What you need to know about HPV


Realistically Surreal
Registered Senior Member
HPV is short for Human Papillomavirus. Never heard of it? Well, you should. The following link gives all the basics:

If you are a sexually active person there is a 50% chance you've already got it. There are dozens of strains that affect women causing all manner of conditions, but it is most widely known for causing cervical cancer. A recent study in Australia showed that men presenting with throat cancer (oropharyngeal cancer) nearly all showed that the nuclei of the cancers contained parts of the HPV genome. Facts and figures as follows:

This cancer is unusual as it can be spread by kissing, intimate contact and, crucially, cunnilingus. Over 80% of women over 50 have this virus which causes cancer in the soft tissues of the mouth, throat and gullet.

There is a vaccine, given to pubescent girls, but there is, strangely, opposition to this. There are also questions about why are boys not being offered the jab. The debate is going something like this:

Like most men that have enjoyed a long and healthy sex-life, I'd heard little about HPV. However, my fellow Sciforumers, that's gotta change. Why die of ignorance?

I hope this gives you pause for thought...;)
First he wants us to take aspirin...now he wants us to have our junk checked too...


Yeah, I know, I know, time to make the appointment...
Does it work on boys?
Never, mind, it does:


Of course, you can use plastic wrap or dental dams for cunnilingus...the dental dams do impart a taste of latex, but the option's there...

and girls could just use condoms, it is much more likly that you could get a boy to take one vacination than to use a dental dam with his permident partner. Rember 80% of women aged 50 and over have the virus
Does it work on boys?
Never, mind, it does:


Of course, you can use plastic wrap or dental dams for cunnilingus...the dental dams do impart a taste of latex, but the option's there...

Kinda spoils the moment though I reckon. But I never knew all that chin-gravy was gonna try and kill me years later..

It's also worth noting that as this attacks the throat, mouth and soft palette that smoking exarcerbates the problem, so try to avoid that post coital smoke if oyu can - or at least clean your teeth with a proper mouthwash first..;)
It grieves me that the situation has reached pandemic proportons - silently almost. A few simple safeguards could save you from choking to death, horribly, for the sake of a little info. Its just not right.