What's alien?


Registered Member
Or a better question is what's human?

A few theories come to mind. Whichever you pick is fine.

A conservative version: "We evolved from dinosour age." D'oh. It's not a fact, just a theory, since nobody can repeat it. Even if we did, how do you explain our technology advance jumped from B&W TV to 1GH supercomputer? Cuz you can't.

A more plausible version: "We evolved from apes." Yeah right so we're a bunch of apes. <g> Get me an ape and let it evolve to our intelligence level. Not in your whole life. Safely ditch it.

A new version: "We moved from a planet like Mars where life is sustainable. We're moving to the outer rim of Solar System after we drain up every natural resource on the planet. Look at Mars. Eventually, we will be advanced enough to travel in space to another galaxy. Set our roots..."

My version: "Our ancestors dropped us off a long, long time ago and let us flourish on our way. At times they would come visit us at times to check on us and keep the power and balance in check..."

If you haven't figured out what my nick mean, you haven't dug deep enough. Go dig it. When you know we're not alone in the universe and even on this planet, a group of species have been working together in secrecy to share whatever they are into. Some are from as far as Orion. Some are bad. A few are good. Think I'm bulls*itting. Yeah right. If only you could travel back in time and take a good look at what was in the skies. Whoa. You'd be surprised. They're visitors. They came more often before than now cuz back then we couldn't understand or explain it. And our technology couldn't get us high enough to see 'em. A few pilots could. As our world advances, they move farther back to hide from us. Death Star sounds familiar? It ain't coincidence. The Moon was a base... There are still some structures left. Totally out of our world. 'course the govn't would deny it. Even when the space hotel is up and space travel is possible, there will be restricted areas.

I don't want to give you the creeps, but I seriously doubt we're from this primitive, young planet.
To back up my theory:

Ask yourself why NASA would explore the inner (Moon then Mars) side of our Solar System instead of the outer. I call it going backward. A lot of photos aren't shown. They're in "classified" archive. Only you as a citizen have the right to... Okey-dokey, the visitors have been watching us for a long time. As far back as WW2. They were like all over the skies. 'deed, a small spacecraft can't travel from galaxy to galaxy. They need a base. Moon is the obvious answer. Ask yourself again why NASA has stopped exploring the Moon. Cuz there's something that can't be shown to people. Or maybe they say it's restricted. Going backward is like communicating with the dead. What Hubble telescope is for? Seeing stars right? Oh Yeah. Very smart. I'm stupid. What about the x-ray telescope? It could see through planets in theory. Think of it as a guard tower. An early warning system. Deep Space One rings a bell? Star Wars is for our defense. Yes. But the big Q is in coopeartion with whom and in exchange for what.
Even if we did, how do you explain our technology advance jumped from B&W TV to 1GH supercomputer? Cuz you can't.

Our technology didn't "jump" from B&W TV to supercomputers. From the point of view of John Q. Public, it did, but there were many sleepless nights inside of laboratories as our scientists agonized with the trial and error method. It is a common myth that we went from copper wires BAM! right to the silicon microchip. We didn't. Many different elements were tried, but the conductivity was wrong. It wasn't until it was silicon's turn to be tried that it was found that the conductivity could be turned on and off (hence the binary system), and that it had a workable amount of conductivity. The molecular construction of silicon also lends itself readily to all kinds of situations, including backgrinding down to some infinitesimally thin layers. (Squeeze your thunb and index finger together really hard. There is a layer of oil still between them that is very thick compared to how far down silicon can be ground and keep it's cohesion.)

What makes technology appear to jump is a combination of We The People not seeing the steps and mistakes in between, and the fact that each development generally makes the next step come even quicker, since the developers, in the process, find themselves with better and better tools and with larger and larger pools of knowledge and experience to draw from. What was it Sir Isaac Newton said about standing on the shoulders of giants?

PS:I'm curious, is there anyone else on this board who works in the high-tech industry in Silicon Valley? There seems to be a unique perspective from here (but only if you work in the developmental sectors) since we get to see the prototypes and the designs that don't quite make it. Right now, there's something moving from lab to lab that the paperwork calls a "woozle". Does anybody know what that is, or has Harry Potter started working here?
I for one don't believe that we developed anything when it comes to electronics. I think we reverse
engineered and "copied" a current technology which was not our own. Scientists are now even starting to admit it. The military apparently supplied components to various labs throughout the country and behold the electronic revolution. Go out and talk to people who you think may know and you might be surprised what they'll tell you.
Alien, I think what you are talking about in reverse engineering may have came from the book The Day After Roswell by Lt. Colonel Corso. The Colonel said in his book that large amounts of silicon were found in and around the wreckage of the UFO in Roswell. Numerous articles were taken to various defence contractors for "reverse engineering." The timing of the UFO crash at Roswell and the "invention of the transistor" by Bell Labratories coincides. Both happening in 1947. I happen to know Bell Labs was under contract to a Japanese Firm to build a small radio at the time. The fact that silicone was found at the crash site did save the Bell Labs time searching for a element to use. Silicone, made from sand, the second most plentiful element on earth is a good cheap element to use.

Oxygen, I meant to ask you. Can you give me the measurement you were speaking of ?
I am aware new measuring tools had to be desinged and built due to the exacting tolorences of the micro-chip. I know that about ten years ago we could measure to one-millionth of an inch. I also know that one-millionth is not close enough. I had heard of a tool that would measure "ANGSTROM'S."
I believe that is the term for millionth's of a millimeter ?? That is getting pretty small when you realize there are 25.4 millmiters to the inch. (one mm=.0393700")

Yes Lt.Colonel Corso is one of many who have claimed that our technology was the result of studying wreckages. To me,
Man's sudden transformation (considering how long we've been on earth) is strange in many ways. Why would all these people be lying especially when they are about to die. Like I have said before there is just too much smoke for there not to be a fire! I believe mans desire to be superior has clouded our perception when it comes to visitors, we want to take credit for everything and dominate. This however will not make a difference to them they could care less.
Thanks Lord! There is someone who thinks differently.

Some don't want to think differently. Let 'em be the tools.

Ya know what, you got a good point, Alien. Like Microsoft, they "invented" Windows and took credits for it. Before Windows, there was Mac OS. Has always been. Apple paid a price to Xerox for the borrowing their ideas on the windowing system. I think they still do with stock options.

Call them ignorant if you will.

BTW, some country copies another's product and put a new look on it. However, we have laws against this thing. But we don't against copying from visitors' technologies. 'course we wouldn't want to have.

Every animal on this Earth has an equilibrium with the surrounding environment. Like plants are producers and fish are consumers. They create a cycle of life and death. We human do not. We multiply until we consume every natural resource. Then we move onto a new area. Human is alien.