what would happen to religion


Valued Senior Member
If one day an advance species revealed itself, and said we have been watching you for hundredes of years. as a matter a fact we seeded you here to se what path you would take.

farr fetched probably will never happen but IF it did what do you think the resault would be?

I think there would be some suicide and chaos
Naw... Religious people wouldn't buy it. They would see it as a scheme from the devil. Their faith isnt challenged that easily.
They are quite the wise and advanced species: thousands of years ago they travel millions, maybe billions of miles to an out-of-the way planet, lay some techno stuff on the dumb inhabitants and split. They come back from time-to-time, to check-up on us I guess, or just to joy-ride around, dissect cows and kidnap and probe people.

Maybe they do exist, but they would surely not be allowed to come here, they would be interfering in God's plan for this world, plane of existence or universe what ever it is. So what have people been seeing?

You are correct skaught, it is all a massive marketing scheme that Satan has been ingeniously plying on mankind over thousands of years to deceive us into thinking there is something other than God to pin our hopes on.
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If one day an advance species revealed itself, and said we have been watching you for hundredes of years. as a matter a fact we seeded you here to se what path you would take.

farr fetched probably will never happen but IF it did what do you think the resault would be?

I think there would be some suicide and chaos

It talks in the Bible about Being From The Heavans in Revolation. Some say this is possible alien creation that is waiting for the end times.
Even if it was possible to view the past in real time and prove that all those events that the religious lot tout, proved to be a complete manifestation of some crazy crackpot's point of view, they would never believe it.

However I really don't think there is much chance of "aliens", at least not ones that haven't been created to manipulate the masses through hysteria.
Even if it was possible to view the past in real time and prove that all those events that the religious lot tout, proved to be a complete manifestation of some crazy crackpot's point of view, they would never believe it.

However I really don't think there is much chance of "aliens", at least not ones that haven't been created to manipulate the masses through hysteria.

well my relegion doesnt disagree about other intelligent life somewhere, or say the earth is unique, we beleive that life is spreaded all everywhere in the univerce, and who knows, it may be there other intelligent life forms,
"allah create what we don't know" accordign to islam, so in islam, earth is not unique, and life on earth is not unique, but it's spreaded all over the univerce.
well my relegion doesnt disagree about other intelligent life somewhere, or say the earth is unique, we beleive that life is spreaded all everywhere in the univerce, and who knows, it may be there other intelligent life forms,
"allah create what we don't know" accordign to islam, so in islam, earth is not unique, and life on earth is not unique, but it's spreaded all over the univerce.

so what would happen to your religous foundation if an advanced species did show itself? or we did discover life on another planet?
Even if it was possible to view the past in real time and prove that all those events that the religious lot tout, proved to be a complete manifestation of some crazy crackpot's point of view, they would never believe it.

However I really don't think there is much chance of "aliens", at least not ones that haven't been created to manipulate the masses through hysteria.

to your first statement sadly i couldnt agree more

however to your second one, i know something like 95% of ufo sightings are from billy bob but the 5% that have credibility such as pilots military officials ect sometimes the whole plane that the pilot was flying ect. or like the AZ lights?
to your first statement sadly i couldnt agree more

however to your second one, i know something like 95% of ufo sightings are from billy bob but the 5% that have credibility such as pilots military officials ect sometimes the whole plane that the pilot was flying ect. or like the AZ lights?

Funny really, considering another statistic was that professionals are only 5% less likely to messup compared to non-professionals, which isn't really a great deal of difference compared to "billy bob".

To be honest though, I have a theory/philosophy in regards to how the universe was formed, where it came from and what design it followed.

Let's say for simplicity sake it's a universe running in a computer. It's rules are defined by mankind, it's causality is shaped to follow a given path by the consensus that defines it. Their is no room for error, there would only ever be a concern if things were just left to chaos to dictate fate. (like currently people believe is the case of the universe).

Afterall imagine if you will that evolution allowed the dinosaurs to roam free and evolve. We wouldn't be here right now discussing on an online forum about this, instead there would be some race of evolved reptilians doing whatever it is they do. (There wouldn't be a reptile version of you, since all events that led up to making you-you wouldn't have existed)
Hypothetically you could suggest that if WE are those that designed the universe and depict it's fate, then the dinosaurs would of had to have met and unfortunate end.

So the universe in the computer runs to the physics we've observed (since they are the "laws" that we've defined govern us), if we were to allow another computer to run another universe then the outcome could be different. The dominant sentient beings could evolve different understandings in regards to their physics, meaning their universe would potentially be governed by different universal laws.

There is then the fun part... Sitting there with a CAT5e cable, asking diplomatic ambassadors of each sentient's within each computer whether they'd like to bridge to a new universe to say "Hi" to the neighbours. At least you get the option to say "yes or no" and don't have to worry about a sudden invasion, because the CAT5e can be left unplugged.

(yeah it's an anology)
so what would happen to your religous foundation if an advanced species did show itself? or we did discover life on another planet?
I would have to say my faith, which is my religious foundation, would be would be shaken. The belief in the promises of God - specifically John 3:16, "For God so loved the world...." would need re-evaluation. God plan outlined in the bible is for this earth only. It doesn't say anything about extraterrestrial life (except angels). I just have to have "faith" either that they do not exist or if they do, they are prohibited from coming here. They would undoubtedly have their own "plan".
I just have to have "faith" either that they do not exist or if they do, they are prohibited from coming here.
Neither is a corollary of John 3:16. It merely says god gave US his only son.
That doesn't imply that aliens don't exist, or can't come here, simply that they didn't get Jesus.
(For whatever good that did us...)
I would have to say my faith, which is my religious foundation, would be would be shaken. The belief in the promises of God - specifically John 3:16, "For God so loved the world...." would need re-evaluation. God plan outlined in the bible is for this earth only. It doesn't say anything about extraterrestrial life (except angels). I just have to have "faith" either that they do not exist or if they do, they are prohibited from coming here. They would undoubtedly have their own "plan".

What if Jehovah was in fact an evil alien that has dictated the course of (mainly) western humanity?

Jesus might actually have been the son of a good god/alien that was deceived by this evil god, and was crucified for nothing(other then the evil god winning, and creating a mass mind controlling religion). His miracles were actually true as he had the genetic makeup to do them :)

In effect the gods/aliens played a game, and the evil god won.

Look at the state of the earth...

I'm just throwing out ideas atm :)
As for the thread question.

I think the hardcore christians(not sure about other religions) would think it was a trick, and resist/fight.
Neither is a corollary of John 3:16. It merely says god gave US his only son.
That doesn't imply that aliens don't exist, or can't come here, simply that they didn't get Jesus.
(For whatever good that did us...)

I wasn't saying it implies aliens don't exist, it doesn't. I'm only saying that they are not mentioned. "For God so love the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." Call me picky but I only see US in there. It didn't say - for God so loved the universe.
I wasn't saying it implies aliens don't exist, it doesn't.
So you didn't actually write:
I just have to have "faith" either that they do not exist or if they do, they are prohibited from coming here.

I'm only saying that they are not mentioned.
Yeah, I notice there's very little mention of cell phones, TV or supertankers in the bible too. How did they affect your faith?

"For God so love the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have everlasting life." Call me picky but I only see US in there. It didn't say - for God so loved the universe.
Which, one more time, says nothing whatsoever about the existence of aliens.
Maybe they exist but (as I said) they didn't get Jesus. Maybe they didn't need him. Maybe they don't deserve eternal life. All sorts of options...