When a person prays.....

Quantum Quack

Life's a tease...
Valued Senior Member
Are they not demonstrating a lack of faith and confidence in Gods omniscience and capacity to do what he considers to be right?
I have heard something similar reported by someone in Iraq. "Why do you have a spare tire? ...don't you trust in Allah?".
Or the church steeple that has a lightning rod. Definite lack of faith.
Nah, but seriously it's true, god needs to be reminded of things now and again...well he is getting on a bit.
Quantum Quack said:
Are they not demonstrating a lack of faith and confidence in Gods omniscience and capacity to do what he considers to be right?

Yes, and that's one purpose of praying. To make the faith greater.

Are they not demonstrating a lack of faith and confidence in Gods omniscience and capacity to do what he considers to be right?

Just because something is right according to God, it doesn't mean it's right for you too, because you are a god too.

Cris said:
Or the church steeple that has a lightning rod. Definite lack of faith.

No because the Bible says that we should not put God (faith) to the test.
hey guys I was actually meaning to ask a serious theological question......to understand better the religious view point.....I am sure this is not a new question and is dealt with somewhere in the Christain and Islamic faiths.

To those persons of religious persuasion please accept I mean no offense by this question.
Prayer could also serve the same purpose as meditation, as it does in Islam.
Muslims do not pray out of need or want, but are instructed to, to take time out of their lives to spend time with God.
Prayer could also serve the same purpose as meditation, as it does in Islam.
Muslims do not pray out of need or want, but are instructed to, to take time out of their lives to spend time with God.

OK...thanks...we are getting somewhere...to spend some time with God...hmmmm..ok this certainly doesn´t suggest a lacking in faith or confidence.´It seems the old preconception bug has hit me again with the context of my original question. I assumed after witnessing a few persons tales of prayer that they always seem to ask for something or want something or wish for something even if it is to express gratitude and thus posed a question with this only in mind.
Thanks for another view point....
I have to admit I was always quite confused by the concept of prayer. It always seemed to me that an omnscient god would always know exactly my innermost sincere needs and desires that it would be pointless to verbalize them.
I have to admit I was always quite confused by the concept of prayer. It always seemed to me that an omnscient god would always know exactly my innermost sincere needs and desires that it would be pointless to verbalize them.

Perhaps it is because those that are verbalized are the ones we truly desire, while other ones are not that strong?

Personally, the Bruce Almighty version is the better one.
"People keep looking up these todays. Be the miracle."

Be the miracle. I like it.

Perhaps it is because those that are verbalized are the ones we truly desire, while other ones are not that strong?
Clearly that is false. If you were dying of starvation would you have to verbalize the fact that you were hungry for it to be a strong desire?
Ayodhya said:

If we need to test God, it shows that we don't believe in God, so if we do that, God will give us more evidence that he does not exist, because that's apparently what one is asking for. And God always gives us what we ask/think/believe/want.
I think the Simpsons style of prayer is overwhelmingly the most effective.

Dear God if the don't want me to commit this murder then give me a sign by doing absolutely nothing. Thank you God.
Christianity's dual traditions are showing in this thread. The Jewish God (whom you pray to) and the God of the ancient Greek philosophers (not necessarily to be worshipped) are not actually compatible. Obviously so.
If we need to test God, it shows that we don't believe in God, so if we do that, God will give us more evidence that he does not exist, because that's apparently what one is asking for. And God always gives us what we ask/think/believe/want.

This is flawed logic. It gives us an unfallsifiable view of God (so he can't be disproved) and God does NOT give us what we ask/belive/want/think.... Look at Palestine
one of the back ground reasons for this question was the notion and observation that when ever a person looks around for inspiration or upwards in exasperation they are instinctively praying. Whether they believe or not in a religious personna is irrelevant. I tend to feel that prayer is instinctively hardwired into our reflexology via the instincts and religion is the deliberate manifestation of those instincts.

However praying instinctively as a part of our normal conscious experience is very different to making the deliberate effort to kneel and focus.

I think that Gods appearance in the film Bruce Almighty would have been more profound if he we a reflection or a clone of Bruce himself - possibly the "Ideal" Bruce attempting to teach the not so ideal Bruce a lesson or two.

any way all in the name of interest and curiosity.....