Whats Do you Think????


Leave your World Behind
Valued Senior Member
What do you think about school classes? Pretty lame eh? I think that Space Science and Ocean Science should be put in as required classes. After all Space is the next frontier and most people will end up have jobs related to the sxploration of space. The oceans are barely explored and is the other next frontier. What do you think should be put in as required classes? You better Relpy... Or I might jump out of this computer screen and smack you!:D :bugeye:
good thoughts but they should also make philosophie mandatory,i feel it would help free everybodies minds
I'd like primary school classes to begin with an hour of martial arts. Increase the fitness of kids, have a nation of people who can defend that nation, and maybe teach them some self-discipline. Also, it would get some of their restless energy out before they dig into their academic studies. After that first hour, maybe an hour of discussing history, sociology, politics, philosophy; not so much a structured class, but just getting the kids to think about things, to discuss things. Then the formal classes: mathematics, science, history, language, all the usual things. Now THAT'S a school system I'd love to see.
Adam ...

Re. "have a nation of people who can defend that nation"

Don't you think that an hour spent on the firing line once a week would better
accomplish that objective?

Take care ;)

While I agree with your sentiment (believe me, I had too many of those useless classes....), it is still true that the majority of us still have to learn how to learn .
philosophy is the key

i agree, philosophy should be manditory for all ages in school
from elementary school grade (a biginner's level of philosophy to help develop their use of the brain) to hight school grades (a more advanced stage of philosophy to help increase power and strengthen the minds powers). it would help people grow up to use their own choices of free thinking rather than living with propaghanda and such and such.

another thing....

who really decides what we should learn?
afterall, who says that the curriculum that we learn in todays schools is the right material to be educated upon. there are endless possibilities on waht schools can teach, why should we stop at basic science?
At least here, education has become the process of teaching kids how to take tests. Test scores that make the school look good are all that matters. I'd just like to see schools introduce the idea of education for the sake of learning... for any subjects.

I was lucky enough to have an anthropology class in high school... those should be offered everywhere. Philosophy also. It won't happen, though, because the results don't show up well enough on standardized multiple choice memorization tests... things like spelling and math are easier to test.
In the Netherlands we had a kind of philosophy. It is called, in a rough translation, Society and Community. :) Don't know if the translation is exactly what it's supposed to be, that are the bottom lines of it.

We spend 4 hours a week on the subject and everything was talked about in those lessons. Guess it is good to do this with a whole class. It is good to hear how others think and have discussions about things going on in the world now-a-days.

Science is a part of the education in schools in the Netherlands. When you are going to a higher class, different than in the U$, you can chose if you want to go on with it, or if you want to drop it. You have to consider it well, for most of the times you are going to need it in a next study.

I'm talking about 'highschool' here, where you go in the age between 12 and 18 years old. After that you can go to the University or another kind of school. Guess that is a little the same everywhere? ;)
My school is awsome. We have, like fifty classes to choose from, philosophy and astronomy included. Tristan do you have these thingies called portfolios in your school? I swear to god they're the deyvil.
"Space Science and Ocean Science should be put in as required classes."

I agree, students should atleast know the name and position of all the planets in our solar system... I didn´t even know that until I studied them myself.
Also they should know the conditions on each planet (and perhaps every moon as well).

Also oceans are very important, students should know atleast something about the ecological system of oceans and how they affect in the whole planet.
I agree... Philosophy should be... :)
But who in my age is interested in philosophy? I'm... but most people not... :(

Perhaps at least some incentive...