Whats your Mayan starsign?


Registered Member
I thought I stick in a thread from prehaps the most detailed of ancient birth sign systems the Mayan starsigns, mainly cause they look cool and you get a hippy poem, and other forums have enjoyed it.

http://www.starroot.com/cgi/daycalc.pl This is where you can find out your Mayan starsign. Type your birthdate into box on the page you will get 5 mayan glyphs (signs) the one in the middle is yours and the others surrounding it are signs of other people who can help you in life.

This page http://mysite.freeserve.com/LucidCrossroads/mayan.htm has has a rough reading for the "main" glyph (sign ((not influenced by the tone)). It also has images of all the Glyphs, tones and the Tzolkin (the mayan calendar).

Your TONE, which is in my case is "Galactic" effects that reading that is listed on that page for the "main" sign.

The main reading of the glyph (sign) still stands but how you think about those issues etc is determined by your TONE, it can even turn the whole meaning on its head, saying you have difficulty with these attributes etc. *unfortunately I don't have a full mayan interpretaion guide.*

Post your results here

I'm a Yellow Galactic Seed and my hippy poem is

I harmonize in order to target
Modeling awareness
I seal the input of flowering
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of elegance

Some of you might be born on Mayan special days which you'll notice cause you'll have an extra line in your poem. Its actually all very serious, well if you think the world we know coming to an end in 2012 when the calendar ends is serious! I have heard full reading for some people and have to say it was very acurate.
what does it mean?

Tone 3 Electric
Seal of the Day, Destiny

Red Electric Moon
Red Eastern Castle of Turning
Earth family- Gateway Clan- Blood

I activate in order to purify
Bonding flow
I seal the process of universal water
With the electric tone of service
I am guided by the power of space

Red Moon (MULAC) Purifies and emphasizes Universal Water.
The seal of the day is the basis of life destiny, with power of the solar tribe.
Kin 29 of 260 day cycle(20 wavespells of 13 tones).
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For some reason I can't copy paste the image - oh well. It's attached anyways.

I unify in order to know
Attracting healing
I seal the store of accomplishment
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled

Who writes these things??
Tone 9 Solar
Seal of the Day, Destiny
White Wizard


White Solar Wizard
White Northern Castle of Crossing
Earth family- Gateway Clan- Truth

I pulse in order to enchant
Realizing receptivity
I seal the output of timelessness
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of

White Wizard (IX) Enchants and emphasizes Timelessness.
The seal of the day is the basis of life destiny, with power of the solar tribe.
Kin 74 of 260 day cycle(20 wavespells of 13 tones).
Red Crystal Dragon

Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
Earth family- Cardinal Clan- Fire

I dedicate in order to nurture
Universalizing being
I seal the input of birth
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided by the power of space

Tone 12 Crystal
Seal of the Day, Destiny

Red Dragon (IMIX) Nurtures and emphasizes Birth.
The seal of the day is the basis of life destiny, with power of the solar tribe.
Kin 181 of 260 day cycle(20 wavespells of 13 tones).

Tone of the day
Tone 12 Crystal, creative power to Dedicate Cooperation,action of Universalize.
Daily meditation- Round Table meets.

Guide of the Day, effecting Outcome

Red Skywalker (BEN) Explores and emphasizes Space.
The seal for the Guide of the day enhances the oracle reading in Outcome.

Antipode of the Day, the Challenging focus

Blue Monkey (CHUEN) Plays and emphasizes Magic.
The seal for the Anitpode of the day enhances the oracle reading with Challenging power (strengthening memory, reconstruction).

Lunar - Occult tone of the day
Occult of the Day, the Hidden power

Yellow Sun (AHAU) Enlightens and emphasizes Universal Fire.
The seal for the Occult of the day enhances the oracle reading with Hidden power (the unexpected).

Analog of the Day, the Like-Minded power

White Mirror (ETZNAB) Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness.
The seal for the Analog of the day enhances the oracle reading with Like-Minded power (galactic-solar planetary power).
RED DRAGON!! Neat, I want to see that movie. "The power of space", eh? Well...I like to look at it? And well, overall...I'd be very impressed,...If I knew what this meant. :D
This is what I got.

White Galactic Mirror
Blue Western Castle of Burning
Earth family- Signal _____Clan- Sky
I harmonize in order to reflect
Modeling order
I seal the matrix of endlessness
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of spirit


Tone 8 Galactic
Seal of the Day, Destiny

White Mirror (ETZNAB) Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness.
The seal of the day is the basis of life destiny, with power of the solar tribe.
Kin 138 of 260 day cycle(20 wavespells of 13 tones).

Tone of the day
Tone 8 Galactic, creative power to Harmonize Integrity,action of Modeling.
Daily meditation- Action Attains form.
Guide of the Day, effecting Outcome

White Wind (IK) Communicates and empasizes Spirit.
The seal for the Guide of the day enhances the oracle reading in Outcome.
Antipode of the Day, the Challenging focus

Yellow Star (LAMAT) Beautifies and emphasizes Elegance.
The seal for the Anitpode of the day enhances the oracle reading with Challenging power (strengthening memory, reconstruction).

Rythmic - Occult tone of the day
Occult of the Day, the Hidden power

Blue Night (AKBAL) Dreams and emphasizes Abundance.
The seal for the Occult of the day enhances the oracle reading with Hidden power (the unexpected).
Analog of the Day, the Like-Minded power

Red Dragon (IMIX) Nurtures and emphasizes Birth.
The seal for the Analog of the day enhances the oracle reading with Like-Minded power (galactic-solar planetary power).

Tone one starts the Wavespell
Tone 1 Magnetic, creative power to Unify Purpose,action of Attraction
Tone 1 Magnetic

Seal for Wavespell

Blue Monkey (CHUEN) Plays and emphasizes Magic.
The seal for the Wavespell sets the emphasis of the thirteen day, thirteen tone cycle.

Tone of the Year
Tone 3 Electric, creative power to Activate Service,action of Bonding
Tone 3 Electric

Seal of the Year, Destiny

Yellow Seed (KAN) Targets and emphsizes Flowering (ideas).
The seal of the year is the basis of life destiny, with the power of the solar tribe.

Blue Solar Night
Green Central Castle of Enchantment
Earth family- Signal Clan- Fire

I pulse in order to dream
Realizing intuition
I seal the input of abundance
With the solar tone of intention
I am guided by the power of self-generation

Sept 28 1976


Tone 9 Solar
Seal of the Day, Destiny

Blue Night (AKBAL) Dreams and emphasizes Abundance.
The seal of the day is the basis of life destiny, with power of the solar tribe.
Kin 243 of 260 day cycle(20 wavespells of 13 tones).

Tone of the day
Tone 9 Solar, creative power to Pulse Intention,action of Realizing.
Daily meditation- Action set in Motion.
Guide of the Day, effecting Outcome

Blue Storm (CAUAC) Catalyzes and emphasizes Self-Generation.
The seal for the Guide of the day enhances the oracle reading in Outcome.
Antipode of the Day, the Challenging focus

Red Skywalker (BEN) Explores and emphasizes Space.
The seal for the Anitpode of the day enhances the oracle reading with Challenging power (strengthening memory, reconstruction).

Overtone - Occult tone of the day
Occult of the Day, the Hidden power

White Mirror (ETZNAB) Reflects and emphasizes Endlessness.
The seal for the Occult of the day enhances the oracle reading with Hidden power (the unexpected).
Analog of the Day, the Like-Minded power

Yellow Warrior (CIB) Questions and emphasizes Intelligence.
The seal for the Analog of the day enhances the oracle reading with Like-Minded power (galactic-solar planetary power).

Tone one starts the Wavespell
Tone 1 Magnetic, creative power to Unify Purpose,action of Attraction
Tone 1 Magnetic
Seal for Wavespell

Blue Eagle (MEN) Creates and emphasizes Vision.
The seal for the Wavespell sets the emphasis of the thirteen day, thirteen tone cycle.

Tone of the Year
Tone 10 Planetary, creative power to Perfect Manifestation,action of Producing
Tone 10 Planetary

Seal of the Year, Destiny

Blue Storm (CAUAC) Catalyzes and emphasizes Self-Generation.
The seal of the year is the basis of life destiny, with the power of the solar tribe.
White Galactic Wind

Green Central Castle of Enchantment
Earth family- Core Clan- Fire

I harmonize in order to communicate
Modeling breath
I seal the input of spirit
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of death

Red Magnetic Earth
Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
Earth family- Core Clan- Sky

I unify in order to evolve
Attracting synchronicity
I seal the matrix of navigation
With the Magnetic tone of purpose
I am guided by my own power doubled
my sign

I got blue crystal eagle
Blue Western castle burning
earth family-polar
galactic activation portal

I dedicate in order to create
Universalizing mind
I seal the output of vision
With the crystal tone of cooperation
I am guided to the power of acccomplishment
I am a galactic activation portal enter me

pretty weird stuff, though in some ways accurate
No Joke!!!

Hey all you planetary kin...

I came accross this forum page and thought it was so funny to read all of your responses to this Mayan stuff. It remineded me of myself about six years ago when I was first introduced to this knowledge. At first I looked at it very sceptically but later found myself completely transformed by it. To make a long story short, it changed my life considerably!!!

Should you want to know more about the seriousness of this topic then visit:


It is the main portal site for:

The World Thirteen Moon Calendar Change Peace Movement.

Have Fun and In' Lakesh (I am another yourself),

Hun Ix (White Magnetic Wizard)
I always get weird things. Strangly enough, I used to be called Funky Monkey.

Blue Galactic Monkey

I harmonize in order to play
Modeling illusion
I seal the process of magic
With the galactic tone of integrity
I am guided by the power of vision
I am a galactic activation portal enter me
more info

ola beautiful minds,
if you are up for challenging your scientific minds check out the works of jose arguelles...he is the one who created the dreamspell and the link to the oracle is starrroots, who is a friend of mine...these oracles are rooted in the mayan count of days, but differ according to an evolutionary process which seeks to be inclusive of all esoteric teachings which is the basis of science: to know thyself as that one scientific hippy of old said. isn't that the true nature of science: the search for immoratality...the only joke is: you are with or without scientific proof.
Apr 20 1982


Tone 10 Planetary
Seal of the Day, Destiny

Yellow Human (EB) Influences and emphasizes Free Will.
The seal of the day is the basis of life destiny, with power of the solar tribe.
Kin 192 of 260 day cycle(20 wavespells of 13 tones).

Yellow Planetary Human
Yellow Southern Castle of Giving
Earth family- Core Clan- Truth
Galactic Activation Portal

I perfect in order to influence
Producing wisdom
I seal the process of free will
With the planetary tone of manifestation
I am guided by the power of universal fire
I am a galactic activation portal enter me
This is what is said about my sign on the other link:

YELLOW HUMAN - EB - eb - Human - Eb lives by the emotional body and operates out of the physic world. Eb is global consciousness. Eb in essence formulates. It transduces what it receives into a more understandable form. It is ruled by the heart chakra. It associated planet is Earth. Eb is relaxed, courteous, careful and useful. It can be also sensitive, touchy, and easily hurt. Eb is ambitious and hard-working. Eb is challenged to avoid poisoning itself by suppressing anger. Eb needs to express feelings and foster purifying and healing actions.