What's love got to do with it?


Registered Senior Member
Tina Turner said it first, but I wanted to pose that question here. It's no secret that we have a scientific side and a religious side to most of the debates going on around here. I think that the two go hand in hand, but that's beside the point. When you look at science, it's all about fact... no emotion needed. So, how do you explain emotions like love?

If there is a God, it would make sense that's where love comes from. We've all heard the expression "An all knowing and all loving God". To me, the fact that love, and any emotion for that matter, even exists points to the direction of there actually being a God after all.

If love didn't come from God, there where did it come from? I'd like to keep this thread on track by the way; let's try to stray away from posts like "God causes war famine, etc... that's not love".
Tina Turner said it first, but I wanted to pose that question here. It's no secret that we have a scientific side and a religious side to most of the debates going on around here. I think that the two go hand in hand, but that's beside the point. When you look at science, it's all about fact... no emotion needed. So, how do you explain emotions like love?

If there is a God, it would make sense that's where love comes from. We've all heard the expression "An all knowing and all loving God". To me, the fact that love, and any emotion for that matter, even exists points to the direction of there actually being a God after all.

If love didn't come from God, there where did it come from? I'd like to keep this thread on track by the way; let's try to stray away from posts like "God causes war famine, etc... that's not love".

This post is nonsense.

There is a perfectly reasonable Darwinistic explanation of all things related to life. Emotions like love, in particular with mammals like us, is a very VERY important survival mechanism. We give birth to very few offspring and if there is no bond between parent and child, then we would be extinct right now.

As for 'love' with a mate, again, it is important for species like us to have a bond to stay together when our children require many many years before they can fend for themselves.

If we were a species that shat out hundreds of fertilized eggs, we would have no such thing as love.

But for mammals, if there is no 'love', then our very survival is compromised. Every faculty we have as human beings is a byproduct of our evolution. Absolutely nothing to do with your childish fantasy.
There is a perfectly reasonable Darwinistic explanation of all things related to life.

If you believe in that, sure.

Emotions like love, in particular with mammals like us, is a very VERY important survival mechanism. We give birth to very few offspring and if there is no bond between parent and child, then we would be extinct right now.

As for 'love' with a mate, again, it is important for species like us to have a bond to stay together when our children require many many years before they can fend for themselves.

If we were a species that shat out hundreds of fertilized eggs, we would have no such thing as love.

From chemicals in our brain.

Agreed, and those are the scientific explanations, but it still doesn't explain why love is necessary. Affection for one another and pure survival instinct are two different things. The human species doesn't have to love each other to survive; it could every well be all business.

This post is nonsense... absolutely nothing to do with your childish fantasy.

On a side note, can you post response without being derogatory?
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If you believe in that, sure.

There is no ifs or buts about it. Everything we do has its roots in biological evolution. No magic fairies involved.

Agreed, and those are the scientific explanations, but it still doesn't explain why love is necessary. Affection for one another and pure survival instinct are two different things. The human species doesn't have to love each other to survive; it could every well be all business.

Perhaps you missed my entire post. 'Love' is purely biological and one of many necessities to aid our survival. In the age of technology and wealth it may no longer be explicitly important as it once was, but we can't simply leave our inherited traits behind in what is effectively the blink of an eye in evolutionary time.

On a side note, can you post response without being derogatory?

What do you expect when you go around saying 'love' is proof that god exists? Love is a positive emotion, therefore naive people like yourself will associate it with god. Hate and other emotions are proof of satan for some people too. It's all very foolish.

If love didn't come from God, there where did it come from?
Emotions give us motivation to do things. Esentially they enable us to survive. As has been pointed out already there is nothing magical about emotions, they are easily explained through biological evolution.

In which case the fact that emotions exist to aid our survival points more to the conclusion that a god does not exist rather than the thread proposal. Since if a god is not the source of love then there is even less credibility for claims of his existence.
There is no ifs or buts about it. Everything we do has its roots in biological evolution. No magic fairies involved.

Is evolution proof or is it a theory? Is there not a chance that evolution is a fairytale for adults?

What do you expect when you go around saying 'love' is proof that god exists?

I never said said it was proof for God's existence. I said that I thought that it was pointing in that direction.
Is evolution proof or is it a theory? Is there not a chance that evolution is a fairytale for adults?

I never said said it was proof for God's existence. I said that I thought that it was pointing in that direction.

You are stupid.

Is evolution proof or is it a theory? Is there not a chance that evolution is a fairytale for adults?
There are no proofs in science - all is theory. Proofs are something to be found in math.

But theory here doesn't mean the layman concept of theory, i.e. a guess. In science a theory is a very formal process. Such theories offer CREDIBLE explanations of how and why things work. Invoking the idea of a god as an explanation for anything is simply reverting to the "I don't really know but it appears magic happens" perspective.
No man is truly married until he understands every word his wife is NOT saying.
-- Anonymous

Marriage is like jogging through a puddle of industrial strength rubber glue. You can work hard and make it through the struggles; however, you usually leave your bobby socks and sneakers behind along the way.
-- Anonymous

When a relationship goes flat, so does a couple of sets of car tires.
-- Anonymous

Men only have two faults....What they do, and what they say!
-- Anonymous

You can't buy love on eBay.
-- Anonymous

If sex is such a natural phenomenon, how come there are so many books on how to do it?
-- Bette Midler

A man is already halfway in love with any woman who listens to him.
-- Brendan Francis

Love is an electric blanket with somebody else in control of the switch.
-- Cathy Carlyle

Marriage is a romance in which the heroine dies in the first chapter.
-- Cecilia Egan

The trouble with some women is that they get all excited about nothing -- and then marry him.
-- Cher

Men aren't necessities, they're luxuries.
-- Cher

By the time you swear you're his,
Shivering and sighing,
And he vows his passion is infinite, undying -
Lady, make note of this: One of you is lying.
-- Dorothy Parker

I'm always looking for meaningful one night stands.
-- Dudley Moore

Marriage has no guarantees. If that's what you're looking for, go live with a car battery.
-- Erma Bombeck

Romantic love is mental illness. But it's a pleasurable one. It's a drug. It distorts reality, and that's the point of it. It would be impossible to fall in love with someone that you really saw.
-- Fran Lebowitz

It is impossible to love and be wise.
-- Francis Bacon

Marriage marks the end of many short follies - being one long stupidity.
-- Friedrich Nietzsche

Love is a mutual self-giving which ends in self-recovery.
-- Fulton J. Sheen

Men are from Earth. Women are from Earth. Deal with it.
-- George Carlin

Remember, beneath every cynic there lies a romantic, and probably an injured one.
-- Glenn Beck
On a side note, can you post response without being derogatory?

You are stupid.

Wow, you did it again. You might want to work on breaking that nasty habit.

To Cris' point, science is all theory. But where I was coming from was that faith is not something that is provable. Even the atheist that has faith in evolution can't prove it in the way that would stand up in a human court anywhere, beyond a reasonable doubt.
Lots of animals are capable of feeling love. Wouldn't you say that your dog or cat loves you? People are social animals and part of our being is forming strong attachments to others whether that be other people, your pet, or your car. I think humans' need for some sort of comapionship is very interesting.