Whats wrong with socicity


Registered Senior Member
From reading about your religious veiws and ideas on socitity it is no wonder to me that you have the promblems you do. we over in england hear about tragic stories about how children are carrying around guns and how ppl are surrounded with violence and the needy being left to fend for thme selfs, i mean in america if you dont have the correct money to pay for your life , through your healthservice they would rather let you suffer and to top it of you send us sitcom humur laughing at this sort of behaviour through things like "scrubs". You tell us you lack religion but dont you maybe see the corralation between the lack of religion and the state of the crime and suffering in your country??? I mean i know that we have our on problems with socity but with the help of our religion we have the unwriten rules which are\set into ourselves and children which tell us it isnt exceptable to act as some ppl do over in your country. i mean how often do you hear about ppl being shot dead just because they were carrying a gun in the uk? or even in europe.
Our societies and their related problems are the result of religious influence, directly and indirectly.

Look to your own before casting a stone.
ahh but you forget that religion also contributes to the many results and good will we have among ppl so before you put down the religion maybe you should way up your argument. Religion does cause arguments but look also at the good that it can cause, (which im sure you are sadly lacking in seeing due to your closed mind), do not tell me about throwing the first stone as i sin the same as the rest i just have the conviction to know what im doing is inccorect, unlike it seems our american conterparts sometimes do not. Although they are not all the same and i can critasise a nation for a minority of its ppl i can have an opinion about the sadly lacking morals that they seem have to have.

I am British but live permanently here in California.

The USA is significantly more religious than the UK. The furore over removing the phrase 'Under God' from the pledge of alligience shows the overwhelming belief in a god. In the newspaper "USA Today" (online version) there is a poll asking if the words should be removed and the current result is 94% in favor of keeping the words.

On all the currency over here are the words 'In God We Trust".

Patriotism and God belief are also heavily combined and almost indistinguishable at times.

If you want to argue that the USA is violent because they don't believe in God then you have it entirely wrong.

The USA is one of the most religious countries in the world.

I think the violence exists because so many people here are simply very irrational and that is proved by the large number who believe in religion.

i sin the same as the rest i just have the conviction to know what im doing is inccorect

Yes, absolution is convenient, isn't it. It allows you to knowingly do wrong in the first place.

Although they are not all the same and i can critasise a nation for a minority of its ppl i can have an opinion about the sadly lacking morals that they seem have to have.

There are about 4200 different religions in the world. Out of the top ten religions, over 170 million people in the United States belong.

ahh but you forget that religion also contributes to the many results and good will we have among ppl...Religion does cause arguments but look also at the good that it can cause

Who could forget. The following is a list of current conflicts and wars which have as their base a significant component of religious intolerance:

Afghanistan, Bosnia, Côte d'Ivoire, Cyprus, East Timor, India, Indonesia, Provinces of Ambon and Halmahera, Kashmir, Kosovo, Kurdistan, Macedonia, Middle East, Nigeria, Northern Ireland, Pakistan, Philippines, Russia,
Chechnya, Serbia, province of Vojvodina, South Africa, Sri Lanka, Sudan, Tibet, Thailand, Bangladesh, Tajikistan
how can you say that????
a religious country would stop the sinners would it not??
You say irratuional ppl cause the viloence but as a religious country shouldnt you consider the fact that perhaps you should be helping these ppl as did jesus to the sick?
Also a religious country would not let so much suffereing occur the violence is only part of the problem america has. Back to you children, do you not consider their morals etc? i mean over here in the uk we hear that many girls are giving headat the age of 12??? is this the behaviour of a child being brought up in a religious country?? even if she is not religious herself does she not have the countries morals driven into her through school and general life?
I think to say that you are one of the most religious countries in the world is a contradiction in its self and perhaps you should market that as one of your sick sitcomes to pass off as humour for the rest of the world???
hello q
What is it to say that 170 million ppl belong to a religion? does that mean they act as that religion does? does it mean they follow the rules? Or does it just mean that is were they fit best??
Hey what can i say everyone knows what they sometimes do is wrong, you would be a lier if you said you say you have never done something you knew to be wrong in the first place?
well cause then you would have done the worst and lied to a stranger??
what im on about is the fact that i would never go on and stab someone witha knife just because it was in my bag or pocket? sadly this is portrayed to us as something taht appears to happen in the us everyday, it may be only one or two occasions a day but you know i kinda find that sick for a nation to allow so many ppl to get to a state where they have to do wrong to show they are slightly irrational.
but are you the most powerful and succsesfull??
give it a few more months with the economy in the state it is and quite possible it could result ion a crash in what you see as your normal system.
also dosnt it seem strange that what you may see as powerfull everyone else sees as complete crap?
what kind of nation sees killing as powerful? electric chaire etc?
what kind of nation polutes the sea and sky?
without caring for anyother countrie on the earth?
to be quiet honest i beleive that power comes with alot ofthings but also isnt it suppose to come with uderstanding and respect for others? shouldnt it come with mutral consideration for the rest of the world and its country????
but if thats what you call power perhaps that why you are the most powerfull in your eyes?
more than just religion

Religion, Government, Schools, Corperate America(Media)... These are the institutions the United States uses to pass culture. In such a free society there are so many institutions trying to coerce children to join for various reasons. Some children become so confused that they become homeless, and other children find a niche in the culture. It is very much survival of the fittest. This is so in every country, no?

Let's all draw giant conclusions from a medias lack of stories. Isolated incidents are not enough to judge a country. The main reason we may have any significant increase in violent crimes has more to do with the relgious rights insistence on the availability of handguns. There is also data to support the increased numbers being related to the death penalty. Texas regularly executes people, including the retarded (until now).

Let's not forget that Britain is not immune to crime. I remember hearing that your statistics are as high if not higher.

As for the media issue, our programming is actually more conservative. I certainly wasn't receiving head before 13.:D

I am as atheist as you get. I have never committed a crime. Every act of slight transgression has stuck with me as a feeling of guilt. Religion is not a factor at all in any of this. Why should it be when all that is neccessary is forgiveness. If you don't get caught and are forgiven, where are the deterents? That facilitates criminal behavior.

What is it to say that 170 million ppl belong to a religion? does that mean they act as that religion does? does it mean they follow the rules? Or does it just mean that is were they fit best??

They belong to the top ten religions, in other words, the religions with the highest number of sheep in the fold. They rarely act as that religion does or follow the rules. Hypocrisy reigns supreme when it comes to religious beliefs.

Hey what can i say everyone knows what they sometimes do is wrong, you would be a lier if you said you say you have never done something you knew to be wrong in the first place?

I have no reason to do wrong. I know there are consequences to doing wrong in our society. But I don't rely on society to dictate my reasoning, I do that on my own. I will only do what I know will benefit me and hurt no one.

what im on about is the fact that i would never go on and stab someone witha knife just because it was in my bag or pocket?

Did you reason that for yourself or did your god tell you not to do that ?

sadly this is portrayed to us as something taht appears to happen in the us everyday, it may be only one or two occasions a day but you know i kinda find that sick for a nation to allow so many ppl to get to a state where they have to do wrong to show they are slightly irrational.

You have totally missed the point of my previous post outlining the conflicts and wars based on religious intolerance. In other words, far more people are killed in religious conflicts and wars then those conflicts showing slight irrationality.

Can you give me one example of a conflict or war based on reasoning and logic alone ?
I've just got to say that I live in England and I disagree with what you said (Andrew111), apart from the US not getting proper support from their multibillion dollar government.

You have to understand that the US and England are two different countries. England just has its countrymen as its main priority. It gave the people the NHS because it could. The US could also do it, but they would loose billions every year. They would have to increase taxes, stop their space program, stop military research. You'd probably like that though. I sure as hell wouldn't, we (England) need the US more than people think. If we weren't allies, we'd be in some deep shit right now. America is like our 7ft tall, muscle bound little brother who keeps bullies away.