What was the church trying to hide?


Jesus: Mythstory--Not History!
Valued Senior Member
M*W: What was the Church of Rome trying to hide?

In the second century, the Church under Pope Benedict XIII, destroyed all Jewish books that held information on the real Jesus Christ. All editions of the first book, Mar Yesu, and the second, The Book of Elxai, were destroyed in their entirety. However, the Church archives have recorded that these books were in circulation and were known to the early church fathers.

Bishop Hippolytus (176-236 AD) had knowledge of these writings, as did Epiphanius of Salamis (315–403 AD), who had referenced them in early editions of the Talmud. Rabbis revered the destroyed manuscripts and considered them to be extensive original records recording the life of the Rabbi Jesus.

What was the Church of Rome trying to hide? Jesus's parentage. Jesus' real father was the Roman soldier Tiberius Julius Abdas Panthera who raped Jesus' mother Mary, the alleged prostitute who gave birth in seclusion to twins.
Excerpted from Epiphanius: (ca. 310 - 403 CE). Saint; Bishop of Constantia (Salamis) on Cyprus; supposed author of the Physiologus.
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M*W: Come on people! I'm sure there are thoughts on this. Surely some of you may have read about these topics, or are both the catholics and protestants just pissing in the wind and afraid to reply?
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M*W, the Talmud was composed between 100 or 200 years after Christ. The story of the alledged Jesus in the Talmud is likely a reaction against early Christians.
Epiphanius of Salamis, what a title. what does M*W think they where hiding? surely they have concealed more than jesus' geneaology.
The 2nd Century church was not in the all-powerful position it held later on, and was certainly not in a position to impose the destruction of the Rabbinical books of the Jews.

However, lets say that in the 2nd Century non-Christian Jews, Rabbis specifically, had revered Yeshua as a sage and a rabbi. The later considerable antipathy of Talmudic Judaism of course stems from the dominant oppressive position achieved by Christianity after the 4th Century. So these 2nd Century Jews have "holy books" which describe the life of Jesus from a Jewish perspective, and the Christians came upon them and destroyed them. Why would the Church be particularly trying to "hide" anything at all? They hate and revile Jews, enter and defile their synagogue and destroy many scrolls. Someone says, "What is this?" and gets the reply "Why, it is our own scroll on the life of your great Rabbi, Jesus!" Is the book-burner going to say, "Ooh, that's sounds fascinating! Let's have a look at that then!" Or is he going to respond the way book-burners have for many more thousands of years than has elapsed since then, and say, "These are unholy books the Christ-killers have written about our Lord!" and unceremoniously tip them, unread, onto the fire?

I've been to Egypt in the area of Luxor (ancient Thebes) and Karnak. And there are many many places where the hieroglyphics, carrying as we now know, precious knowledge of the past, have been totally scratched away and obscured. And the people responsible? Yep, you guessed it - zealous uncomprehending Christians.

There needs to be no grand conspiracy. Only sectarian hatred (or xenophobia or plain ol' Anti-Semitism).
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They hate and revile Jews, enter and defile their synagogue and destroy many scrolls. Someone says, "What is this?" and gets the reply "Why, it is our own scroll on the life of your great Rabbi, Jesus!"
The Talmud does not portray Jesus as a Rabbi but as a sorcerer, called Yeshu(which is a corruption of Yeshuah) The Talmudic story then goes on to say how Jesus stole the secret ineffable name, and then proceeded to work magic.
Medicine Woman said:
M*W: What was the Church of Rome trying to hide?

In the second century, the Church under Pope Benedict XIII, destroyed all Jewish books that held information on the real Jesus Christ. All editions of the first book, Mar Yesu, and the second, The Book of Elxai, were destroyed in their entirety. However, the Church archives have recorded that these books were in circulation and were known to the early church fathers.

Bishop Hippolytus (176-236 AD) had knowledge of these writings, as did Epiphanius of Salamis (315–403 AD), who had referenced them in early editions of the Talmud. Rabbis revered the destroyed manuscripts and considered them to be extensive original records recording the life of the Rabbi Jesus.

What was the Church of Rome trying to hide? Jesus's parentage. Jesus' real father was the Roman soldier Tiberius Julius Abdas Panthera who raped Jesus' mother Mary, the alleged prostitute who gave birth in seclusion to twins.

d))))hmmmmm, interesting.. read this:
"In the Jewish Talmud, Jesus is sometimes referred to as Bar Pandera, "Son of (the) Panther", Most fanciful ideas were expressed about someone called "Panther" whose relations with the Blessed Virgin and paternity of the Babe were the subject of much rich speculations by the Jews of later times, to the annoyance of the Christians. But the epithet has remained a mystery and has survived even the zealous acitivities of the Christian censors largely because its relevance has been forgotten. We can now see that it is, in fact, a descriptive title of the sacred mushroom, the Semitic word being a transliteration of the Greek panther, our "panther" {Allegro puts a hyp[hen over the Gk letter 'e'}. The reference is the markings of the animal's coat, described by Plny as "small pots like eyes on a light ground". The ancient botanists must have used the name animal for the fungus, just as today the near relative of the Amanita Muscaria, Amanita pantherina is so named among modern mycologists.
Rferences to the Christian "Jesus"-figure occur but sporadically, in old Jewish traditions, for it is here the Christian censors, who came to control the libraries of the civilized world, have understandably been most active. Where the name does occur, it is often attached to epithets or "incidents" whose significance
has been lost. These now need a thorough re-examination, for the "Pandera" references show conclusively that the early Jews were well aware of the original mushroom nature of the Christian cult, even though, later, through persecution and the passage of time, this knowledge was lost, or at least, no longer expressed in literary form.
In the New Testament, a straight pun is made of the description title of the fungus when one of the "red-cap" figures, Annas, is said to have been the "father-in -law" (Greek pentheros) of Caiaphas (John 18: 13). This piece of information is unsupportable from historical sources.....It is merely one iem in a grouping of mushroom epithets which include also the title of the new high preiest. Caiaphas, properly "Overseer", but used in the New Testament, along with Peter's surname, "Cephas", as a play on the mushroom word, Latin cepa." (The Sacred Mushroom and the Cross, John M. Allegro)

Excerpted from Epiphanius: (ca. 310 - 403 CE). Saint; Bishop of Constantia (Salamis) on Cyprus; supposed author of the Physiologus.