What Russia isn't saying about the object that crashed into their Submarine

Commander X

Registered Senior Member
I'm sure everybody has read the newspapers or seen on the news about the Russian Sub, that is trapped at the bottom of the ocean. Well, it was just revealed in the last several days, that this particular Sub collided with a object, that caused the Sub to be severly damaged and sink to the bottom. The reason Russia refused help from any foreign nation, in terms of a rescue operation, is because they do not want any other nation to know what really caused it to go down.

The Sub accidently ran into a UAC. A UAC is a NSA (National Security Administration) accronym for Underwater Alien Craft. Yes, you read that correctly. The Russian Sub, collided with a underwater alien vehicle. Because of the sensitive nature of the reality of the collision, Russia did not infom anybody about the Sub till Monday, after it had the collision on Saturday. The only reason they had said anything about the Sub period, is because the NSA and CIA, as well as the U.S. Navy were aware of the collision, although at the time were not aware that it involved a UAC. Russia knew this, as well as the families of the 118 crew members, would obviously wonder what happened to their loved ones.

The collision was purely accidental, as was not an attact from the UAC. The UAC was undamaged, and vanished without a trace several hours after the collision took place. UAC's have collided with Subs several times over the last 50 years or so, and these accidents have always been kept underwraps. The reason that these collisions happen, is the fact that the Subs use Sonar, and the UAC's are undetectable by Sonar. Usually the UAC's recognize that a Sub is on a collision path, and avoid the Sub, and the Sub is completely unaware of the UAC at all.
It would be interesting to read any and all SOSUS reports concerning the sinking of the Russian sub. Certainly one or more of our hydrophone nets picked up something from the racket. Of course, SOSUS reports aren't something one finds at the corner newsstand.
I think that there must be some kind of underwater base in the ocean around Russia. There have been too many sightings and/or collisions recently. Do you know about any more reports of this?

Questions? Comments? Concerns?
The readings from a US sonar show a first sharp jarring, described as possibly being from an explosion, but not from a collision, followed by a second, larger explosion which registered 3.5 on the Richter Scale. The mystery so far is that there is no visible sign of a collision. No sound waves of that nature have been recorded, and anyone who has heard the sound can tell you that ripping, twisting metal has a very distinct sound, especially underwater. All the readout shows is what appears to be two explosions, a small one followed by a larger one.

For those of you unfamiliar with the Richter Scale, any Californian can probably tell you it's the device they use to measure earthquakes.