What the hell is important?


Registered Senior Member
This post is in the light of certain other threads *ahem*('Ban Religion')
But I think the discusion the question might open might lead to some different paths of thought that do not solely revolve arround the religion-anti-religion ideas(though I doubt it).

Anyhow, In the light of ideas such as the totalitarian ban of religion, of which are mostly blathered out and I have yet to read an intelligeble supporting arguemnt.

What I realy want to get at, what would you consider to be important in life? Truth? How the hell can you think you are capable of percieving turth? And if you beleive that you are, then please enlighten me as to what it is and why your 'truth' cannot facilitate different beleif systems?

For the record I am not theist, nor atheist, nor agnostic, perhaps closest to gnostic if anything.
And I want to say I don't want to sound too hostile here, if anything I am defending everyones human right to belive what ever the hell they want to belive no matter how screwed up because life is pointless anyway...
So I love you anyway.:D
