Whats up with this?


Registered Member
I am sittin here and some timeless questions popped in my head and i was wondering if you guys could help me oot.

1. if u could smell the color blue, what would it taste like?

2. if a dog barks in the forest and noone is around to hear, is it still being a bad dog?

3. if aliens are so smart why dont the talk to us instead of jus flying around like lil bitches?

4. if if bears had midgets to play with would they still be as angry all the time?

5. How much wood really would a wood chuck chuck if a wood chuck could chuck wood??

6. what if all the stuff that tasted like chicken was really chicken???

thas all for now kiddies but tomorrow ill be back with more mind bogglers
I can help on number one..
Blue tastes like green only not quite so yellow.:cool: