What the bleep


Registered Member
has anyone seen this movie? Down the rabbit hole? I don't know if it's crazy or true, or one of those DaVinci Code kinda fact/fiction mixes... a little help

Had some interesting thought provoking bits, it's really the type of film that you might introduce to a few friends to trigger thoughts on various Quantum theory related subjects. It by no means is the Epiphany that encapsulates 'What it is?' as there have been many unrelated writers, Scholar's, Theorists, and Spiritalist's that all have an opinion on the subjects at hand.

I guess it's really just a glossy covered brainstorm session for you to make your own judgement about.
That's kinda what I figured, there are a lot of angry reviewers on the web out there. I knew something was up when one of the interviewies had a tag "as channeled by" under her. Still, is the science pretty spot on? I love quantum mechanics and physics, but I find it hard to distinguish fact from fiction in this realm. (as far as reading articles on it I mean)
I guess this is the problem, the only links to the true sciences as opposed to just fantasy theory are accredited writers, journalists and academics. For the most part those projects and experiments that could test the very bounds of what we define reality are aloof aren't very well documented, perhaps the outcomes of them are negative and the people involved don't like to publically document failures. Sometimes it's just about their personal intellectual rights for what 'discoveries' they might make which creates a cloud of silence or they just aren't very good at communicating what they deal with on a day to day basis in laymen's.

Writers obviously have before them the task of not just delivering a consumable pulp of articles for popular science journals but generating the bridge for the communications gap, this of course means however that they can in turn misinterpret and sensationalise things further to keep a persons attention attuned to their publishing.

I myself have nothing but theory to contribute to the actual science itself, as I am like you a fan of popular sciences, esp. Quantum Mechanics. I guess you can say that Science fiction has moved everyone's interest on and events like the Space-Race furthered people asking questions about the universe and everything in it.
I love science documentaries, but I found this movie awful. Weak on facts, repetitive, and misleading.
has anyone seen this movie? Down the rabbit hole? I don't know if it's crazy or true, or one of those DaVinci Code kinda fact/fiction mixes... a little help

This reality-shattering film is an enigma to most film festival programmers who have no idea where to list it in their catalogs. And list it they will because this film is powerful and mind bending, with audiences begging for it as word of mouth spreads slowly across the country. It is uncategorizable because the film, created by William Arntz, Betsy Chasse and Mark Vicente, actually blends three different types of filmmaking with at least as many genres. It is a documentary interviewing 14 of the most thought-provoking scientists, academics and mystics of our time. It is a narrative feature-film starring Marlee Matlin, Elaine Hendrix and a host of other recognizable actors.

It is an animated exploration of the science of our inner beings with giggling, evil, sexy, jiggling amoeba-like cells that, unbeknownst to us, run our lives. It’s a romantic comedy, a drama, and a scientific treatise. But the weirdest thing about this film is that it works! It’s a great movie. The best kind of movie. You learn, you laugh, you feel compassion and intrigue, and most of all you feel inspired by your own potential by the end of the film. It is truly a life-changing experience.


Well I did find it cool and uplifting upon first seeing it, but after digging through the facts it looks more like a crazy cult thing. Granted there are a few topics that seem close to the point, i.e. mentally preparing or mentally changing yourself for the better I think is possible to a degree. Crazy ladies channeling Atlantean warrior spirits freak me out though...
Well I did find it cool and uplifting upon first seeing it, but after digging through the facts it looks more like a crazy cult thing. Granted there are a few topics that seem close to the point, i.e. mentally preparing or mentally changing yourself for the better I think is possible to a degree. Crazy ladies channeling Atlantean warrior spirits freak me out though...

Got to take the bull shit along with the apple pie sometimes! ;)
Well I did find it cool and uplifting upon first seeing it, but after digging through the facts it looks more like a crazy cult thing.

It's funny you say that, I often wondered if joining the dots together would lead back to the Scientologist's since supposedly they are responsible for a number of 'propaganda' films.
Bad, little naughties. Don't get throwon onto, in or around. Stare away!!!
Bad, little naughties. Don't get throwon onto, in or around. Stare away!!!


Also from what I've found out, it's not Scientology it's Ramntha. Equally cult like and weird. Although the channeling lady seems to have made a fortune, and possibly corrupted America into believing a twisted quantum physics perspective... I think it's time to enroll in some classes and forget about watching these things - they only confuse me.