what would Jesus say?

Avvon d-bish-maiya, nith-qaddash shim-mukh.
Tih-teh mal-chootukh. Nih-weh çiw-yanukh:
ei-chana d'bish-maiya: ap b'ar-ah.
Haw lan lakh-ma d'soonqa-nan yoo-mana.
O'shwooq lan kho-bein:
ei-chana d'ap kh'nan shwiq-qan l'khaya-ween.
Oo'la te-ellan l'niss-yoona:
il-la paç-çan min beesha.
Mid-til de-di-lukh hai mal-choota
oo khai-la oo tush-bookh-ta
l'alam al-mein. Aa-meen.
you bastards, you've made everybody thing I some kind of freak, with your my religions better then your religion crap,and all the other things to evil to speak of, what did you not understand about all men are created equal, love your neighbour as you love yourself why go round killing others because they did not follow me, dont you thing it was there choice why were they given free will (to be who they wanted to be), if I could undo the Crucifixion, so that sin was never taken from you, I would, you dont deserve it, you evil bunch of bastards, I'm out of here.
jesus will say you are fools for thinking i was god, he will say did'nt u read where i worshipped GOD,how can i there for be GOD !!
From the response here, it looks like the christians would be very much disappointed.

Well, if Jesus returned, I think He would say, "Listen all you christians out there! That angel that stopped Saul on the road to Damascus was the Devil pretending to be Me. That Devil using My Name through St.Paul has caused a lot of division, wars, and suffering of all kind. No wonder there are people that curse My Name. Also, I think he would say lot more.
he'd lol, and say you "did'nt" believe the bible, and roflhao, get up, and say you xians just crack me up, what a bunch of dorks.
M*W: If Jesus comes back, he would totally deny anyone who reads the NT and believes it. He would prove to Christians how the NT is filled with lies. He would also show both Jews and Christians how the OT lies and does NOT foretell of any prophecies of him. He would bless the androgynous and would cause the downfall of Pauline Christianity to include the Eastern Orthodox and Roman Catholic Churches, all Protestant and Independent Churches, and all the Jewish Synagogues. Jesus would say that the Qur'an tells the truth about him. He'd probably be looking for the nearest Jewish Deli and a pasture for his donkey. He'd probably want to travel on foot since he's been sitting at the right hand of the father for nearly 2000 years. Of course, if Jesus comes back, accompanying him would be Mary Magdalen and the kids. He would rebuke all those professed 'Christians' who followed Paul instead of Jesus, and he would officiate at the worldwide mass suicide of Paul's followers.
A Mormon would say, " if Jesus returned, 'He would say, blessed are the people of The Church of the Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints that have once again established the Lord's Kingdom in preparation of My Coming. Why did I come?"

Peace be with you, Paul