What would it take?


Applesauce, bitch...
Valued Senior Member
Most of the christians agree that christ will come again or some such. In recent history we've had a good share of nut cases claiming to be just that: christ come again. How will they know? How wil any of them know? Anytime some one makes a claim even remotey similar or slightly implying that claim, they are instantly viewed as a nut case.
Seriously, how wuldl christ make himself known? He had people that didn't belileve him in his own time, how many do you think would llisten to him now in a world so skeptical?
How would he get his message out? Info-mercial? Web page? Talk show circuit?
Yeah.. who is honestly going to believe anyone going about it that way? Word of mouth? That would take a while. Telemarketing? Most people just hang up on them.

What would it take for the majority of christians to recognise christ if he came again? How would he do it?
And remember, is Christ we are talking about, so i don't think he would go throwing miracles aroud just to prove a point.
Well . . . I'm thinking that if the Second Coming were to occur, it would be rather self-evident.

He wouldn't come back as a man, you know that, right?

Since Jesus promised his audience that he would return again in their lifetimes, it would seem that the event has long since come and gone, and the Christians have all missed it.
Unless theres a really really REALLY old diciple hiding out somewhere!
I've heard that John the Beloved was given that, that he would be around until after the second coming.

Getting back to the point, he will come in all his glory, etc.(that will be fairly obvious, he will be ruling for a thousand years afterward), and scriptures state certain things that must happen first. Some of this is not stated plainly in the Bible and other scriptures, but it's all there.
Originally posted by Gifted
I've heard that John the Beloved was given that, that he would be around until after the second coming.

Getting back to the point, he will come in all his glory, etc.(that will be fairly obvious, he will be ruling for a thousand years afterward), and scriptures state certain things that must happen first. Some of this is not stated plainly in the Bible and other scriptures, but it's all there.

Some theorists say that the Gospel of John and Revelations was written by Mary Magdalene.
OK, I worded the question fairly poorly. I was talking to a friend of mine and I knew about all the shit in revalations and the fours years and seven years or whatever. I know that there are signs and whatnot. The actual point of it is this.
When all the shit hits th fan, biblical scholars will be screaming the end times are near, and if its true, it should be fairly obvious. Now, I would imagine that most people of christian faith are going ot be a bit freaked out by thins, and perhaps a little stressed. I would say the chances of someone flipping out and thinking they were christ might be fairly high. What would it take to convince people that someone was christ? We are asssuming that all the signs have come to pass.
If John were still around, we could have an ecumenical manhunt!

Redoubtable: You can't get away, you gnarled relic! Muhahaha!

John: Nooo . . . If only I were still young!
Your thinking is too narrow, the new Christ doesn't even has to be human, he can come in the form of a virus for example. Use your imagination.
Originally posted by Yes
Your thinking is too narrow, the new Christ doesn't even has to be human, he can come in the form of a virus for example. Use your imagination.

Are you saying that he would "come in the form of a virus" to wipe out human beings? Narrow-thinking is typically xian, so I'm assuming you are not. By the way, welcome to sciforums. This is an interesting idea.
When all the shit hits th fan, biblical scholars will be screaming the end times are near, and if its true, it should be fairly obvious. Now, I would imagine that most people of christian faith are going ot be a bit freaked out by thins, and perhaps a little stressed. I would say the chances of someone flipping out and thinking they were christ might be fairly high. What would it take to convince people that someone was christ? We are asssuming that all the signs have come to pass.
Perhaps what Jesus said... The Son of Man will come down from a cloud with lighting.
No, I'm not saying that, a virus could also mean evolution by mutation or whatever, we don't know. I was just suggesting new perspectives, he could also come in the form of an alien, a cloud, a swarm of insects, cancer.
Or who knows, maybe he will come and wipe out the human race, because it's our destiny? The physical experience has reached its conclusion.
If he comes, I think he will just come and somehow get his job done, not to be worshipped by the masses, so he doesn't even has to be known to people. By refering to Christ as "he" I'm not gendercategorising, just simplyfying communication here, "it" would perhaps fit better.

Thanks for the welcome. No, not xian.
Mephura wrote
Most of the christians agree that christ will come again or some such. In recent history we've had a good share of nut cases claiming to be just that: christ come again. How will they know? How wil any of them know? Anytime some one makes a claim even remotey similar or slightly implying that claim, they are instantly viewed as a nut case.
Seriously, how wuldl christ make himself known? He had people that didn't belileve him in his own time, how many do you think would llisten to him now in a world so skeptical?
How would he get his message out? Info-mercial? Web page? Talk show circuit?
Yeah.. who is honestly going to believe anyone going about it that way? Word of mouth? That would take a while. Telemarketing? Most people just hang up on them.

What would it take for the majority of christians to recognise christ if he came again? How would he do it?
And remember, is Christ we are talking about, so i don't think he would go throwing miracles aroud just to prove a point.
Mephura wrote
When all the shit hits th fan, biblical scholars will be screaming the end times are near, and if its true, it should be fairly obvious. Now, I would imagine that most people of christian faith are going ot be a bit freaked out by thins, and perhaps a little stressed. I would say the chances of someone flipping out and thinking they were christ might be fairly high. What would it take to convince people that someone was christ? We are asssuming that all the signs have come to pass.
Okinrus wrote
Perhaps what Jesus said... The Son of Man will come down from a cloud with lighting.
Your series of questions could be taken and answered in two ways. Just for clarification I paraphrased them and listed the two below. If these questions are not what you meant, please respond.

1. If Christ was coming back how will He show it?
Okinrus answered what the NT declares (read Matthew 24:4-31). Within those verses are some key signs to show when the time is near. Christ’s return will not be secretive. It will be seen by everyone.

2. If Christ was among us already what will He do to let us know He is the Christ?
This is a hypothetical question since it goes against what Jesus said in Matthew 24: 4-31. But I think you are looking for opinions and not prophetic interpretations, and since this board is chock full of “opinions”, why not one more.
If Christ was among us again, His actions would not differ from the first time He came. He would not venture far from where He was born, He would seek out the people that are shunned by society, He would associate with the outcasts, He would heal the sick, He would forgive sins, and He would demonstrate God’s love. He would have no need for telemarketing, the modern media, or a website. His only desire is to meet with people and tell them to seek God with their hearts, to turn away from sin, and to reestablish the relationship God had with man in the beginning, like a father for his lost son. In short, He would proclaim the gospel message again. That, in my opinion, is what Christ would do if He was among us again.
Originally posted by Yes
No, I'm not saying that, a virus could also mean evolution by mutation or whatever, we don't know. I was just suggesting new perspectives, he could also come in the form of an alien, a cloud, a swarm of insects, cancer.
Or who knows, maybe he will come and wipe out the human race, because it's our destiny? The physical experience has reached its conclusion.
If he comes, I think he will just come and somehow get his job done, not to be worshipped by the masses, so he doesn't even has to be known to people. By refering to Christ as "he" I'm not gendercategorising, just simplyfying communication here, "it" would perhaps fit better.

Thanks for the welcome. No, not xian.

Thanks for clarifying your point. Now I understand. I don't believe the human race will be destroyed, but it could evolve due to mutation. I am inclined to think that the human being has the capacity to live a long, long time. What with the diseases we have today, our lives are cut short to 75 years or so. Recent research tells us about the length of the telomere and its ability to prolong life. We're conquering disease at the same time. Personally--I believe we are in the last "day" of creation. We are in the process of creation through evolution into Homo spiritus. There will come a time when we will attain eternal life in body as well as in spirit.

I think of "Christ" coming as another name for the One Spirit of God. It's a title. This "Christ" consciousness will awaken the soul within us and humans as the one body will be the vessel for the One Spirit. It doesn't matter if this experience is called "Christ," or Joe Blow, different religions will experience what they believe to be eternal life.
I liked that scenario, last day of creation, homo spiritus. Yes, I can agree to that.
Originally posted by Medicine*Woman
Some theorists say that the Gospel of John and Revelations was written by Mary Magdalene.
She stopped revealing after Jesus corrected her way.

We are in the process of creation through evolution into Homo spiritus.
i don't know, better not to become spritual homos instead.
I think of "Christ" coming as another name for the One Spirit of God. It's a title
A title only God can bestow, if you are really talking about the original meaning.
Originally posted by Jenyar
A title only God can bestow, if you are really talking about the original meaning.

What do you mean, God? It was Paul who bestowed that title on Jesus.