What will the future Hold for us?


Registered Senior Member

In the beggining of the XX century, scientists and other scientific institutions declared that
Heavier-than-Air Flight was impossible and anyone trying to do a machine that would try to break this rule would be considerer a nutcase!

In 1878, the Britanic Parlament declared that Edison's new yet to come invention called the light bulb was an absolut ignis fatuus

Simon Newcomb said that long distance air travelling was nonsense,
and finnally A. W. Bickerton in 1926 said that the ideas of Goddard and Oberth, about going to the moon was completely praticaly impossible...
(some conspiracy fellows still say it is ;) )
along with the normal functioning of the rocket in space that was declared as unlogical by the Times Magazine, making jokes of Goddard...

Along with many discoveries that seemed impossible decades ago,
what do you guys believe that the will be the Future "impossible" surprises ?

I believe that new discoveries regarding counsciousness and other matters related to parapsychology will start to have a logic foundation some years from now.. (along with the "normal sciences")

Ive been studying, and watching the development of more and more pratical discoveries..

And many physical experiments were proved to be succesfull, from Remote Viewing (CIA did pay a lot for that in the 70s),
to Small "telekinesis" phenomena under laboratory controlled experiments,
and Extrasensory perceptions of various kinds

Unlike popular knowledge...
Telekinesis, and Viewing with the mind long distance locations were indeed tested under laboratory conditions and proven many times to be true Phenomena although hard to replicate...
(If skeptics did their "homework" they would first consult the hundreds of serious scientific laboratory experiments)

The question for you all is...
(And yes... even the more extremist Skeptics are invited to "open their minds" and say what they believe to be true)

... what will the future hold, If these "phenomena" will start to occupy a field on the Hard-Sciences...
and being physically used for the benefit (or not) of the Human Race..

Please try to be serious about your oppinions :)

(A nice example: The Pre-Crime Unit on the movie Minority Report ...
a good example of a possible pratical use of Paraphysics)
Originally posted by Ertai
And many physical experiments were proved to be succesfull, from Remote Viewing (CIA did pay a lot for that in the 70s),
to Small "telekinesis" phenomena under laboratory controlled experiments,
and Extrasensory perceptions of various kinds

Unlike popular knowledge...
Telekinesis, and Viewing with the mind long distance locations were indeed tested under laboratory conditions and proven many times to be true Phenomena although hard to replicate...
(If skeptics did their "homework" they would first consult the hundreds of serious scientific laboratory experiments)

Oh really? I'd love to see your sources for this.
Oh my...

Do I have to do all the work?

Under the Free Information Act... around 1995 CIA declassified documents regard their use of "psychic" spyies on the cold war..
Mainly because the russians were doing it too..
Its official... Its on documents, Its a fact... now you do the work to check that out.

Abstract - In July 1995 the CIA declassified, and approved for release, documents revealing its sponsorship in the 1970s of a program at Stanford Research Institute in Menlo Park, CA, to determine whether such phenomena as remote viewing "might have any utility for intelligence collection"

You can check news related to this on known news sites..
But of course if you were watching the news in 1995 you could still remember because it caused a lot of fuss on the media channels..

On SRI (Stanford Research Isntitute)
Persons like Ingo Swann, Uri Geller and Pat Price were tested under laboratory experiments, with many physics scientist, and others... many good results were obtained, including the repeated TK, and Extrasensory perception experiments..

But this is just not one or two examples... a lot more can be found, but these were the more groundbreaking, and the most relevant and serious studies that were taken to understand psychic phenomena

But of course if you just dont believe me or think the source of information is bogus, you can do the research by yourself..

Unfortunately the general scientific community didnt tried much to divulge this type of information(because its a "laughable" topic, because of the skeptic and religious, or the called "non-scientific" connotations), so many people out there dont know what was done toward understanding ESP,etc..

Even today many Scientific institutions, like Universities,etc.. still from time to time do some research on this matters.. all you have to do is keep your attention to know about it
what the future hold for us

Hopefully...T3 connections for all
a Perfect OS
Fate of humanity
Saving of this planet among other things.....we don't know what the fututre holds and it's fun that way

Hopefully what I'm looking forward to with greatest expectancy would be an anti-gravity generator of some sort, making space-travel pratical. Furthermore, another invention worth thinking about would be a practical fusion reactor or uses for radioactive waste.

Impossible you say? Let's just wait and see...
Originally posted by Ertai
Oh my...

Do I have to do all the work?

Yes, when you make a claim, you are responceable for backing it up. Quite a hastle, I know, but if it's too much for you, you can always just keep your mouth shut.

Originally posted by Ertai
Under the Free Information Act... around 1995 CIA declassified documents regard their use of "psychic" spyies on the cold war..
Mainly because the russians were doing it too..
Its official... Its on documents, Its a fact... now you do the work to check that out.

I already knew about this, I also know that nothing ever came of it. If you wish to show me evidence to the contrary, remember, that's your burden, you're the positive claimant, and this is a debate, the burden of proof lies on you, not me. Don't expect others to prove your points for you.

Originally posted by Ertai
Unfortunately the general scientific community didnt tried much to divulge this type of information(because its a "laughable" topic, because of the skeptic and religious, or the called "non-scientific" connotations), so many people out there dont know what was done toward understanding ESP,etc..

That's really a very lame excuse. If the CIA was looking into it for practical application, and they found that there was actually something to all this gobldy gook at all, then why would they decide to just shut everything down and never mention the success they had with it? The answer is self evident: Because they didn't have any. The idea would not have seemed bogus or ridiculous if they had the proof of it's validity, as I understand that's the purpose that testing is supposed to serve. If they had the results, which proved your claim, then why did they make them disappear?
Mystech wrote:
That's really a very lame excuse. If the CIA was looking into it for practical application, and they found that there was actually something to all this gobldy gook at all, then why would they decide to just shut everything down and never mention the success they had with it? The answer is self evident: Because they didn't have any. The idea would not have seemed bogus or ridiculous if they had the proof of it's validity, as I understand that's the purpose that testing is supposed to serve. If they had the results, which proved your claim, then why did they make them disappear?

It didnt disappear... The information is right there..
Although 90% of the data on the Remote Viewing research CIA had was still not declassified..

Just imagine that... They spent 20 years with that "loony" project, and spent some million dollars of Tax Funds for something that didnt exist?

If they did start to do that stuff, was because It Was indeed a true genuine effect.. althought not always 100% correct (nothing is for that matter..)

The russians were studying these parapsychology for decades!
And there is no real evidence that CIA didnt do anything after shutting down the RV research and intelligence..

Its quite possible that they still continue, but with more undercover and with less public knowledge..

If they had the results, which proved your claim, then why did they make them disappear?

The information didnt disappear... its official, and many tests, and sucessfull experiments are available in public files...
You can check on the net for this, many guys that worked for the CIA and the 70s published some books about it..

I mean.. If you dont know nothing about this how can you discuss this? First learn the facts,
one good reason for the CIA to give up it... its simply cause It was to public, everyone knew about it at the time (in the late 70, 80s, etc.. the information got out to the media)..
And for the skeptics and most scientists... knowing that CIA was working on this is quite a strange thing, for it to do... since this things are "impossible"... as skeptics say..

Anyway... keep searching for info on the net... Remote viewing, Ingo Swann, CIA, Mcmoneagle, SRI, etc..

You'll see that much of the info is not made up, and comes from very official channels..

So this is it... I dont have to prove anything.. the information and facts are there for the taking...