when and how will America the mighty fall on it's arse


Truth Seeker
Valued Senior Member
i want you people to take part in a little game of mine. just imagine this. in the future there will be a computer program that is so powerful that it can actually simulate the whole world. it will be sort of like the matrix film. where the computer program and computer are powerfull enough to simulate everything that goes on the world. it will know everyones gene catalogues and it will know how the environment effects everything. so it can tell you what you are going to do before you actually do it.

but the point of this thread is to complete the game, which is to bring down the country that is the USA. you have to start domino effects that will eventually cripple this country. don't worry the computer will be able simulate absolutely every single detail. so in reality you really are playing god.

so what i want you to do is think up intelligent domino effects that you people think will work. you have to remember you are taking on the most powerful country that the earth has ever seen. and they know that you are doing it, so they will come up with ways of trying to stop you and hinder you.

remember this computer game will be like the real world. just how and what will you do to win the game. and what outcome do you want, like who should be the next superpower.

i hope this generates as much discussion as my other thread about the female gender.

so lets get those theories going(please keep it intelligent).

p.s if there is anybody from bodies like cia, nsa, or the fbi that come here, you know i am only pulling your chain. one man can't really bring down a country like yours(or can he?).
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Why simulate and destroy one country. Personally destruction isn't my genre, I look towards BUILDING. Building has it's advantages over conquest, because if you destroyed everything you eventually would be left with nothing, while construction and innovation continues to cause a form of technological evolution.

So I think I would run a Mod of your SIM, do that one thing that everybody asks for but no ones willing to supply... WORLD PEACE.

Afterall, if you truly want something or someone to attack, you have an imagination, you have the ability to program a ficticious enemy be it alien, dimensional or just in your head.

That way you might just have something to unite against, rather than pretend you've got something to hide.
"Stryderunknown - Why simulate and destroy one country. Personally destruction isn't my genre, I look towards BUILDING. Building has it's advantages over conquest, because if you destroyed everything you eventually would be left with nothing, while construction and innovation continues to cause a form of technological evolution."

the games aim is to cripple the usa. you can come up with any ideas you want. of course you cannot destroy a country like the usa and leave the world with nothing. look back through history and look at the other great super powers that existed. great powers only last so long, so we evolve on to the next period of our evolution. all the societies that were - rome etc... commited suicide. the world did not end there did it, it moved on to build something else. the reality is that america really only can survive so long.

"Stryderunknown - So I think I would run a Mod of your SIM, do that one thing that everybody asks for but no ones willing to supply... WORLD PEACE."

the world is not run like that. the world evolves and people have the choice to evolve how fast they want. i have learnt that man only learns something good, when he does it for himself. so therefore in this game nobody is going to come along and click there fingers, and whosh the world is perfect. if you want to evolve to world peace, your world has to ask itself some hard questions that it does not want to face. so your ultimate goal is a goal that mankind is not willing to pay for. and believe me, world peace would take a very big price(and i don't mean f**king money). so the reason no one can give you world peace is because the price man would have to pay for it, is beyond your imagination.

i will give you some more info. this computer program is capable of testing a huge number of people at once. for instance, you could test the whole female gender of the world with just a few presses of a few keys. so this way you can test the potential of a single gender. the possibillites for this program is endless. the reason i gave this example is the other thread i had was about whether the female gender will exist in the future(no). i have given you just a glimpse of what this program can do.

so i want you to try to come up with domino effects that you think will help cripple usa. whether you want this to happen or not. this is the point of the game.
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A better game would be how will your country react after it is nuked by USA.
The game is won by making the same mistake as the Romans and that is to break the long standing law of preventing the Legion from entering Rome.

Posse Comitas is reversed and military arrests and shooting of citizens brings it all down from within despite the best intentions of fighting terrorism.

Meanwhile Stryder is soon to be a millionaire if he manages to market his world peace sim.
There gonna finally let me go to Rome? Yaaaaaaaay! Oh, wait. You said Legion. :(
Fundamentalism reveres a more glorious father
It is the continuity of ages
The gravity of tradition.

The guiding hand of father and worship is all powerful.
Martyrdom and revenge go hand in hand
The greatest honor is a 'deadication'
To bring infidels to their knees

The imagination of holy hate never sleeps.
The world may awaken to find a forgotten mountain gone.
Yucca Mt. the most fissile spot on earth had exploded
along with NY by a suicide nuclear bomb.

What if the one thing everyone asks for
and few are willing to supply
is taught in a computer simulation game
called world peace or die.

to the esteemed jr. member...
echelon is a NSA elctronic intelligence network that monitors international communication.
"Grey Seal - i understand most of what you said there. remember in my game, anything is possible. we are only playing a game here."
i know where you are going with the various sugestions, but i would probably think that the usa is alot stronger than any of you think. the military is very strong like you pointed out, but why would someone have to conquer america. there are more ways to skin a chicken as they say. i was interested in the domino effects like i said. grey seal try to have a starting point and a finishing point. then if the finishing point is logical to others, it is possible that it may work out. but as i say again this is just an advanced simulation.
with regards to the echelon system, i would not be to worried about it. as a person in the free world i should be able to think what i want. as long as we don't actually act these things out, it really should not matter to the people at the nsa. but i would say that you are correct that they are monitoring this website, like they would many others. we should be allowed to have the odd strange fantasys. there is no real differnce between what we are doing and playing red alert 2 on your pc, playing as the russians. so keep the ideas coming people, you never know people might even make your ideas into a game(i won't).
so hi to any people monitoring this thread, were only pulling your chain. your country like we said are just to powerfull. but like i said we are allowed to have fantasys.
your country like we said are just to powerfull. but like i said we are allowed to have fantasys.

May that power be highly overestimated and bring the US to its downfall.

Another fantasy.

I invite the ones who are monitoring this boards to come and get me...:p

By the way Andy1033, why are you saying that you are living in a free world and at the same time you say this thread is just a fantasy. Are you afraid "the watchers" may come and get you..?
Good link for echelon info

The FAS echelon page:


Its a global surveillance network operated cooperatively by several nations including the US. It intercepts email, phone communicaton etc. There are certain key phrases that it reportedly scans for ex. bill of rights, terrorism, militia. "Gray Seal" may be on the list now :)
You mention Echelon and you forget Carnivore, which wasn't just about internet chat rooms being monitored, but telephone calls, Radio stations and television.

Then there was that whole piece about Magic Latern, that was suppose to be dropped in as a Trojan into someones machine to log their keystrokes and place the file somewhere on the machine.
(Useful for getting a password??? Perhaps, unless it's logging for a year and eats up the harddrive space)

Personally this whole Spy thing is getting real old hat, Even the Blackops aren't the same using covers that could if caught be dis-associated with establishments through the use of specific "Cult" headings and Scientology movements.
thx, are we not getting away from the debate topic. i know it is sort of important to the issue. but can we stick to the topic.
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