What was the sin of Sodom?


Registered Senior Member
As we seem to be getting a lot of discussion around homosexuality and the word 'sodomy' has been used, it might be useful to actually put the record straight.

The sin of Sodom was not connected with homosexuality.

Ezekiel 16 states what it actually was,

49 " 'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. (NIV).

Further detail is given in the non canonical (but quoted in scriptural Books of Joshua and Samuel) Book of Jasher Chapter 19 (http://www.ccel.org/a/anonymous/jasher/19.htm for those interested).

It is sad that some translations have chosen to use the Hebrew word for 'know' in its minority usage of 'have sex with' in this particular story when it is certain from the background in Jasher and Ezekiel that it simply meant to 'know' as in 'find out who they were'. This also much better explains the action of Lot. he was prepared to distract the angry people by giving his virgin daughters over for them to have sex with (a strange thing to do if they were homosexual!) rather than see the strangers murdered.

The bottom line is that the Sodomites were rich, did not like poor strangers coming in to their city who they might have to support with what they considered to be their 'hard earned wealth' and they normally killed any that came in. Some of us may find chilling parallels with the treatment of some immigrants in some cities in our own times.


Gordon said:
As we seem to be getting a lot of discussion around homosexuality and the word 'sodomy' has been used, it might be useful to actually put the record straight.

The sin of Sodom was not connected with homosexuality.

Ezekiel 16 states what it actually was,

49 " 'Now this was the sin of your sister Sodom: She and her daughters were arrogant, overfed and unconcerned; they did not help the poor and needy. 50 They were haughty and did detestable things before me. Therefore I did away with them as you have seen. (NIV).

Further detail is given in the non canonical (but quoted in scriptural Books of Joshua and Samuel) Book of Jasher Chapter 19 (http://www.ccel.org/a/anonymous/jasher/19.htm for those interested).

It is sad that some translations have chosen to use the Hebrew word for 'know' in its minority usage of 'have sex with' in this particular story when it is certain from the background in Jasher and Ezekiel that it simply meant to 'know' as in 'find out who they were'. This also much better explains the action of Lot. he was prepared to distract the angry people by giving his virgin daughters over for them to have sex with (a strange thing to do if they were homosexual!) rather than see the strangers murdered.

The bottom line is that the Sodomites were rich, did not like poor strangers coming in to their city who they might have to support with what they considered to be their 'hard earned wealth' and they normally killed any that came in. Some of us may find chilling parallels with the treatment of some immigrants in some cities in our own times.

regards, Gordon.

M*W: You are right on target. Here's a post I submitted on 07/23/05:

M*W: The story about the destruction of Sodom and Gomorrah is not about homosexuality at all. It's about the sin of breaching sacred hospitality. The story of S&G was addressed by three prominent biblical figures -- Ezekiel, Luke and Jesus. The story was NOT about homosexuality as Christians have attributed to it, it's about inhospitality and failure to care for the poor.

Professor and Minister, Dr. Peter Gomes, states: "To suggest that Sodom and Gomorrah is about homosexual sex is an analysis of about as much worth as suggesting that the story of Jonah and the whale is a treatise on fishing."

The story was written about 1400 BCE. S&G were allegedly located at the southwest end of the Dead Sea. It was called the "Dead Sea" due to it's high salinity. Sodom got its name Har Sedom (Mount Sodom) which had absolutely nothing to do with homosexuality. The story had equally as many sexually licentious woman as men.

One theory is that S&G sat over an oil source that exploded and "sodiumized" the towns. There are other theories, however, like an asteroid hit or a nuclear explosion occurred. It is clearly expressed in the bible that Lot's wife turned into a pillar of salt. Christians tend to overlook Lot's offering of his two virgin daughters to the rowdy crowd so they'd leave his visitors alone. And you never hear a Christian talk negatively about the behavior of Lot's incestuous daughters.

To add a footnote to this explanation, there is a salt pillar on a mountain in the area of the Dead Sea which is known as "Lot's Wife." Therefore, the story of S&G is a story about how that mountain came to be and not about real human beings.
If you're an active homosexual then every hog in america is ashamed of you.
Preaching channel? Lol, hope you guys don't have to buy a license to watch TV. Clearly it wouldn't be worth the money.
Woody said:
I heard it today on the preaching channel:

"If you're an active homosexual then every hog in america is ashamed of you."

Dr. Lester Sumrall (1913-1996)

Anyone who incites hatred against any group of people on the basis of race, sex, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious belief, choice of lifestyle or whatever is not following the words and actions of Jesus Christ - end of story!

kind regards,

Only two possible possiblities that I see: either god as the bible depicts does not exist, or god is a bipolar psychopath, and sociopath, and a dickhead with multiple-personality-disorder.
Coming from one who doesn't know God...that is a good word to listen to... :rolleyes:
Woody said:
I heard it today on the preaching channel:

"If you're an active homosexual then every hog in america is ashamed of you."

Dr. Lester Sumrall (1913-1996)
Gordon said:
Anyone who incites hatred against any group of people on the basis of race, sex, ethnic origin, sexual orientation, religious belief, choice of lifestyle or whatever is not following the words and actions of Jesus Christ - end of story!

kind regards,


I'd like to think that Dr. Lester Sumrall is, as I write, getting relentlessly bummed in Hell.

But he's probably been made a saint.