what scares you the most


Registered Senior Member
What scares you the most, what ever it might be i myself am scared of snakes, dont know why just am when i visit the zoo and see the things i get cold sweats and shivers.:confused:
fear of snakes--Ophidiophobia or Snakephobia.

Dark or night- Nyctophobia.
Dark place, being in- Lygophobia.
Darkness- Achluophobia or Myctophobia, or Scotophobia.
I fear that I am ordinary, just like everyone
To lie here and die among the sorrows
Adrift among the days
being molested by a fat, old, sweaty guy while inside a public restroom. I always just get in and get out of those things.
I fear being liked and respected. That's when people start making irrational demands for self-actuating emotional reinforcements.

No, wait. I fear the rage of people who will never know that there's no afterlife and that their life's investment was pyramid scheme fuel.

No, wait. I don't fear that. I fear never being a successful standup comic.

No, wait. I fear being in the majority opinion.

Yeah, that's the ticket. That's what I really fear.

No, wait. What I really fear is when thoughts aren't free.
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what a horrible question!

why do you make me think of these things!!!?! ;)

um, for me it would have to be he fear of getting raped

the next one would be throwing up:confused:
Shrike, That was a very odd and specific fear, but fynny! :D

Is there a story behind?

no I've just always felt that way, I'm just scared sh*tless (pun intended) of public restrooms. Thank god there's no story behind it though:rolleyes: .

P.S I signed your 'dreambook' at your website, beb. I didn't have a chance to check out the artwork then but I have before.
the unexpected. But since I never no when to be afraid it's not so bad.

I just realized that encompasses some of the best things too. Maybe that's why it's so scary.
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