What's on your mind?


Let us not launch the boat ...
Valued Senior Member
I need to spend some time counting posts and topics, but it seems to me there's an awful lot of ethical topics of late dealing with child sex issues.

What the hell is on all your minds?

Tiassa :cool:
Well i think there has become more awareness in recent years and more people coming forward. I dont think its just child sex issues but child abuse generally: recent cases of children beng left to fend for themselves.
When I scan the news websites for stuff to post, I generally pick war, politics, and ethics. I'm not interested in the fluffy puppy stories, and I'm pretty sure most of you aren't interested in local Victorian issues.
Do you remember the huge American preist/child molester explosion last year? Thats big news. I wasnt on Sciforums during that period, but i am guessing that there was probably alot of shit going down around here. Children are the innocent. When the innocent are corrupted, it should be discussed to resolve and reach a common ground on a solution that each of us should act upon.