Whats your OCD?


Registered Senior Member
I have this stpid complusion, everytime im stressed or in deep though that i rub my eyebrow. I did it all through my Higher School Certificate (SAT equal) and i cant stop! At one point, i rubbed it soooo much I only had half an eyebrow.... Just letting you in on a little of my world. Let me in yours!! what is yours?
Ohhh man, and i have another one where i say thigs before i think about it... i really wish i didnt write that last post lol
You should see a screenshot of my desktop... Pixel perfect, explorer on left, lined up with the free space left by winamp on the right, MSN messenger fits perfectly over winamp playlist, various other programs always perfectly lined up with top left corner of desktop. Winamp playlist, aphabetized by name, genre, album, only ID3 tags checked, every field filled out. Proper titles, no missing capital letters, perfect filenames, the same bitrate of 192kpbs for every single file (1,500 of them). Explorer, only file and edit buttons visible, four small icons next to them, back forward stop refresh, then an adress field all on the same line.

Desktop theme matches winamp and wallpaper perfectly, every significant color screencaptured and replicated...
I have a compulsion to stick my nose into other peoples' business, especially when it's something like a guy hitting a girl.
Gosh Mystery Motormouth and Merlijn,

My entire life is like your Desktop. I can't go to sleep if my shoes are not properly aligned next to my bed. I couldn't rest with a single dish in the sink to be washed. I've spotted a weed sticking up in my garden from my bedroom window and rushed out to pull it while wearing only my garden Birkenstocks (I live deep in the forest, though I imagine the sight of it scared the Chipmunks). I'm like some matronly cleaning woman on steroids. My need for order verges on insanity.

And you think you have problems! :)

All the computer games on my hard drive are aligned in the same column on my desktop. I don't think that's obsessive compulsive.

A girl I knew had a situation similar to yours, agenta. She pulled her eyebrows out compulsively, don't ask me why (cause I don't know-ha!) and eventually removed maybe 3/4 of what was originally there. Before she was pretty, afterwards she looked pretty phreaky, but either she painted new ones on or they grew back really fast cause she looks normal again.

As for me...I'm not too cleanly in my house, my room is covered in bird crap, they've taken over the place, my clothes are all over the floor, and despite a small, rectangular window its very cool and gloomy all the time. It smells kinda funky too (and I bet everyone else thought their rooms were awful!).

If you could spend an hour in my flat you would be cured, as everything has it's place, Usually somewhere in "Disorder". My flat is the Chaos theoriticians inspirational pad, it makes the ART that has adoned galleries in London recently look so "Cliche".
(Typical Student Avantgarde look)

If a shoe lace is untied.... so be it, if the beds not made properly... leave it. And washing up... well I'm giving you nightmares.

I have this kind of underlining thought, that if I leave a bit of dirt around me that I grow immunities towards diseases that the cleanest of Compulsives could actually allow themselves to grow weak to.
(sometimes dirt isn't all that bad)

So that kinda makes me an opposite cleaning compulsive (or a dirt magnet).
My OCD, if you can call it one, is embracing whatever I feel like doing. It only fits the OCD description because I feel like shit if I dont obey that little voice......like....

this one time I was sitting through a French Lesson, it was baking hot and for the life of me all I wanted was to sit in the playing fields with a box of Fab Lollies.... I fidgetted for a about 5 minutes and then obeyed the urge.... you get me?

Now see what you've done! I had to go clean behind the refrigerator after I read your post.

Actually I've heard some anecdotal evidence that the Japanese have a rather high incidence of bacterial infection. I imagine bringing a potted plant into a Japanese house would be analogous to distributing small-pox infected blankets to the Indians.

The only place in which I've stayed that was more spotless than my house was a B&B I stayed in Liechtenstein. Frau Kaiser, that Goddess, was a veriatable cleaning machine. That little woman was born to clean windows.

Ah, ya know, the best feeling in the world is the "squeek" you hear and feel after you've twice shampooed your hair in the shower.

I'd better stop now, next thing and I'll be sniffing that box of "Spic-And-Span" again. :)

Michael (AKA Squeeky)
'I have this stpid complusion, everytime im stressed or in deep though that i rub my eyebrow'

My dad does it too, but he's really screwed up his eyebrows, so i came up with a genius innovation and now i rub them with the grain so it doesnt do mess them up :)
as every designer out there (those who I know) my room is in an order only understood to me. I know where everything is. There's a system for my chaos in my head.

I can't say it for other people though. Everyone says that my working room looks like a tornado had just recently gone through it.
My room looks like a shit heap, and smells like one until I open a window in the morning, yet I realised the other day an unconcious pattern.

I DO know where everything is- In my shit heap, not one thing on my floor is placed upon another, took me 10 years to realise that. freaky.
Originally posted by orthogonal
Welcome Dimlien! Yes, "go with the grain."


yeah yeah i learnt that, now i still have the same satisfaction WITH an eyebrow. but My god, i had no idea anyone else did that? i though i was the only one!!! hehehehe im so glad i wrote that now!
Agent@5, I do sort of the same thing as you. For me it's not just my eyebrow, I tend to mix it up a bit. It might be rubbing my cheek, scratching my eye or nose, playing with my ear, running my hand through my hair. I catch myself doing it all the time. I like watching people's various little nervous habits, that they aren't aware of. crossing arms, wringing hands, rocking back and forth, etc. It can be fun.
I think there's a special movement for everyone when they're lying, keep an eye on someone you think is untrustworthy and then prove them wrong absolutely, then try to remember all the little motions they went through.

For me, I think the pitch of my voice gives me away. I just don't sound normal.

But as for rubbing eyebrows, I have some slightly, slightly bushy ones, and to keep em in line I always run my finger with the grain to keep em straight. Before I used to gel em:D
I throw pens in the air almost constanly. The only real problem with this is that is causes the ink to leak so I go through alot of pens. :(