whats he look like?



this is a thread asking religious people only ofcourse.

so what do you imagiine your god to look like? you believe you will be face to face with god in the afterlife. so what will he look like do you guess?

the classic white robes long hair and beard? staff? gandalf?

bright white light?

Read Ezekiel 1

"As for the likeness of their faces, the four had the face of a man, and the face of a lion, on the right side: and they four had the face of an ox on the left side; they four also had the face of an eagle."

God is the Zodiac. Those 'four living creatures' are the four main signs in the Zodiac. Lion, eagle (higher version of the scorpion), man (aquarius). These are the four elements.

Another description in Revelation 1:13-16:

"And in the midst of the seven candlesticks one like unto the Son of man, clothed with a garment down to the foot, and girt about the paps with a golden girdle. His head and his hairs were white like wool, as white as snow; and his eyes were as a flame of fire; And his feet like unto fine brass, as if they burned in a furnace; and his voice as the sound of many waters. And he had in his right hand seven stars: and out of his mouth went a sharp twoedged sword: and his countenance was as the sun shineth in his strength."
EmptyForceOfChi said:

this is a thread asking religious people only ofcourse.

so what do you imagiine your god to look like? you believe you will be face to face with god in the afterlife. so what will he look like do you guess?

the classic white robes long hair and beard? staff? gandalf?

bright white light?

We don't know. I see Him as kind in a way that leads you right. Wise, all-knowing, etc.

I guess people associate such things with a old man with a long white beard holding a staff symbolising His power. However, no one has seen God, Jesus Himself God has described Him to us (as is written).
The white hair represents authority....thats where the English judges got it from..the white wigs worn by judges represent the final authority on the matter.
The four beasts... They are the spirits of the Lord sent to combat the spirit of the anti-christ in each age.
The were the Throne gaurds.
The Lion.. (of the tribe of Juda) Christ...the Word given to the first church age....to combat the anti-christ spirit of the white horse rider....false doctrine of the nicolatatines.
The Ox...sent to combat the red horse rider which was the church uniting with the state of Rome given the power to kill the real Christians...who apposed the false church of the anti-christ.
The Roman church that started at Nicea 325 a.d..
The Ox is a sacrifical beast...the true followers were given the anointing to give thier lives for thier belief...at the hand of the false.
The Man...the age of Man, the reformers Luther, Wesley, Moody, Knox, ect...
Men with a message of restoration back from the dark ages, more light added to more light.
The Eagle...a prophet. God's prophets have been likened to eagles...the eye of an eagle
The son of man comes with the seven spirits which are the eyes......
There are seven church ages, there are seven seals the book is sealed with.
They were opened at the return of the Son of Man ...Jesus Christ.
The vision that Daniel saw is the same Ezikiel, and John saw.
That isn't some "old" man...
It is the immortal Jesus Christ..God in flesh.
He is the Son of Man, revealed walking in the midst of His seven church ages with it's seven messingers...angels..men with a message from god each restoring more of the truth, compounding in each age to the sum total in this last ....the fullness of God.
The wheat and tares were let grow together ..untill...He sent His "angels" to seperate them at the harvest time, with His word.
The Son of Man revealed from heaven...at the fullness of times.
The restitution of "all things" which is His word, He comes to be glorified In all them that believed....and love His appearing.

The white hair is authority, the final authority He comes as judge...
The judge of all the earth
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Cyperium said:
I guess people associate such things with a old man with a long white beard holding a staff symbolising His power.

Have you ever thought why a staff symbolizes power? It's because in ancient Egypt, they had the kind of staff like Moses had when he divided the Red sea.


with the staff of life the ancient people could control weather and heal sick and manipulate energy and all the laws of nature. mainly the great pyramid was built to keep the ark of the covenant safe from people's hands and so it couldn't kill people with it's powerful life radiation.

the ark of the covenant is said to contain "god". you could say so. it contained life energy which is the same type of power as the human will power.
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a god doesn't look, it is and it isn't, it's a metaphor for the dynamics (one, some or all) of the universe,
and if you are stuck with the metaphor and do not see what it transcends,
you don't get the message

and presumably become a catholic or something
Muslims believe that Allah (swt)'s form is beyond our comprehension and even if we did attempt to try to see Allah (swt), we would perish due to the power and might of Allah (swt). Allah (swt) is perfection, and nothing is perfect except Him. For humans who themselves are imperfect, it is impossible for them to gaze upon the perfection which is Allah (swt) in the present physical forms. It is also impossible to imagine Allah (swt) because absolute perfection is beyond the scope of the minds of man.

Prophet Musa (Moses, peace be to him) asked Allah (swt) to show His form to him, and Allah (swt) only revealed a little part of him smaller than a human fingernail, and the mountain fell into pieces and Prophet Musa (peace to him) fell unconscious by only the light which appeared. This shows the power of almighty Allah (swt).

In Islam, we believe on the Day of Judgment, only those who are blessed to go into Paradise will have the honor of seeing the Perfect Beauty and Magnificience of Allah (swt).

Quran Surah 114, Al Ikhlas, The Sincerity:

Say: He is Allah, the One and Only!

Allah, the Eternal, Absolute;

He begetteth not nor is He begotten.

And there is none like unto Him.

For more information:

Allah, Transcendant and Immenent

99 Names of Allah

I believe pretty much what Avatar and DiamondHearts said. He is perfect, therefore, He is infinite. And infinity is incomprehensive of the finite human mind. As to what shape, it can't be human. The human shape is geometrically imperfect. A sphere in a dynamic 3D or 4D space would be the most perfect shape there is. It wastes no space at all. And there is only 1 sphere because if you had 2 spheres, you would have dual infinities, which would negate each other if that sphere/God is supposedly perfect, if perfection is defined as the simplest, most effecient state an object can be. And there can only be 1 God. I would describe it as a sphere of the ever-expanding universe growing both infinitely smaller and larger simultaneously. God is the universe. What we see, don't see, will never see, etc.
Avatar said:
a god doesn't look, it is and it isn't, it's a metaphor for the dynamics (one, some or all) of the universe,
and if you are stuck with the metaphor and do not see what it transcends,
you don't get the message

and presumably become a catholic or something

was this aimed at me because i am unsure? thought i would ask.

personally if i think of a "god" i think of empty space, the universe itself, or to a lesser extent a mass infinite energy, ie plasma like in appearence.

EmptyForceOfChi said:

this is a thread asking religious people only ofcourse.

so what do you imagiine your god to look like? you believe you will be face to face with god in the afterlife. so what will he look like do you guess?

the classic white robes long hair and beard? staff? gandalf?

bright white light?


We humans are made in Gods image. So God looks like us in form.

All Praise The Ancient Of Days
usp8riot said:
The human shape is geometrically imperfect.

Why would a human shape be more 'imperfect' than a circle/sphere or point for example?

It wastes no space at all.

Why would it be imperfect if it 'wastes space'.

I would describe it as a sphere of the ever-expanding universe growing both infinitely smaller and larger simultaneously.

God is not a 'physical object', he has no 'shape' because he has all shapes.

Obviously, since God is the creator of all shapes, he can't have a shape, he can't be visible, otherwise there's no explanation to how he can have a shape or how he can be visible, so there would have to be another invisible God beyond him.

Adstar said:
We humans are made in Gods image.

We made our bodies in our image.
God is a Spirit - which would explain why "no man can see Him", however He is expressed in His creation, and in the man Jesus, and those who would forsake "walking after the flesh", and be "led of the Spirit"
A "son of God" is God expressed in flesh.
How would a person act if they were filled with the Spirit of God.
Jesus gave us an example to follow....He, in the days of His flesh "learned obedience in the things He suffered"
He became the "Captain" of our salvation, and the firstborn of many brethren.

John 1:12-13, "But as many as received Him to them gave He power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on His name, which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, BUT OF GOD."

29 ¶ For whom he did foreknow, he also did predestinate [to be] conformed to the image of his Son, that he might be the firstborn among many brethren.
mainly the great pyramid was built to keep the ark of the covenant safe from people's hands and so it couldn't kill people with it's powerful life radiation

Someone has been watching too much Indiana Jones. While I think it's a good film, you have to understand it isn't factual.

God is a Spirit - which would explain why "no man can see Him",

If you read the bible, you'll see god has been seen several times.
SnakeLord said:
God is a Spirit - which would explain why "no man can see Him",
If you read the bible, you'll see god has been seen several times.

In representation.....a theophany, Melchesidec, a pilar of fire, in Jesus....

"No man has seen God at any time, but the only begotten of the Father has declared Him." He manifested God, what God was.
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Adstar said:
We humans are made in Gods image.
No, other way around.

IF a god exists, which I don't think it does...it probably has the appearance of a large amophous blob of ionized plasma.
Face it there is no god. there is no proof that god exists so this thread is just pointless