horse of a different color. You can always CYA by saying, "I don't remember." However, it is so much easier just to not commit a crime than to have to cover the crime up with lies.
When dealing with the police it is best to say as little as possible. You have the right to remain silent; exercise it.
candy depends. My parents got picked up because they didnt realise they had to have a licence plate on their trailer because it was small enough that it didnt need to be registed seperatly from the car. They explained this to the cop and he let them go. He COULD have given them a fine of 2 hundred or more.
What's there to say when you're caught speeding anyway?

1. I wasn't speeding. Your speed detector is faulty/uncalibrated/etc...
2. Sorry.
3. Hurry up and give me the fuckn ticket. I'm already late.
As a frequent passenger in all manner of city-driven vehicles operated by young men in a hurry, I have witnessed many conversations with police officers.

If the offense is a petty one, like speeding, and the cop asks a question, tell the truth. I have seen many people let off with warnings, given lesser penalties, etc, because they didn't lie to the cop's face - they hate that. All day long, people lie to them. It's aggravating.

If the offense is serious, and the truth hurts, shut up. It is possible and common for people to forget almost anything, when confronted by cops. Be one of those people. Don't lie to the cop. You can lie later, when you've had time to think.

The traditional advice: "Tell the truth and run." That presumes you can run.

None of that applies to the actual pro criminal, of course. You should have your lies ready in advance, then.
Pretty much NOBODY noticed that his remarks were IRRELEVANT to his crime. He just gave an explanation where he was going, but he didn't acknowledge he was speeding or he was drunk...
I got caught with expired tags ($150 fine) and no proof of insurance ($500 fine). I thanked the officer for pulling me over because I would have driven around like that forever, blissfully unaware of both offenses. He gave me a warning with the understanding that I would be mailed a ticket if I didn't get it fixed with-in 10 days. I had to show up at the station with proof of both.

The clerk couldn't believe I didn't get ticketed.
isnt it just better to tell the truth, because if they catch you lieing they can arrest you for with holding information
There is a logic in lying, basicly there is no point in lying about FACTS.

In the case of Orleander, the fact was she didn't have insurance (note to myself, avoid Orleander while driving) thus there was nothing to lie about. Well, she could have plaid the ignorance card and that might very well be the case why she didn't get a ticket, but she should have. To let insurance expire by a few weeks is one thing, not to have it at all is assholery....
fuck 'em. i tell them my name, since by the time they pull me over theyve already run my plates and got that, but i dont think ive ever given the pigs my real address, i like to have a 40 minute head start on those fuckers at all times.