When Does God Start Treating You as an Adult


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Just curious. I hear that kids get a free pass to heaven but when is that privilege revoked? Is there an age, a certain act, a thought or a specific knowledge one gains before God lowers the boom?

Take 2 ten year olds for instance. One has never heard of God or religion and the other has been learning about God since they could listen. Each commit an evil act, doesn't matter what, that is usually associated with adult behavior. Unfortunately they both die shortly thereafter. Are either qualified to get into heaven?
I don't know about God but in Islam a child is considered to be cognizant at age seven and responsible at fifteen (for males) and thirteen (for females).
I don't know about God but in Islam a child is considered to be cognizant at age seven and responsible at fifteen (for males) and thirteen (for females).

So it is an age thing but no one really knows how God figures it out. Interesting that God doesn't really spell it out. Why the male-female discrepancy?
I don't know about God but in Islam a child is considered to be cognizant at age seven and responsible at fifteen (for males) and thirteen (for females).

There are interpretations regarding this.
Some scholars determine 7 years old is the age when a child should have been taught to learn about 'the one god'. Age of introduction. Until getting age of consent, their parents bear responsibility for their actions if not teaching them.
The adulthood is not determined by the age; getting dreams for male; menstruation for female. That's the age they start to bear their own actions.
There are interpretations regarding this.
Some scholars determine 7 years old is the age when a child should have been taught to learn about 'the one god'. Age of introduction. Until getting age of consent, their parents bear responsibility for their actions if not teaching them.
The adulthood is not determined by the age; getting dreams for male; menstruation for female. That's the age they start to bear their own actions.

What I gave was my understanding of common consensus based on Islamic jurisprudence.

A boy must be at least 15 years before considering military service (a situation involving life and death).

A girl must be at least 13 years before being considered a consenting adult.
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So it is an age thing but no one really knows how God figures it out. Interesting that God doesn't really spell it out. Why the male-female discrepancy?

Maturity is different in different times. Age of menarchy for instance is different now than it was a 100 years ago. Growing up in the jungle or desert is different from growing up in a sheltered society.

Women mature faster than men.

All children are considered innocent of any wrongdoing as they have diminished responsibility.
Actually I would think God would do it on an individual basis. Some people may never move out of childhood in his eyes while others would be an adult far earlier than we would think.
Just curious. I hear that kids get a free pass to heaven but when is that privilege revoked? Is there an age, a certain act, a thought or a specific knowledge one gains before God lowers the boom?

Take 2 ten year olds for instance. One has never heard of God or religion and the other has been learning about God since they could listen. Each commit an evil act, doesn't matter what, that is usually associated with adult behaviour. Unfortunately they both die shortly thereafter. Are either qualified to get into heaven?

There is no clear answer given in the Bible about this. I suppose it matters not because it is God who knows each individual case. It should be clear to all that some people take longer to reach the age of accountability than others.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

Getting dreams? You mean the experience of dreams in sleep? Or for goals in life?

In regards to the latter, I experienced dreams since a toddler.
I heard about this when talking to a coworker about baptism. I went something like:

"So you think you can murder a family, go underwater for a moment, and rise without any more 'sin.' And that in turn will enable your heaven pass?"

She said "Well, if you're really sorry for it."

Anyway it came to me asking her if it were her kids choice or if it were a forced issue. She told me about this consenting age thing.


So my opinion on the matter is to completely avoid this problem. We need to stop preaching to our kids our "true" religions until they reach this consenting age - 15? And when they can form conclusions on their own, introduce them to religion.

It's contradictory to do otherwise. Wouldn't you say?

Getting dreams? You mean the experience of dreams in sleep? Or for goals in life?

In regards to the latter, I experienced dreams since a toddler.

The usual dream in sleep, but this treshold of consenting age come only when your pants become wet after dreaming.
So my opinion on the matter is to completely avoid this problem. We need to stop preaching to our kids our "true" religions until they reach this consenting age - 15? And when they can form conclusions on their own, introduce them to religion.

It's contradictory to do otherwise. Wouldn't you say?

Why stop there?

Perhaps we should only start schooling children after the age of 15.

Avoid all external influences that cause entrenched views, like language, culture, values, discrimination between right and wrong.

Avoid all social interaction that causes undue conditioning.
(No wait that's been tried already.:rolleyes:)

What is it with atheists and unnatural selection?
Just curious. I hear that kids get a free pass to heaven but when is that privilege revoked? Is there an age, a certain act, a thought or a specific knowledge one gains before God lowers the boom?

Take 2 ten year olds for instance. One has never heard of God or religion and the other has been learning about God since they could listen. Each commit an evil act, doesn't matter what, that is usually associated with adult behavior. Unfortunately they both die shortly thereafter. Are either qualified to get into heaven?

according to vedic scriptures a person starts accumulating new karmas between the ages of about 8-10 years old -- before then a perosn is subject to the karmas of their previous life. This is why children have a natural appearance of purity, but in reality it is more like a fallow field loaded with dormant seeds that are ready to sprout inthe upcoming season.

There is no claim that being young is an automatic qualification for entrance to the spiritual world..... but there are quite a few scriptural examples of young children adopting the process (ie a serious approach to the processes advocated for spiritual advancement) and attaining the mercy of god.

sb 4.9.5
At that time Dhruva Mahäräja became perfectly aware of the Vedic conclusion and understood the Absolute Truth and His relationship with all living entities. In accordance with the line of devotional service to the Supreme Lord, whose fame is widespread, Dhruva, who in the future would receive a planet which would never be annihilated, even during the time of dissolution, offered his deliberate and conclusive prayers.

Prahlada Mahäräja replied: Because of their uncontrolled senses, persons too addicted to materialistic life make progress toward hellish conditions and repeatedly chew that which has already been chewed. Their inclinations toward krsna are never aroused, either by the instructions of others, by their own efforts, or by a combination of both.
(Prahlada Mahäräja instructs Hiranyakasipu)
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Why stop there?

Perhaps we should only start schooling children after the age of 15.

Avoid all external influences that cause entrenched views, like language, culture, values, discrimination between right and wrong.

I see your mentions separate from religious teaching. The difference is clear when you look at the vast number of differing religions, each for the most part believing that their's is the only true religion.

It is close minded to believe that the one religion you have faith in, is the right one, when there are a thousand like views. What makes you so special?

So why force your low probability of having found the one right religion upon your kids. If they must find religion, at least let them gamble with their own faith.

That's why religion isn't quite analogous to teaching morality, language, or culture.
Considering a South Park episode I saw, children do not get a free pass into heaven, they have to go to confession.
Considering a South Park episode I saw, children do not get a free pass into heaven, they have to go to confession.

Ha, I remember that episode...

But isn't confession a purely Roman Catholic idea? Protestants don't practice confession, do they?
I see your mentions separate from religious teaching. The difference is clear when you look at the vast number of differing religions, each for the most part believing that their's is the only true religion.

It is close minded to believe that the one religion you have faith in, is the right one, when there are a thousand like views. What makes you so special?

So why force your low probability of having found the one right religion upon your kids. If they must find religion, at least let them gamble with their own faith.

That's why religion isn't quite analogous to teaching morality, language, or culture.

Morality is as diverse as religion.

There are people (and I have met them) who think speaking English puts people in a higher social class.

Going topless in the Congo is acceptable, going topless in New York will earn you a citation.

There are also people who judge superiority based on color, ethnicity, attractiveness, height, weight etc.

Like I said, unnatural selection is er, unnatural.
Just curious. I hear that kids get a free pass to heaven but when is that privilege revoked? Is there an age, a certain act, a thought or a specific knowledge one gains before God lowers the boom?

Take 2 ten year olds for instance. One has never heard of God or religion and the other has been learning about God since they could listen. Each commit an evil act, doesn't matter what, that is usually associated with adult behavior. Unfortunately they both die shortly thereafter. Are either qualified to get into heaven?

there is n0 proof of God.