When is nontoxic not so?


Make it a ... CHEEEESEburger
Registered Senior Member
I have a small bottle of "Goo Gone," a product used to remove sticky residue from adhesives and whatnot. On the front of the bottle it states clearly "Non-toxic." On the back, in small letters below the list of ingredients, it says, "DANGER! Harmful or fatal if swollowed."

What up wit dat?
Thats quite strange actually. Presumably it means that its only harmful if swallowed in certain amounts (i.e. don't let your kids eat the stuff!)
ha ha, their FAQ states

6. How safe is this product? Why don't you put a child-proof cap on it?

Goo Gone has been proven safe, in that it is orally non-toxic and non-irritating to eyes and skin, according to The Federal Hazardous Substance Act. It contains no hazardous air pollutants or ozone depleters. However, it is a chemical and should be respected as one, and kept out of the reach of children. Older children can be supervised and taught to respect Goo Gone just as they would a fruit-scented bath soap or candle.

a fruit-scented bath soap, I guess they think children will eat it, but a candle? I'd rather children be supervised around matches than candles...unless, no that's just too dirty for Goo Gone... :p

apparently they like people to use it with gloves on, and not on open wounds.