What would your god look like and what would your religion be like?

Religion is an intergral exhaustive model of the Universe.

My (under construction) religion is based on the scientific materialism, so it regects the supernatural.

My Supreme Goal is preservation of Life (as a whole).

NB: The Homo sapiens species is mere a stage in Life's progress towards immortality.
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My god would be tall, dark and handsome(like myself).
Have long wavy black hair(like myself).
Exude a sense of quiet patience and unestimable knowledge(once again, like myself).
Dress always in a pseudo-goth type fashion / matrix style(think Trent Reznor in his Perfect Drug video / Neo).
And always be surrounded by beautiful dark mysterious women(damn, need to work on this one).

My worshippers would look upon me..err..my god as a technical equal but one you know possesses greater knowledge/power than you yourself. They would come to him in need and he would aid them and give them understanding.
My god...

Ok... I'll play...

"My god". By Ekimklaw

My god would be a very nice looking woman (and therefore a goddess). She would be attractive in every way, not to mention all powerful. She would be filled with beauty, grace, dignity, and fairness. She would demand that all human subjects worship her, and we would gladly do so. She'd be endowed with all godlike virtues including knowledge of the past, present, and future. She would be the perfect example of womanhood and sit on a mighty throne in her goddess realm. And every Friday night she would come to Earth, and she and I would make wild, sweaty, intensely passionate love.

The End

Now... back to reality. ;) ;)
Yo Mike, I am over here. Oh wait, knowledge of the past, present and future?

*Xev wanders around, looking for her car keys*
Uh... excuse me...

Xev wrote:
Yo Mike, I am over here. Oh wait, knowledge of the past, present and future?

*Xev wanders around, looking for her car keys*

Well... c'mon Xev, knowledge of the present at least.

By the way, your keys are over there... no over there... yeah, under the divan... that is a divan isn't it?

Well... c'mon Xev, knowledge of the present at least.

The present? I'm in love with a dead German philosopher, what the hell is this "present" thing? :p

By the way, your keys are over there... no over there... yeah, under the divan... that is a divan isn't it?

That's a battered couch, Mike. I'm a student, I can't afford such fancy things as "divans".
If I should attach some sort of a face upon the god phenomena, then it would probably be something along the lines of a smurf or Oprah. :D
No worshipping would be needed though, since god is all and all is god, it would just become some sort of pseudo self affirmation.
My god would be..................................me. With wings. And my god (me) would have the ability to throw lightning bolts at people who might worship other gods (Christians..........ect.) Becouse my god is a jealous bastard.
god would look like george burns.

(kidding, of course...)

god is a spectrum of light with colors i haven't begun to imagine yet that flows through the air like a rainbow of tides.

god looks like an old man and a young woman and a small child.

god tastes like fine red wine, and soft sponge cake, and a juicy pear plucked from a green garden.

god smells like fresh laundry, and salty sea mist, and my grandmother's perfume.

god sounds like a finely tuned violin, and a moment of passion, and a sigh of relief after a long day.

god feels like an old pair of shoes, and a new dress, and warm milk on a really cold night.

god knows what all professors know, and of all the stories told, and of everything in this pretty little head of mine.

as far as religion goes...
god doesn't need religion.
man needs religion,
or man thinks he needs religion.
but all he really needs
is god.

(yes. i know. cliches abound.
i don't have all day to wax poetic you know.)