What's your religion?

Are you religous?

  • Yes

    Votes: 7 24.1%
  • No

    Votes: 22 75.9%

  • Total voters


"Pfft, Rebel scum!"
Valued Senior Member
I was wandering what everyones religion is?
Please state whether you're religious or not, what religion and why.

I'm not religious because:

A - It doesn't make sense
B - Religion is a government that has more control over peoples actions
C - I don't see why I should
D - I don't believe
E - Theres no proof what so ever that religion is true

I'm not a slave to a god that doesn't exsist
I'm not religious cos there are loopholes in most religions which flaw them, so therefore, I don't "believe". Other religions, well, haven't got round to considering them yet.
I'm non-denominational, but I don't look at religion with a purely negative outlook, I rather look at it in both positive and negative views.
Religion ...

I think Voltaire said it best:

"The truths of religion are never so well understood
as by those who have lost the power of reason."

Take care ;)

reasons why:
it is only what i beleive, and not what i dont
no mass meetings
no "pay us or go to hell" baskets
it doesn't improve your "afterlife" as much as it improves your current state.
No thick book of lies
welcomes everyone and everything
focuses on love, the earth, and improving things

many more reasons..... but they are lenghty.....
Athiest. I've never seen a reason to believe, and theism is illogical. In addition, one is free to be a purely moral actor, or to go beyond morality.
Depends on what you are asking. I think of myself as a very religious person, but I follow no official religion.

I believe in a creator, but not a "god" To me, a being which demands the title or name god (and often threatens to torture the shit out of you if he/she doesn't get called such a term), is a tyranical, proud, greedy, selfish, piece of shit. To stand in front of someone and demand you fall down and worship he/she, shows you have a major problem even if you did create the universe (like uh, crazed and low self esteem maybe?)

Ok, I really hate authority figures who want to control other peoples lives, but to continue.......

I have different beliefs about different things. One person might call someone religious simply if they believe in some sort of life after death. While someone else might not call someone "religious" even if they walk around in a red cloak with a funny symbol and worship spirits all day.

I have different beliefs about life, death, earth, the universe, and other things. I'm not one to go out and attack or deny anything that has to do with "superstition" or things that seem unrelated to wordly matters and facts.

I tend not to believe much of anything until I have taken a look at the situation and analyzed it based on what I know.

The only things I believe in, are things I feel fairly confident about. Some things I'll never believe or agree with no matter what. Other things I am not sure of.

If you had some specific questions I suppose I could try and answer.
Religion, a lot of good ideas with a lot of shitty execution.

I would call myself religious in a second if it wasn't for the presence of the token 'higher powers' involved.

So many religions have a clear and comprehensible set of rules, a 'how to be good' guide which is accepted by its followers. Religion in general is assosiated with teachings of love and kindness, which I totally respect.

And yet always there is a God figure, as if we need an EXCUSE to act decently, we need FEAR of hellfire to keep us in order- this is not a doctrine I can sympathise with.
Religion, to me, is a lost dream. There is no one up there to baby you when you fuck up. It's all up to you to get yourself out of the shit you got in. No sweet prayers, no rewards for faith in anything that's supposed to be more than 20 feet above your head (except maybe astronomy ), no emotionally moving divine intervention episodes. Cmon, wake up, the world is fucking harsh out there loaded with people all set to rape you and your stuff. No time for daydreams, kiddo. --Zero the Babe
Non religious.

The reason for my non-religiousity is a lack of early indoctrination and thus a lack of psychological dependence on spiritual entities and dogma. Basically, I'm a product of my upbringing: I wasn't taught to believe so I don't. If I was I probably would.
Also I suppose I was infected with rationality, perhaps I might believe if God was logical.
The existence of God makes more sense to me than the existence of man.

I don't subscribe to a religion.
Science is not a religion. It is an activity, the human undertaking to understand the universe.