What seperates religion and science?


Salam Shalom Salom
Registered Senior Member
In their use as explanations for the natural world, what separates religion and science? I mean, both explain the world. So why choose one over the other? Not that you can't have both, but assume they were mutually exclusive.
In their use as explanations for the natural world, what separates religion and science? I mean, both explain the world. So why choose one over the other? Not that you can't have both, but assume they were mutually exclusive.

I've posted this before.
Why choose any one religion over another? Science is, for all intensive purposes, a religion in itself, the religion of solid fact.
Religion does not produce cars, fly us to the moon, save the lives and suffering of billions. Religion does not manipulate genes, understand eco systems and allow us to cover the world. Religion is stories, science is method and action.
accuracy, an ability to adapt to reality


Which is reality; String Theory or Brane Theory?
Does Quantum Mechanics explain reality? How do you know?
Does time actually slow down and matter actually dilate when you approach C in reality?
How many times has the model of the atom changed? The model we have now is based on Bohr's ideas, is it not? Wasn;t it Bohr who claimed that what is happening is reality is meaningless, and all that matters is that the math works?

Does the Copehagen Interpretation accurately reflect reality?

I'd say that science should be focused on impirical data - the what and how.
Religion and Philosophy should be focused on the things that can not be proven one way or another.

Which is reality; String Theory or Brane Theory?
Does Quantum Mechanics explain reality? How do you know?
Does time actually slow down and matter actually dilate when you approach C in reality?
How many times has the model of the atom changed? The model we have now is based on Bohr's ideas, is it not? Wasn;t it Bohr who claimed that what is happening is reality is meaningless, and all that matters is that the math works?

Does the Copehagen Interpretation accurately reflect reality?

I'd say that science should be focused on impirical data - the what and how.
Religion and Philosophy should be focused on the things that can not be proven one way or another.

~That was a nice compact little bundle of thoughts, You gave me something to ponder over, but thats for another thread.

In regards to the OP I think its kind of obvious what seperates them, but you can use one to study the other. Maybe even use religion to review science, and look at science to uncover religion.

Being happy knowing or not knowing the truth, while being a decent helpful person who creates a big impact?.

That aside, what would be of most important to least important on a scale/list of 1-4 etc.

Knowing the truth would be empty, being happy would be fulfilling, creating an impact is meaningless because it only matters when you die, giving hope to others for personal gain is selfish and hypocritical, being a good person is quite broad. Being happy is the clear choice for me, because I'm not sure what being a good person entails.
Funny, I think being happy would be empty and knowing the truth would be fulfilling.
making a difference in the world is also very important.

I think what is most important, by a long shot, is integrity and compassion.
If you have those two, the truth is important, helping others is important and happiness will result.
Knowing the truth would be empty, being happy would be fulfilling, creating an impact is meaningless because it only matters when you die, giving hope to others for personal gain is selfish and hypocritical, being a good person is quite broad. Being happy is the clear choice for me, because I'm not sure what being a good person entails.

I think knowing certain truths can be comforting others not so much, but the truth I would say is important. being happy is fulfilling, I disagree that having an impact is meaningless, many impacts have many meanings to many people. Impact can matter in your lifetime, you can change history in many ways on alot of levels, from the history of an individuals life and impact on peoples lives directly from your life encounters with them, the trickle down effect of actions sends ripples in every pool it touches that all have impacts and impressions tht last a varity of lengths according to the size of the impact on the lake. Baing a good person in ways is subjective, but generaly having compassion and good non selfish intentions is a sure start in my eyes for being a good person.

Funny, I think being happy would be empty and knowing the truth would be fulfilling.
making a difference in the world is also very important.

I think what is most important, by a long shot, is integrity and compassion.
If you have those two, the truth is important, helping others is important and happiness will result.

Surely being happy is not empty?, I see fullness on a happy childs face or person when they are truley content. The truth too is fulfilling, making a difference is important for good or for bad.

Integrity and compassion I will add alongside honour and respect are true virtues, if the intentions are just and pure. We get happiness from helping others for many reasons, one of those reasons is because we know it is good.

accuracy, an ability to adapt to reality

reality...........what is reality?

dont you mean illusion? we are living an illusion. reality is made up. we make our reality. reality is here because we imagine it here. right here in plain sight. we can see it, touch it, smell it, hear it, taste it. and its all for just the experience of it. all that we say in all that we do we do it Just Because We Can.

and what makes it all possible????????
Surely being happy is not empty?, I see fullness on a happy childs face or person when they are truley content.
No, not happiness in and of itself, but if you are giving a choice betwen happiness and truth, that's a different story.

Blissful ignorance is most certainly an empty joy for those who should know better - in my view at least.
Could I be happy moving off to an area that remains relatively untouched by the world's problems? Probably. Knowing what I know about the world, would that hiding place offer me fulfilling happiness? Certainly not.

A blissfully happy, truly ignorant child is fulfilled with his happiness.
On the other hand, ignorance, like innocence, is not something that can truly be reclaimed.

Anti-depressants don't make anything better, they just make you forget how important it is that everyting is so fucked up and complacent enough to not bother trying to change anything.

Integrity and compassion I will add alongside honour and respect are true virtues, if the intentions are just and pure.
If you have compassion, you couldn't be happy believing a lie and hiding from the scary world.

Which is reality; String Theory or Brane Theory?
Does Quantum Mechanics explain reality? How do you know?
Does time actually slow down and matter actually dilate when you approach C in reality?
How many times has the model of the atom changed? The model we have now is based on Bohr's ideas, is it not? Wasn;t it Bohr who claimed that what is happening is reality is meaningless, and all that matters is that the math works?

Does the Copehagen Interpretation accurately reflect reality?

I'd say that science should be focused on impirical data - the what and how.
Religion and Philosophy should be focused on the things that can not be proven one way or another.

well said.....bravo!!!:eek:

just like the debate over Intelligent Design vs Exolution

i say evolution is intelligent design!!!!!
Funny, I think being happy would be empty and knowing the truth would be fulfilling.
making a difference in the world is also very important.

I think what is most important, by a long shot, is integrity and compassion.
If you have those two, the truth is important, helping others is important and happiness will result.

knowing the the truth is happiness that you can have both. truth and happiness. be true to yourself and youll be true to others and that makes everyone truly happy:D
No, not happiness in and of itself, but if you are giving a choice betwen happiness and truth, that's a different story.

Blissful ignorance is most certainly an empty joy for those who should know better - in my view at least.
Could I be happy moving off to an area that remains relatively untouched by the world's problems? Probably. Knowing what I know about the world, would that hiding place offer me fulfilling happiness? Certainly not..

No ignorance is not good, moving away from problems can be good for survival terms I guess. But happiness for me would not be found in not helping the problems, and running away.

A blissfully happy, truly ignorant child is fulfilled with his happiness.
On the other hand, ignorance, like innocence, is not something that can truly be reclaimed.
It can be reclaimed with understanding and accepting that suffering is a part of life, but still trying to do good and help fight.

Anti-depressants don't make anything better, they just make you forget how important it is that everyting is so fucked up and complacent enough to not bother trying to change anything.

Thas true like with escapism also, I have never tken an anti-depressant to know, but It could be said with smoking weed that is simular, if not taken directly for the reason of forgetting troubles, still I see your point.

If you have compassion, you couldn't be happy believing a lie and hiding from the scary world

I don't think many people actualy believe in what they think are lies, pretending the world is ok when it's not is not good. But you need a degree of acceptence and tolerance, suffering will remain in many forms everybody has trials in life. Bad things happen things that we cannot control (yet?). We cannot at this point in time fix everything, people will always have problems in life, we must try to take time to enjoy and be happy and for atleast small periods of time not have the weight of the world and unniverse on our minds and shoulders. We need to try and work towards a better future for this world animals and people but at the same time not take life too seriously. For all you know this is a game we invented in heaven, and its called life. You only go into the game for a human lifespan where your memory is wiped and you get to try and figure out everything without any help, you can do anything you want until its game over and you go back to being bored for eternity. So don't take everything further than need be, don't let things ruin your harmony and balence, you can take action and care while being happy.
