What's the Easiest Way to Convert Someone?


It is very dry in here today
Valued Senior Member
Screw a poll. I can't be bothered.

Whatever religion you are now, how do you get someone to easily convert? Read scriptures, marry, bribe with sex perhaps, pay, force, terrorize, blackmail, promise, brainwash, threaten, music, lie, truth, or what really works? Surely some of our religious friends have successfully converted someone or have been converted themselves in their lifetime.

What factors if any are taken into account first? Is there a certain kind of person you're looking for such as a youthful or depressed? How is the distinction made between a possible and impossible convert? Basically how is the art of conversion practiced in your religion.
Conversion implies changing faith. Most people who "convert" have issues with their faith to begin with.
That's a given. People just don't change for the sake of chnging, what provokes it or how is the conversion sold, how's it clinched?
That's a given. People just don't change for the sake of chnging, what provokes it or how is the conversion sold, how's it clinched?

I think it depends on the person; people who are dissatisfied with the faith they are born in but still crave spiritual growth will explore other faiths until they find one that "fits".
I think it depends on the person; people who are dissatisfied with the faith they are born in but still crave spiritual growth will explore other faiths until they find one that "fits".

Kind of cheapens religion, don't you think? I mean on one hand somebody leaves their religion for yours while at the same time someone leaves yours for theirs, all the while craving spiritual growth. Either way your religion provides it and at the same time it doesn't. For that reason I can't buy what your saying. Something else makes people convert.
Screw a poll. I can't be bothered.

Whatever religion you are now, how do you get someone to easily convert? Read scriptures, marry, bribe with sex perhaps, pay, force, terrorize, blackmail, promise, brainwash, threaten, music, lie, truth, or what really works? Surely some of our religious friends have successfully converted someone or have been converted themselves in their lifetime.

What factors if any are taken into account first? Is there a certain kind of person you're looking for such as a youthful or depressed? How is the distinction made between a possible and impossible convert? Basically how is the art of conversion practiced in your religion.

In my Faith you put all your effort into giving the person as much detailed information as possible. Then you leave it between them and the Holy Spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit that does most of the converting really. Its like a power system a switch and a light. The power for the light does not originate from the switch on the wall but from the power station. Just as Christians are switches and the Holy Spirit is the multi million megawatt power system behind the little switch. Oh and the seeker is the light bulb of course the interaction between the bulb and the power system is more significant that the interaction between the switch and the bulb. Although to a person with no idea about power stations it might be logical to believe the source of the power is the switch.. lol i love analogies. Sorry i am getting carried away with it. :D

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
Kind of cheapens religion, don't you think? I mean on one hand somebody leaves their religion for yours while at the same time someone leaves yours for theirs, all the while craving spiritual growth. Either way your religion provides it and at the same time it doesn't. For that reason I can't buy what your saying. Something else makes people convert.

People are different and not everyone has the same needs.
I don't know about that Adstar. Kind of sounds like the holy spirit needs help. Let's say a Xian wishes to convert to Catholicism from some Protestant denomination, what is the holy spirit doing lighting both ends of the candle at once? I don't buy it. We're human, we all have a price.

Gotta go....bedtime
Screw a poll. I can't be bothered.

Whatever religion you are now, how do you get someone to easily convert? Read scriptures, marry, bribe with sex perhaps, pay, force, terrorize, blackmail, promise, brainwash, threaten, music, lie, truth, or what really works? Surely some of our religious friends have successfully converted someone or have been converted themselves in their lifetime.
basically the opportunity for good association coupled with service to god

What factors if any are taken into account first?
factors for disqualification would be an inimical attitude.
basically the average prime quality theist has this outlook
expressions of love for god, friendship with other existing theists, mercifulness to the innocent and avoidance of the envious
(this is is distinct from the low quality theist who does have the proper knowledge how to deal with those devoted or not devoted to god)
Is there a certain kind of person you're looking for such as a youthful or depressed?

4 types of pious people are capable of beginning spiritual life

BG 7.16: O best among the Bhāratas, four kinds of pious men begin to render devotional service unto Me — the distressed, the desirer of wealth, the inquisitive, and he who is searching for knowledge of the Absolute.
How is the distinction made between a possible and impossible convert?
and 4 types incapable

BG 7.15: Those miscreants who are grossly foolish, who are lowest among mankind, whose knowledge is stolen by illusion, and who partake of the atheistic nature of demons do not surrender unto Me.

Basically how is the art of conversion practiced in your religion.
to begin with, everyone is constitutionally a servant of god - this nature finds a variety of expressions - not just in terms of hindu/muslim/christian but also in the sense of being under the grip of illusion (ie accepting some other thing/person/object - and working as a servant of that - eg pet, country, spouse, career, etc) - as such its not so much an issue of conversion but of dovetailing one's inherent nature of service to the correct object (ie god)
I don't know about that Adstar. Kind of sounds like the holy spirit needs help. Let's say a Xian wishes to convert to Catholicism from some Protestant denomination, what is the holy spirit doing lighting both ends of the candle at once? I don't buy it. We're human, we all have a price.

Gotta go....bedtime

The Holy Spirit draws people but people can and do resist and reject the call of the Holy Spirit. The Holy Spirit will never lead people in two directions. There is only one path.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days

What is the price of true love.
Death threats, even if you don't mean it. But that would be lying. So making examples is an effective tool.
That's easy, give them an endless supply of beer, and make them watch Jim and Tammy Faye until they have a spiritual experience!
or or or or or promis them eternal salvation right there and then and blow therebrains out that way u can say he converted i mean its not like his gona argue his case
Most of religion is tied to emotions. Sure, you have the dogma that is tremendously helpful after the initial emotional-connection has been made, but if a person is feeling good immediately, then the chance of them being converted is increased by orders of magnitude.

Easily trusting people without an innate sense of skepticism could be swayed by hellfire & damnation pronouncements, but more intelligent people need better arguments to get them to devote hours out of their week to attending church. But the higher up you go in education, the more skeptical people become (correlation without causation?), especially since they have better access to a wider range of information.

Get a person emotionally invested in their own situation and they'll be more willing to hear the rest of what you have to offer them. Because, later on, it'll be so much harder for them to forsake the teachings and experience if they've tied all of that to emotions.