What's your secret to success?


Registered Member
Everyone wants to accomplish success, right? But how long can you go when it comes to doing something that is contrary to your morals yet an important element for your success?

Grant Cardone talks about being fearless in the pursuit for ultimate success. Do you agree?

Well, everyone determines ''success'' a little differently. No two people may view it the same. I'd say for me, it is being at peace in my life, in all areas. And if I make some money along the way, that's fine too. :)
Everyone wants to accomplish success, right? But how long can you go when it comes to doing something that is contrary to your morals yet an important element for your success?

What i do corrosponds exactly wit my morals so thers no dilemma.!!!
Home Forums > Philosophy > Ethics, Morality, & Justice
Everyone wants to accomplish success, right?

wrong !

that is a loaded rhetorical question to set an agreement platform modality and is inherantly dishonest.
so this sentence appeals to those whom are dishonest
which is the purpose of the sales pitch.

recruiting dishonest people who will give you money while they allow morality to be equaled to a balance sheet on a profit or loss basis.

morality is subjective
stealing off people is ok if that is what your morals say is ok.

THAT is what morality is.
fearless in the pursuit for ultimate success
playing the coward card
again.. morals issue
stealing is ok ?
Do you agree?
filter question to bait a single yes or no answer to try and remove peoples reaction to consider the real content of the question.

again .. stealing is ok ? right ?

is a professional thief any less moral than a professional con artist or a evangelical preacher ?

the moral proposition you are making is

"only cowards refuse to steal"

now a question for you

does peoples morals matter if they are going to give you money ?
Grant Cardone talks about
in the 2016 video i just skimmed through
Sales technique
thought patterns around goal setting for sales promotion and other sales orientated stuff
he talks about Christianity quite a bit.(not my thing)
he seems quite likable.
from car sales man to real-estate sales man.. to self promotional work shop sales.
pragmatic work-a-holic with attention to detail

working at such a fast pace pushing the edge makes the human mind vulnerable to depression, it also makes the heart vulnerable to stress related heart attacks
having a focus on healthy food & regular exercise with frequent contact with a very good Psychologist(for the mind) & Doctor(for the body/heart etc) would be critical.
Everyone wants to accomplish success, right?
Everyone wants to succeed at something that's important to them.
Rising to "the top" of some enterprise or list or sport or pecking-order or tax bracket (I mean, if they pay taxes) does seem to be many people's definition of success. For others, it may mean improving the world in some way, or marrying the love of their life or building the house of their dreams or painting the very best picture of a horse. For most, it's just a safe place for their family and an honest job.
There is no secret: success depends on getting the chance and then making the effort.
(I mean, if they pay taxes)
imagine all those years of hard work shamelessly self promoting a fake story line to sell a dream, at ticket prices, to people whom need to borrow to pay for it...
then only to have IRS come and ask you why you have not paid any income tax for years while publicly claiming to be making millions...

is that success ?

hoarding credit that takes money out of the mouths of children by pandering to the unrealistic addiction dreams of their parents ?

is that success ?
to live among those people who now have to find a job to pay off the 20k in borrowing at 30% interest because the market size is only 2% when your selling to a prospective 300% ?

is that success ?

do the successful live among those they sell to ?

no !
they move away very quickly, as far away as possible.
why ?

double checking thread topic area
Home Forums > Philosophy > Ethics, Morality, & Justice

shall we talk about the justice bit for the kids whos college education funds have been taken by those ticket prices borrowed to pay for ?
justice for them now not being able to have any medical care ... ? proper food ? sports & activities money ?
how does the American concept of " Home Forums > Philosophy > Ethics, Morality, & Justice"
serve its self in this moral debate ?

im not a fan of pyramid systems
who cares if your childrens birthday cake is being paid for with credit borrowing that is being loaded against the food & shelter of another child ?

Recreational drugs = ok
Gambling = ok
Prostitution = ok

self-help-pyramid-networking = ok ?
does the Drug dealer, Casino & Prostitute spend hours trying to psychologically convince the working class family man to take out a loan and spend 3 months wages on a one-night-stand ? no !