When Something Terrible Happens......


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
How do you know God is or isn't answering a prayer(s)?

Let's say a drunk driver swerves off the road and demolishes a house, killing a despondent disabled occupant. Who's prayers are answered?


The occupant was suicidal and had prayed for their life to end....did God answer the prayer?

The driver, an alcoholic, prayed that God would give him a reason to stop drinking or at least driving impaired. Did God answer the prayer?

Other prayers for the same situation:

An undertaker prayed for some business.
A house restorer prayed for work.
An autobody shop repairman prayed for work.
An auto wrecker or a customer of the auto wrecker prayed for parts.
A social worker prayed for a grief counselling session.
An anti drunk driving organization prayed to rid the roads of a drunk driver

.....and on and on and on

In fact there are not too many degrees of seperation arising from one tragic event. A whole lot of people could have prayed to God to ensure everything from job security to decreasing the surface population. God may have answered several prayers by arranging one event. He's pretty good that way.
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It's the Devil stepping in to fuck things up while God is checking out a female changing room somewhere.
How do you know God is or isn't answering a prayer(s)?

Let's say a drunk driver swerves off the road and demolishes a house, killing a despondent disabled occupant. Who's prayers are answered?


The occupant was suicidal and had prayed for their life to end....did God answer the prayer?

The driver, an alcoholic, prayed that God would give him a reason to stop drinking or at least driving impaired. Did God answer the prayer?

Other prayers for the same situation:

An undertaker prayed for some business.
A house restorer prayed for work.
An autobody shop repairman prayed for work.
An auto wrecker or a customer of the auto wrecker prayed for parts.
A social worker prayed for a grief counselling session.
An anti drunk driving organization prayed to rid the roads of a drunk driver

.....and on and on and on

In fact there are not too many degrees of seperation arising from one tragic event. A whole lot of people could have prayed to God to ensure everything from job security to decreasing the surface population. God may have answered several prayers by arranging one event. He's pretty good that way.

Others will disagree or disbelieve what I am about to say but personally I do not give a shit!.

God does answer the help. He supports us, in a way where it does happen. So yeah good point. But, prayers are a different and more complicated matter. They mostly revolve getting the request/question answered. They do help.
Why assume there was a god involved at all?

Find another solution other than saying that the laws of the world work without god.

Find the point within the above sentence.

Find that things are supposived differently than is thought by many people who doubt some parapsychologicialy valid statements.
How do you know God is or isn't answering a prayer(s)?

Let's say a drunk driver swerves off the road and demolishes a house, killing a despondent disabled occupant. Who's prayers are answered?


The occupant was suicidal and had prayed for their life to end....did God answer the prayer?

The driver, an alcoholic, prayed that God would give him a reason to stop drinking or at least driving impaired. Did God answer the prayer?

Other prayers for the same situation:

An undertaker prayed for some business.
A house restorer prayed for work.
An autobody shop repairman prayed for work.
An auto wrecker or a customer of the auto wrecker prayed for parts.
A social worker prayed for a grief counselling session.
An anti drunk driving organization prayed to rid the roads of a drunk driver

.....and on and on and on

In fact there are not too many degrees of seperation arising from one tragic event. A whole lot of people could have prayed to God to ensure everything from job security to decreasing the surface population. God may have answered several prayers by arranging one event. He's pretty good that way.

There are many facets that govern action and reaction in this world - in short, it boils down to what we deserve and what we desire. Prayer, as a vehicle of desire that "lifts all boats" (so to speak), becomes most potent when it is not alloyed with material desire.

“My dear Lord , I do not want material wealth from You, nor do I want followers, a beautiful wife or the results of fruitive activities. I only pray that by Your causeless mercy You give Me pure devotional service to You, life after life.”
- Sri Siksastaka
“My dear Lord , I do not want material wealth from You, nor do I want followers, a beautiful wife or the results of fruitive activities. I only pray that by Your causeless mercy You give Me pure devotional service to You, life after life.”
- Sri Siksastaka

Why wasn't he given any of what he's asking for in this life? Why does he have to pray for it? Since when does one pray to be in servitude of God, isn't that already a default position?

Oh wait, I think I just got it.....please God, please, don't make me an atheist.

An atheist is something terrible in religious parlance, I assume. Yet it is quite obvious that if there is a God then they serve a great purpose. So if Sri or anybody else wants to be subserviant to God in his next life then God prepares for that prayer by dropping an atheist in their midst. It's a setup. How wonderful.

I feel so used. Like a cheap whore. Thanks God, thanks for nothing.
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Why wasn't he given any of what he's asking for in this life? Why does he have to pray for it?
because action follows desire.
why else?
Since when does one pray to be in servitude of God, isn't that already a default position?
well, not in this world ...

Oh wait, I think I just got it.....please God, please, don't make me an atheist.
more like, don't let me make myself an atheist

An atheist is something terrible in religious parlance, I assume.
not particularly spiritually elevating if that's what you mean
Yet it is quite obvious that if there is a God then they serve a great purpose. So if Sri or anybody else wants to be subserviant to God in his next life then God prepares for that prayer by dropping an atheist in their midst. It's a setup. How wonderful.
I don't get it
why do we need an atheist?

I feel so used. Like a cheap whore. Thanks God, thanks for nothing.
I think you overestimate your value in the scenario
Find another solution other than saying that the laws of the world work without god.

Find the point within the above sentence.

Find that things are supposived differently than is thought by many people who doubt some parapsychologicialy valid statements.

Why would anyone need another solution? When you have the correct answer it's pointless to keep looking.
God is the Drunk and God is the Occupant of the House.

It is the sense that we are all separate beings that gives rise to your question. We are ALL ONE. It is only by clinging to our personal histories and saying THIS IS ME that prevents us from seeing that we are ALL ONE.

And that ONE is GOD playing in the world.. being you and me and everyone.. and having the times of our lives..!!!