What the world may fear

Do you believe the Anti-Christ is Christ?

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Registered Senior Member
What I am about to tell you may disturb all whom attend any conscious thought. Take time to dream while you are awake, for these are all you will have.

I may only suggest the for growing issues.

Peril is thy name and the world be thine lady, as asteroids and quasars knock on the door of I, will I answer?

There are 1.25 Billion people living in China as we speak. We have given them our agriculture. 100,000 Americans produce over 1/3 of the worlds food. There are over 500 Million farmers in China. How will they compensate for this economic disaster? It's called WAR, this war is immense. They are tunneling under the ground and awaiting India for her glory. This war is fueled by Phosphates, the materials needed for farming and also in the production of Bombs.

No need to worry about them, they are on the other side of us. As an American, we must worry about our cars! As they fuel the tides of war no man shall walk, he shall be comforted with the AC and waste of the largest monster of all. No man, no woman, no child shall see the day of light for the following is eminent.

Yellowstone nation park is emerging as a national crisis once again. Only 640,000 years ago it erupted, it has moved entire lakes in remarkable time. If you look, you will find that it is 3,960 sq/kilometers in size, this doesn't include its depth. When it does go, just pray that the nearby water doesn't try to interfere for it will produce the largest steam explosion ever seen by man, larger than Krakatoa.

As if knowing this wasn't enough, we are facing the merger of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy. This will cause the very unlikely event of a Quasar, you know the biblical term. If you take into consideration of this, that word has only existed sense Einstein's great contemplation, for it was his mind that pictured the great movement of atoms. This will blacken a third of the world as foretold in the Old Testament. Please do no be picky with me on what book, it is a mass of reading in excess of 36,000 pages of intellectual material. This is an event where a star falls into the center of a galaxy feeding it ever increasing amounts of energy in such abundance that it will scorch our galaxy for thousands of years.

Don't fear, the end hasn't come yet, for the final judgement isn't upon you. You shall feel a disheartening emotion that fills you and all that surrounds you with hate.

Small Pox will rise and become an epidemic, it has not been removed from this planet. Cow pox is a easy alternative for it does not do near the damage and excludes death from nearly all situations.

Please, for those who wish to add to this, feel free but make it knowledgeable. Those who know the path, know the path...
Well, I am glad that you are in a good mood. Thinking like this could lead to one just calling it quits before all this shit hits the fan! I'd like to think that living should be about LIFE not DEATH and DESTRUCTION. They are enevitable so why worry, just live life as best you can and try to make the best of what you have while you are here. No need to contemplate the disasters you mention for there's nothing anyone can do about it. ;)
China . They are tunneling under the ground and awaiting India for her glory.

Yellowstone . When it does go, just pray that the nearby water doesn't try to interfere for it will produce the largest steam explosion ever seen by man, larger than Krakatoa.

As if knowing this wasn't enough, we are facing the merger of the Milky Way Galaxy and the Andromeda Galaxy.

Small Pox will rise and become an epidemic,

At least we won't be bored to death.
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