Whats classified as "perfect" in the Bible


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For those who know their bible, does it specificaly say in the bible somewhere that God is all perfect in the sense that we think all things are possible to him or the he cant create a life without trials. Couldnt perfect be a balance of all things that exist in the world. Does it say anywhere in the Bible that God being perfect is a perfect we could understand, a perfect where we decide thats how God should be according to our terms and ideas. Is perfect always getting what you want or doing everything that is "right" or is it just a balance.
Kovacs said:
For those who know their bible, does it specificaly say in the bible somewhere that God is all perfect in the sense that we think all things are possible to him or the he cant create a life without trials. Couldnt perfect be a balance of all things that exist in the world. Does it say anywhere in the Bible that God being perfect is a perfect we could understand, a perfect where we decide thats how God should be according to our terms and ideas. Is perfect always getting what you want or doing everything that is "right" or is it just a balance.

The Bible is huge, there could be a reference that I am forgetting, but at this point, I don't think there is.

However, through the many stories told in the old testament, God's character is revealed by his thoughts of man. Mankind has done a lot of wrong, and God has stepped in each time and told us what we did wrong, which defines where God stands on ideas and issues. I think the best definition of perfect from the Bible is God's will. Perfect (as defined by God's character) is unwavering, objective, intellect that does not need to conform because it is perfect. The perfect is a perfect that we can understand and defined according to God's terms and ideas. Perfect is God always getting what he wants, which is always the best because God is omnicient.
To be perfect is to always get what we want which is to serve God. Since there are occasions when we do not serve God, but get what we want, we are imperfect. But, we can also not get what we want, and still serve God, which still would define us as perfect. So, perfect according to God's character, is the fullfillment of God's wants and desires. Jesus was perfect because he did that.
The word Perfect is a word derived from vanity introduced by Man to make himself feel good. It falls short, by a huge margin, of the word GOOD.

Rather then saying "God Is Perfect", we should be saying "God Is Good". By using the word Good, we are able to identify Godly Qualities like LOVE, JUST, MERCIFUL and TRUE!!!!

Be Cool!! :cool:
It just seems sometimes like man wasnt destined for a life of eternal happiness while being ignorant of another way. Im not questioning God's motives just that humanity is is a race that "most" of the time shows its most creative side during seasons of unrest nad uncertainty. Many just expect that because God is God, hes got to be constantly loving and favouring us. Maby perfect is just the balance which is human nature. I just cant imagine humanity strolling around happy in a big garden for the rest of eternity when its so clear that we need conflict to justify our lives. I dont know maby that has to do with how the world shapes us and not what God put in us to capable of.
I'm a little confused by your statements here, so bear with me...

Kovacs said:
It just seems sometimes like man wasnt destined for a life of eternal happiness while being ignorant of another way. Im not questioning God's motives just that humanity is is a race that "most" of the time shows its most creative side during seasons of unrest nad uncertainty.

It is true that necessity is the mother of all inventions. It just so happens that the need is greater in times of unrest and uncertainty. How does this affect God or the definition of perfect?

Kovacs said:
Many just expect that because God is God, hes got to be constantly loving and favouring us. Maby perfect is just the balance which is human nature. I just cant imagine humanity strolling around happy in a big garden for the rest of eternity when its so clear that we need conflict to justify our lives. I dont know maby that has to do with how the world shapes us and not what God put in us to capable of.

We were made to be with God, and we will be with him again. Heaven is beyond anything that we can think up. You are right that it is the conflicts in life that define what is not conflict. So, in a life of complete peace, we will no longer have the concept of peace or conflict, thereby dulling existence? I don't understand how life in heaven or Eden would be any fun, but the fact is we don't know anything about heaven. Will heaven be like Eden. In Eden, God gave us the tree of knowledge, but said not to eat it. Thereby, introducing evil, but still giving us the choice to have conflict if we want it. So, will there be something like that in heaven?

I don't understand what you mean by, "Maby perfect is just the balance which is human nature."
the fact is we don't know anything about heaven.

Yet, you are perfectly willing to assume it even exists?
"It is true that necessity is the mother of all inventions. It just so happens that the need is greater in times of unrest and uncertainty. How does this affect God or the definition of perfect?"

Well we were made in His image, and while we probably sin alot more, its just that if conflict is part of our nature, then it should be apart of Gods too.
Since we are made in his image, if we are worthless and sinful, so must be god.
Kovacs said:
" its just that if conflict is part of our nature, then it should be apart of Gods too.
of course it is read the bible, god kills, gods jealous, god has broke most of his own commandments and 6.5 of the seven deadly sins, and they call the devil evil, go figure.